Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92859 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. codydaigleorians

    “mon mon mon MONSTERS”

    A quartet of total high school assholes frame a fellow student with stealing class dues. Their teacher assigns community service for the frames student… and makes the asshole quartet join him. Their assignment: assist elderly folks who are living in a strange underground apartment complex that’s pretty much absolute squalor. But the elderly don’t live… Continue reading “mon mon mon MONSTERS”
  2. codydaigleorians


    She slammed into the train car at 4:58. He knew, because he was on his phone, texting Claire that he’d made it on the 4:59 train from New Haven and would be in New York by 6:40. Claire wouldn’t answer. She would still be asleep. But she’d wake up and wonder, so he’d save her… Continue reading 4:59
  3. codydaigleorians

    Bearded Fruit: Pride

    Bearded Fruit is the queer politics and culture podcast I create with my husband, Neil. We were on an extended hiatus, but have returned to the mic. Hopefully, we will be delivering monthly episodes. Here’s our return episode: “Pride.”
  4. codydaigleorians

    Hey Writers: The One Thing You Probably Need to Hear Today

    Everything you do today in support of your writing makes today a successful writing day.  You wrote 3,500 words. You wrote 35 words. You sent that one query letter. You fixed that paragraph that was bugging you in that short story. You spent an hour reading to refill your tank. You sat for fifteen minutes… Continue reading Hey Writers: The One Thing You Probably Need to Hear Today
  5. codydaigleorians

    Horror Marginalia: “The Outsider”

    There’s a great metaphor woven through Stephen King’s “The Outsider”: the cut-open cantaloupe that’s filled with maggots. It’s a clever metaphor for the novel’s titular Outsider, a metaphor he extends to a ghoulish conclusion in the book’s last act. But in its less on-the-nose way, it’s about the unknowability of other people. The potential for… Continue reading Horror Marginalia: “The Outsider”
  6. codydaigleorians

    Horror Marginalia: “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” & Who Deserves the Horror

    One of the things I admire about Tobe Hooper’s The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) is its refusal to explain much of the film’s horrors. We don’t get any backstory for why the Family is batshit crazy. We don’t get an explanation for why Leatherface is wearing the faces and skins of other people (and, for that matter,… Continue reading Horror Marginalia: “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre” & Who Deserves the Horror
  7. codydaigleorians

    Connecting Audience and Space

    It’s not just the content of the program that counts. It’s why that content matters in your space.  A lot of what we create programmatically can happen at home. You can screen a film on Netflix. You can watch a YouTube video of an author discussing their book. You can do a craft project at your […]
  8. codydaigleorians

    Don’t Build Audience – Build Community.

    In arts programming, we don’t build audience. We build community.  Thinking about audience makes our programming transactional. It’s a one-off proposition: We make a thing. People come. We count the numbers. We’re done. Thinking about community makes our programming about relationships. It’s an ongoing proposition: We make a space. People come. We share experience. And we grow that relationship. Programming … Continue reading Don’t Build Audience – Build Community.
  9. codydaigleorians

    Don’t Network Up — Network Across

    Came across a fantastic clip of Issa Rae on Twitter this morning: this is by far the BIGGEST lesson I’ve learned this year! we can all eat/win if we work our inner circle. peer to peer ☝🏾@IssaRae — creator in chief ✨ (@aleyarion) October 13, 2017 // Who’s next to you? Who’s struggling? Who’s … Continue reading Don’t Network Up — Network Across
  10. codydaigleorians

    Cody Daigle-Orians 2016-01-20 09:54:10

    When we’re talking about white privilege, we’re not talking about white people getting whatever they want because they’re white. (You still have to contend with other marginalizations, white people. Like social status, education, geography, income, ect.) We’re talking about white people working from the most advantageous place inside our biased systems. We’re talking about systems … Continue reading

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