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  1. demifulcher

    Week 15

    Daily Create Assignments / Final Projects Sundreis   Kima’s Facebook  – Twitter – Flickr  – Pintrest –  
  2. demifulcher

    Final Projects

    First Assignment was Unsuspecting Friends which was 2 stars. This assignment I took pictures of my friends with out them knowing. I tried to get the best shots possible. Hope you enjoy. The second assignment that I did was Who Called ? This is an assignment that I decide tot make my self. I thought […]
  3. demifulcher

    Movie Trailer

    For my Daily Create this week I decided to do the (Food) Movie Trailer. I wanted to incorporate my favorite food/snack which is eel. Yeah eel! For this Daily Create I used the magical PicsArt application. I have used this application for many Daily Creates and other things to help me with class. With the […]
  4. demifulcher

    It’s Kima Greggs

    ” 3D Stanley”  (4 Stars) which was  a 3D Printed Assignments. For this assignment I decided to make Kima Greggs her personal on Baltimore Police Department badge. Being the great detective that she is, she deserves her own badge. I made the badge by Tinkecad. Hope you Enjoy !   Focus on one Color  (3.5 […]
  5. demifulcher

    Mashups and Remix

    10 Second Song Mash up  – Check Out Here                     3 Stars The Contest Nobody Could Win – Check Out Here           2 Stars Lip Read  – Check Out Here                               […]
  6. demifulcher

    Something You Want To Touch

    “Something You Want To Touch” Because I love babies and North West is the cutest baby! I decided to pick North West. I would just love to see her she seems as the happiest baby alive. She is the cutest little baby ever! I always like to look at her pictures up on the internet. […]
  7. demifulcher

    My Day in Icons

    For my day with icons I decided to use emojis and to make it on my phone. I did my in order so that it would be easier for you to read. The first emoji was a “tired face” thats because the first thing I did was wake up. The second emoji was two cups […]
  8. demifulcher

    The one who got away…

    To ” The one who got away”  there three steps to not get caught. Step one you should eat eel sushi.  Eel Sushi  gives you powers to be invisible. I am pretty sure that you don’t want to get caught so the eel sushi that you eat the easier it will be for you. Step […]
  9. demifulcher

    Pick a pet and change it

    For my second Daily Create I decided to do the “Pick a pet and change it”. This Daily Create kinda reminded me of the hamster Daily Create they we did just a while ago. For this assignment I decided to do a panda bear, I didn’t really know which panda I wanted to do at […]
  10. demifulcher

    Video Essay

    For my Video Essay I decided to do a show that we watched during these weeks of week 11&12, Season 3 Episode 11. I decided to do this show just because it was fresh in my mine so I wanted to an Video Essay on something that was fresh in my mine and I could […]
  11. demifulcher

    My Video Swede

    For My Video Swede I worked with Meredith, Carmela, David, and Amy. For our video swede we decided to work with Season 3 Episode 11. As a group we decided which scenes we wanted to do and where we wanted to shoot them and then we went out at shoot them using the equipment from the […]
  12. demifulcher

    Minnie Mouse

    My first Daily Create that I completed this week was the Mouse Meme. This assignment was to create a Mouse Meme, but to “The DS106 legal staff advises you to avoid any reference to Disney and its stranglehold on pop cultural mice. Feel free to ignore our legal advice.” So I decided to ignore their […]
  13. demifulcher

    The Healthy Vine Challenge

    I decided to do the Healthy Vine Challenge. I really wanted to do this assignment, but I would always forget to do the challenge, but I finally remembered. For my Healthy Vine Challenge I made pasta with chicken, one of the easiest dishes ever can’t go wrong with making chicken and pasta. I knew how […]
  14. demifulcher

    My Safe Haven

    For my Second Daily Create I decided to do the Safe Haven assignment. I really liked this assignment. I have to say that this week has had the best Daily Create this week. For this assignment I decided to do three different safe havens, the first one I decided to put was my bed. I […]
  15. demifulcher

    This is My Story

    For one of my Video Assignment the first Video Assignment that I have decided to do is the “This is My Story” assignment. You can check out this assignment here “This is My Story“. For this assignment I decided to talk about how one day I pulled a muscle. I wrote out my story first […]
  16. demifulcher

    First Daily Create of the Week

    The first Daily Create that I did this week was the “Caption This”. For this Daily Create I had to Caption this photo or do a creative edit on it. I saw that a lot of people put captions on there picture so I decided to dress up my beavers give them so accessories to […]
  17. demifulcher

    Survival Video

    This is my Survival Video. I was pretty nervous when I did this video. I did make a few  mistake when I talked about who this video was for which is Cousin I said that the video would be for my cousins when they finish college I actually meant to say when they finish high […]
  18. demifulcher

    The Best Sleepy Shot

    My second daily create I did the “Share your best sleepy shot” This wasn’t that hard of a daily create. What I did was found a picture of my friend that was sleeping in my phone, I sent it to myself via email and then downloaded it on my computer and then I uploaded it […]
  19. demifulcher

    Public Service Announcement

    For my public announcement I wanted it to be serious but I didn’t want it to be to serious. I recorder my self add some sound effects to make it not so serious and then I uploaded it to sound cloud. If you have a hard time understanding what I am saying here is what […]
  20. demifulcher

    Look Listen Analyze

    For my Look Listen Analyze I decided to use Season Three of The Wire episode eight. For this assignment I use the scene where Stringer telling Avon the truth about what happened to D’Angelo.  If I could give this assignment a tittle like all other episodes has a title I would give it “I bleed […]
  21. demifulcher

    Inspired to Create !

    Today while I was commenting I saw a great video. I wanted to do something so similar but I put my own touches on it but  I wasn’t sure how to you the software that was used to make the video. I was inspired from Danielle Niepokoj by her “Save the Cows” public service announcement. […]
  22. demifulcher

    Halloween Daily Create

    I decided to do the Halloween Daily Create. First I had to figure out what color I was going to use, I definitely didn’t want to use orange because I felt that everyone is going to use the color orange. I thought about pink but then I thought about how a lot of times I […]
  23. demifulcher

    “Still being Inspired”

    This week I was inspired Brittany to do the “This is my Story”. I didn’t know what I was going to do for my Video Assignments but I looked at what a few people did and Brittany’s assignment really inspired me.  The one thing that I liked about her “This is my Story” was the […]
  24. demifulcher

    Baltimore Wire Radio Show

    I listen to the Baltimore Wire Radio Show. I really like the intro song which was also “The Wire” intro song. I love the side effect for the track phone lol that was very funny ! Your radio show had a great radio sound, it sounded like I was listen to the actual radio in […]
  25. demifulcher

    Inspired to be Inspired #3

    My Third Creation was actually someone’s Daily Create. There Daily Create was very unique and it made me want to do the same Daily Create. The assignment that Inspired me was the Daily Create “30 Circle Challenge” Here is a video that you can watch about the “30 Circled Challenge” if you don’t know about […]
  26. demifulcher

    Daily Create from the Creator #2

    For my second Daily Create for this week I decided to do the “Thirty Circle Challenge” I really liked this challenge and decided to do it, but I was really confused and how it was a challenged if there was no time limit. So I decided to give my self 2 minute when I did this […]
  27. demifulcher

    Daily Create from the Creator

    The first Daily Create that I have decided to do this week was the “Make a Light Painting”. I’m not a very good drawer, but I when it comes to drawing with light I figured that I could not go to wrong. So I decided to look for some application on my computer that would […]

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