Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. dogtrax

    Learning Walk Photo Blitz: The Autumn Leaves

    We explored the concept of the Learning Walk this summer with the Making Learning Connected MOOC — the idea that you walk with a camera and take images of what you see. In DS106, the term was PhotoBlitz. It’s sort of a visual Slice of Life. You pay attention with a level of detail you ...
  2. dogtrax

    The Genres of YouTube Videos and the Rise of Machinima

    As I continue my exploration of video as text via DS106, I was intrigued by a growing collaborative document that was started in a previous DS106 group that examined the various genres of videos on YouTube. Going through the list reminded me again of how vibrant and creative people are in making videos, and how ...
  3. dogtrax

    Reading Video: What We See When We Watch

    I am bit behind in my DS106 assignments (I know, that’s OK) and this week’s theme is all about “reading movies” by having us analyze video clips from films. I love that they shared out Roger Ebert’s classic “How to Read a Movie” piece, which really digs deep into the contextual and compositional art of ...
  4. dogtrax

    What I’ve Been Writing: Stories, Poems and Kinetic Text

    A glimpse at some writing I did this weekend in between baseball games, Halloween parties, assessing student writing, and being a father. The Daily Create at DS106 yesterday asked us to begin a story about the “sky never being the same” and I had this idea of our perceptions of the solar system being upended. ...
  5. dogtrax

    Makin’ and Daily Creatin’ the Open Web

    Two of this week’s Daily Create for DS106 built off the theme of the Open Web, and the main assignment this week for the Headless Course was to create a story inside the web. I did share out my work around revamping some of the frontpages of large newspapers now owned by powerful men. The ...
  6. dogtrax

    Stories Inside the Web: If Owners Oversaw the Front Page

    Over at DS106 this week, the theme is telling stories “inside the web,” using tools such as Mozilla’s XRay Goggles to remix websites and retell the news or information. I decided to take three newspapers and tilt the front page towards the owners, sprinkling in news and product names as if the newspapers are being ...
  7. dogtrax

    On the (DS106) Radio: Hack the World

    On Tuesday night, the collaborative radio show venture that I was part of — The Merry Hacksters — had a premiere on DS106 Radio. I represented our group during the chat with Alan Levine and Christina Hendricks. The collaborative experience was interesting, to say the least, as we worked almost exclusively off Google Docs, Twitter ...
  8. dogtrax

    The Merry Hacksters Radio Show Teaser

    I’ve been working with three other folks on creating a collaborative radio show for DS106. Our name is The Merry Hacksters and our 25 minute show is about hacking and remixing in the world, for good. We have pieces about toy and game hacking, a view of Minecraft and remixing from a kid viewpoint, how ...
  9. dogtrax

    Animated Gif Text: Stuck on the Page

    I am tinkering with an software program called, eh, LICEcap that allows you to create animated gifs for screenshots. I hosted the animated gif in Flickr, but to share the animated version from there, you have to navigate to “all sizes” and copy/share the original. A typical embed in Flickr doesn’t do the trick. And ...
  10. dogtrax

    A MishMash of Story (featuring animated crayons)

    Tapestry, which is a neat online and app tool that allows you to create “tap-able” stories, just released a new tool called HieroGlyphy yesterday that me intrigued. You can now embed animated .gifs into the story itself. I adapted a #25wordstory of mine that I posted on Twitter earlier this week and used the new ...
  11. dogtrax

    What It Looks Like When We Hack Chess

    My sixth graders have been working in collaborative groups to hack the game of chess, with new pieces and new rules on how to play. I’ll share more later as part of a larger collaborative DS106 radio project but this collage nicely captures some of the work they are doing to invent new board games ...
  12. dogtrax

    Visual and Audio Autumn Haiku

    One of this week’s Daily Create assignments for DS106 was to write a haiku about Autumn. Well, Autumn has kicked into full gear here in New England, and the day I wrote this one was the blustery kind of day that even Pooh and Piglet would recognize. Winds begin to kick - I crouch and ...
  13. dogtrax

    Life is Beautiful: A Tapestry Story

    Tapestry is a lovely site for making digital stories. When we talk about the power of minimal design, what I like about Tapestry is the simplicity of the storytelling, for both the writer and for the reader. The ability to set up “taps” creates a certain rhythm of the story. The simple fonts and background ...
  14. dogtrax

    Spoof Documentary Intro: The Connected Country

    (Created with Mozilla’s XRay Goggles) Yesterday’s Daily Create for DS106 asked us to “Write an intro for a documentary on culture and traditions of a fictional country.” Since we are kneedeep into Connected Educator Month, I thought I would amuse myself (at least) with a spoof intro for a fake documentary about The Connected Country, ...
  15. dogtrax

    Film Summary in Four Icons

    One of this week’s assignments at DS106 this week is to summarize a movie, using only four visual icons. Since I went to see Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 with my son, the movie was on my mind. Finding four symbols to summarize a movie is difficult. You leave a lot out, and ...
  16. dogtrax

    Early Morning Photoblitz/Learning Walk

    Some folks at DS106 were posting the results of an assignment called a “photoblitz,” but I recognized it as our “learning walk” idea from the Making Learning Connected MOOC. In either case, the idea is the same: take your camera for a walk and collect photos of what you are seeing. I went out early ...
  17. dogtrax

    All in for Audio at DS106

    What have I been up to this past week with the Headless DS106? Other than watching my son create freeze-frame zombie scenes all around the first floor of our house with his Lego collection (Seriously, they are everywhere, and none of them have heads right now, and they all look like they are about to ...
  18. dogtrax

    Gone Headless — The Rap

    Someone over in DS106 had created a rap for the Headless Course a few weeks ago, and I decided to give it a try, too. I’ve made the audio file of the Gone Headless song shareable and downloadable, so feel free to remix it and mess with it and do what you want with it. ...
  19. dogtrax

    Almost a Rescue: A Story in Sound Effects

    This is another element of the work being done around audio with DS106. The suggestion is to try to tell a story with only audio effects, which is more difficult than it seems. I decided to only use the sounds in Garageband, and what I quickly realized is how limiting that can be. But I ...
  20. dogtrax

    Remix: Boolean and the Squares

    My friend, Chad Sansing, created this very neat hackable, remixable Thimble page with Mozilla Webmaker that allows you to create a page for band. Preferrably, a fake band. It’s called the Fake Band Wiki, and so I dabbled with Chad’s code to create this homage to a fake band for a fake comic character from ...
  21. dogtrax

    Sound Effects Poem: A Life in Draft

    Let me begin by saying, I had a vision. I had this vision of an assignment over at DS106 around recording and using audio sound effects in which I write a poem about writing and use the sound effects of writing in the poem. At first blush, that seems perfectly do-able, right? I set about ...
  22. dogtrax

    Exploring Audio: Making a Radio Bumper

    Over at DS106, this week’s theme is all about audio. One of the assignments is to create a “radio bumper” for DS106 — a short piece that a DJ would put into a break of the show. Here’s what I came up with. I used Audacity, and the music is a piece I created a ...
  23. dogtrax

    Thinking Deeper about DS106

    This weekend, a video conversation was posted in which the main facilitators/organizers of DS016 (Martha Burtis, Alan Levine, and Jim Groom) were being interviewed for an award DS016 is receiving around open learning. I was curious because I actually don’t know much about the history or intent of DS106, other than it is a wonderful ...
  24. dogtrax

    We Live in Stories: A Summary of Ideas

    This past week, in DS106, the center of focus has been storytelling. In particular, we have been exploring what it means to tell a story in the digital age. I’ve thought a lot about this over the years, and have been bringing different kinds of storytelling to my sixth grade students as a way to ...
  25. dogtrax

    More Than Meets the Eye: Five Card Storytelling

    Five Card Story: When I Remember You, I Remember Us a Five Card Flickr story created by dogtrax flickr photo by @DrGarcia flickr photo by Serenae flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by bionicteaching I didn’t quite know where the story was going until that last image, which seems to be ...

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