Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Downes


    Potsdam, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.The rest are here:
  2. Downes

    Panama City

    Panama City, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes. Here's my full Panama City set from Flickr. And of course the beautiful slideshow. Video coming.
  3. Downes

    Truck in front of my driveway

    Truck in front of my driveway, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.What, me? But I'm so innocent! Says the woman who has just spent the entire morning parked in front of my driveway, blocking me in. Here she is, parked, blocking the driveway. Some pe...
  4. Downes

    Elephant Riding

    So we were driving along the road to Agra and encountered an elephant. Would anyone like to ride it, we were asked. "I would like to ride the elephant," I said. Emphatically. Click image for the large version.
  5. Downes

    For Whom the Bell Tolls

     Hereā€™s my Alternative Book Cover for ā€œFor Whom the Bell Tollsā€.  #ds106 , DesignAssignments366Here's the original cover:
  6. Downes

    Bruce Cockburn: Wondering Where The Lions Are

    Recorded at the Capitol Theatre, Moncton, New Brunswick, February 16, 2012. Sorry about the jittery video; there was someone 7 feet tall in front of me and so I was leaning way over the whole time. The sound quality is good, though.
  7. Downes

    Bruce Cockburn: Wondering Where The Lions Are

    Recorded at the Capitol Theatre, Moncton, New Brunswick, February 16, 2012. Sorry about the jittery video; there was someone 7 feet tall in front of me and so I was leaning way over the whole time. The sound quality is good, though.
  8. Downes

    Halifax B&W

    Halifax B&W, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Via Flickr: For The Daily Create #tdc02 in ds106. The original bland colour photo is of Halifax in the rain, January 2, 2012 (not 1912).
  9. Downes

    Halifax B&W

    Halifax B&W, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Via Flickr: For The Daily Create #tdc02 in ds106. The original bland colour photo is of Halifax in the rain, January 2, 2012 (not 1912).
  10. Downes

    2012 01 01 – Halifax, NS

    2012 01 01 - Halifax, NS, a set on Flickr.Photos from Halifax, New Year's Day, 2012. We went skating at the Halifax Oval. And had dinner at a Thai restaurant. I've also started a new daily photo shoot, 366-12. Started here.
  11. Downes

    2012 01 01 – Halifax, NS

    2012 01 01 - Halifax, NS, a set on Flickr.Photos from Halifax, New Year's Day, 2012. We went skating at the Halifax Oval. And had dinner at a Thai restaurant. I've also started a new daily photo shoot, 366-12. Started here.
  12. Downes

    La douleur exquise

    So here's my response to Alan Levine's newest ds106 assignment. I felt honour-bound to go with the first non-translatable word or phrase, whatever it was. It turned out, it wasn't so non-translatable at all - with the right image. Click on the image...
  13. Downes

    La douleur exquise

    So here's my response to Alan Levine's newest ds106 assignment. I felt honour-bound to go with the first non-translatable word or phrase, whatever it was. It turned out, it wasn't so non-translatable at all - with the right image. Click on the image...
  14. Downes

    Kouchibouguac Winter Wonderland

    Kouchibouguac Winter Wonderland, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Kouchibouguac Winter Wonderland photo set. We went for a walk in the nearby national park and enjoyed a winter wonderland for boxing day. The slide show is recommended.
  15. Downes

    Kouchibouguac Winter Wonderland

    Kouchibouguac Winter Wonderland, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Kouchibouguac Winter Wonderland photo set. We went for a walk in the nearby national park and enjoyed a winter wonderland for boxing day. The slide show is recommended.
  16. Downes

    Two Weeks in the Life

    Photos from ordinary life, December, 2011. I have a bunch of nice descriptions in the original Flickr set, but I don't know how to make them show up in the slide show.
  17. Downes

    Two Weeks in the Life

    Photos from ordinary life, December, 2011. I have a bunch of nice descriptions in the original Flickr set, but I don't know how to make them show up in the slide show.
  18. Downes

    Mapleton Park

    Mapleton Park, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.It was late afternoon in December, the light was very low, and I went for a walk in Mapleton Park taking pictures. Here's the rest of the set.
  19. Downes

    Mapleton Park

    Mapleton Park, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.It was late afternoon in December, the light was very low, and I went for a walk in Mapleton Park taking pictures. Here's the rest of the set.
  20. Downes

    Sandesh Pulijala and His Family

    Sandesh Pulijala called me this morning and introduced me to his wife and daughter, so I thought I would capture an image. Because of the backlighting, I have brightened the people in the image so you can see their faces.

ds106 in[SPIRE]