Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Downes

    Tonalá, Mexico

    Tonalá, Mexico, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Photos from the arts and crafts factory & markets at Tonala, in Guadalajara, Mexico and slideshow
  2. Downes

    Tlaquepaque, Guadalajara, Mexico

    Tlaquepaque, Guadalajara, Mexico, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Photos from Tlaquepaque, a historic region of Guadalajara, Mexico and as usual, slides
  3. Downes

    Fish Flying Through the Air, Free

    I've always wanted to tell this story (if you're only interested in ed tech move on). I remember catching my first fish like it was yesterday. It was on the Castor River at the Ninth Line Road, here (there was no McMansion there at the time). It was a ...
  4. Downes

    The Fall of the Tree

    Tree, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes."It's an ill wind that blows nobody good..." The front of my house gets the yellow warning-tape treatment as today's breeze, which according to the news got up to 70 kph, was enough to knock down two major li...
  5. Downes


    Alliums, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Still messing around with the new camera. Did a bunch of work with the autobracketing option and Photomatix, but I like this completely unretouched version still. Anyhow, there are some alliums growing sem...
  6. Downes

    Yes, We Have Four Cats

    PollyPolly, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.LexiLexi, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.BartBart, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.AlexAlex, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.
  7. Downes


    Andrea, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Photo of Andrea in a dark room with my new D5100.
  8. Downes

    Irishtown Nature Park

    2011 05 23 Ed Radio JezabelsToday's art is a set of photos from the Irishtown Nature Park that I took on a bike ride this afternoon and a YouTube concert by the Jezabels I recorded this evening. Enjoy. And I promise to make art more frequently in the ...
  9. Downes

    Big Snow

    Big Snow, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.This year's huge snowfall has resulted in some spectacular imagery. This is beside the parking lot where I work on Crowley Farm Road in Moncton. More from the Big Snow set.
  10. Downes

    Arcade Fire Concert

    Arcade Fire doesn't have a live album, but it does have all these great concert videos scattered all over the internet, so I combined a bunch of the best of them to create my own Arcade Fire concert experience. DJ Downes Arcade FireReady to StartNeighb...
  11. Downes

    Year of the…

    This has been in my head all day and I have to create it in order to get rid of it. I think I've gone entirely free-form in my submission of assignments to #ds106 ...
  12. Downes

    You Pull For Me

    An all YouTube set I put together for #ds109.DJDownes 31Jan2011Sources:- Via Rail Canadian- The Mission, Ennio Morricone- Lt Gen Romeo Dallaire- Sorcerer: Betrayal, Tangerine Dream- Canadian Army in Heavy Firefight in Afghanistan- The Life is the Red W...
  13. Downes

    Music Radical

    So here is the audio I created and posted in for ds106 - I'm not sure what the actual week 2 assignment was, exactly, but this will do for mine. Also, here is what I wrote as I explored the mechanics behind #ds106 radio. Great stuff.musicra...
  14. Downes

    Wii Hockey

    Click to playAfter all those serious videos, I thought ds106 participants might want to relax with a hockey game. This is a game I played on the Wii last night. I am playing as a Colorado Avalanche player, Vaclav Pavlikowski, and we are ...
  15. Downes

    Snow Day

    Video: Click to play Here's the week 1 assignment for #ds106. You'll notice that I managed to keep to the 30 second time limit and still tell a nice story. Unlike some. :p I shot the video in one take on my old FlipCam, opened the ....
  16. Downes

    Halifax 2011

    Halifax, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Enjoying a snow-free News Years Day in Halifax. Here's the full set.
  17. Downes

    Lunenburg, Nova Scotia

    Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.On January 1, 2010, we drove to Lunenburg to take pictures. Instead, though, we got caught in a blizzard and didn't really get anything. So, on the last day of 2010, once again from Halifax,...
  18. Downes

    After the Storm

    After the Storm, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.After the big nor-easter this week we went to the coast at Petit-Cap to see some of the damage. The entire beach has moved about 10 meters inland. That's our car in the photo, in what I think would...
  19. Downes

    Custom Google

    Somebody in #ds106 suggested custom Google pages. This is what my custom Google page has looked like for some months now. The photo is from my set of St. Andrew's, New Brunswick.
  20. Downes

    The Long Good-bye

    Another post for #ds106, Raymond Chandler's The Long Good-bye. Photo of Long Beach, California, by me, graphic from here, and lyrics from Keating Ronan's 'The Long Goodbye' from here.
  21. Downes

    Christmas Lights in Medellin

    Other people may be preparing for ds106 by creating their own animations from popular movies, but I find real life much more interesting. This sequence is of the lights changing over the river in downtown Medellin, Colombia, in 2007. Made by Picasion.
  22. Downes

    Irving Nature Park

    Irving Nature Park, originally uploaded by Stephen Downes.Andrea and I walked around the Irving Nature Park on Taylor Island in the Bay of Fundy, just outside Saint John. Here's the rest of the set.

ds106 in[SPIRE]