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November 15, 2016. Quiet day, reasonably productive. Got a five-port hub for my office. This is Polly looking blissful s she sits on a stool and kneads Andrea's shoulder.
November 14, 2016. Busy day. Trying the new laptop from NRC (accidentally turned off admin privileges so now I can't install software - gotta fix that tomorrow).
November 12, 2016. It's hard to believe we still have flowers in the front yard midway through November but there they are. Another quiet day - a quick run to Costco and some Civ.
November 11, 2016. Trees in my back yard. I arrived home yesterday evening; my luggage arrived home this morning, having not made it through the terminal as fast as I did. Quiet day today mostly spent playing Civ VI.
November 10, 2016. This beautiful A-380 was taxiing for take-off at London's Heathrow as I waiting on my own 767 to fly to Ottawa. The connection at Heathrow was an adventure, as usual - my 7:30 a.m. flight out of Beirut was a half hour late, which col...
November 9, 2016. Last day in Lebanon. Too short a trip. Gave another talk, and after went to the spectacular Jeita Grotto - huge caves just north of the city. Sadly, they don't allow photos (and take your camera so you can't even sneak one),
November 5, 2013. Arrived at Heathrow Saturday and had a three-hour layover and no access, so I spent my time eating far too much Sushi and attempting to connect to decidedly indifferent Heathrow wifi.
November 4, 2016. Spent a good prt of the day napping and trying to prepare for an overnight. Here I am in the Ottawa airport lounge waiting to depart, pretending it's early morning.
November 3, 2016. In the office doing some last minute work before I'm gone for a bit, including watering these plants. They took over when my flowers died - no idea what they are.
November 2, 2016. Busy day getting my archives together. Took this photo of Toady McToadface in our back yard (usually he's hiding behind the deck). It was a pretty cool day and he wasn't moving very fast, but he was moving.
November 2, 2016. Busy day getting my archives together. Took this photo of Toady McToadface in our back yard (usually he's hiding behind the deck). It was a pretty cool day and he wasn't moving very fast, but he was moving.
November 1, 2016. The office is getting into much better shape. Spent some time in there playing Civ VI - I'm still getting used to the interface. A bit unhappy today with a sort left heel and a sore right knee. Accomplishments: - completed a policy pr...
October 30, 2016. We went for a walk along the trail at Ridge Road along the edge of Mer Bleu, just off Anderson Road in Ottawa. Nice walk; we didn't even come close to finishing the trail, so we'll be back.
October 29, 2016. We weren't able to find any pumpkins in town so we decided to go to a Farm Boy in Orleans just to check it out (and look for pumpkins). It was interesting - more than half the store dedicated to fresh food, the rest stocked around the...
October 28, 2016. I took a side trip on a local road on the way home to take some photos of harvested fields. There was snow on the ground in the city, but nothing out here. From Flickr
October 28, 2016. I took a side trip on a local road on the way home to take some photos of harvested fields. There was snow on the ground in the city, but nothing out here. From Flickr
October 27, 2016. I feel like a genius: I got my tires changed yesterday, and it snowed today. It looks cold and dark out there on the road in front of our house. Also good was getting an important document submitted. That plus I was tired today after ...
October 27, 2016. I feel like a genius: I got my tires changed yesterday, and it snowed today. It looks cold and dark out there on the road in front of our house. Also good was getting an important document submitted. That plus I was tired today after ...
October 27, 2016. I feel like a genius: I got my tires changed yesterday, and it snowed today. It looks cold and dark out there on the road in front of our house. Also good was getting an important document submitted. That plus I was tired today after ...
October 26, 2016. Working on my environmental scan today and have a seminar this eveening. Also, with a forecast of snow in the office, I changed to snow tires today.. That's where I spotted this guy, parked in a tree outside the McDonalds near the Can...
October 25, 2016. It occurs to me that most of us don't ever get to see the scaffold-level view of a scaffold. But the window looking over this window replacement project offer a nice view. Another productive day today polishing up some project descrip...
October 23, 2016. I took some really nice photos of pylons and trees in the sun while we were in the city to pick up prescriptions, but there was no card in the camera. So we get this evening picture of the tracks and the fall colours just outside the ...
October 24, 2016. Heading out of the office after a pretty productive day, I had about 10 seconds of this light in which to snap the photo. I got two shots and have been agonizing over which one to show. From Flickr
October 24, 2016. Heading out of the office after a pretty productive day, I had about 10 seconds of this light in which to snap the photo. I got two shots and have been agonizing over which one to show. From Flickr