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  1. Downes

    Toronto by Night

    April 6, 2016. The second day of the Education Technology Strategies conference, and also the day I took part in a panel with Jon Dron to close the conference. Afterward I had a very pleasant beer or three with Jon. Accomplishments: - recording of pane...
  2. Downes

    Unon Station

    April 7, 2016. Taking train from Union Station route to Italy.Is it just me, or is Union Stateion perpetually under construction? It seems like a very long time since I've seen all four walls of the great hall. From Flickr
  3. Downes

    Traditional Bakery

    April 8, 2016. Landed in Frankfurt en route to Naples. I had bratwurst, as per usual, but this photo is of an airport bakery (which I might add appeared to be far from traditional). From Flickr
  4. Downes

    Toronto by Day

    April 5, 2016. First day of the Education Technology Strategies conference in Toronto. is the view from my hotel room window. From Flickr
  5. Downes


    April 4, 2016. This is the day I was surprised by the news that I would be replaced as the leader to the LPSS program. Last month (and every month preceding) I was doing fine. Today, though, I'm replaced. Why? Because. From Flickr
  6. Downes

    Alex in his Box

    April 3, 2016. This is Alex 'relaxing' on a Sunday afternoon. That's one of the nice thingsabout cats: they don't need packaging. From Flickr
  7. Downes


    March 31, 2016. This is farmland just south of Casselman. It's colder than it looks. It hasn't been a great few days. Accomplishment: - Finshed two days of developerss meetings. From Flickr
  8. Downes

    Stress Case

    March 29, 2016. I think we're stressing Alex a bit too much. You can see that he is completely unable to relax. From Flickr
  9. Downes

    St. Albert Road

    March 27, 2016. We had dinner with the family this evening at a local restaurant, but I forgot to take a photo, so the photo of the day is from the first local bike ride of the season, a 27 km jaunt doing a loop to St. Albert and back. There were thous...
  10. Downes

    New Chair and Cat

    March 25, 2016. I bought a new chair for my office ('the Executive', from Costco) and Alex has laid claim to it. Now he looks like he's lived on that chair forever. Accomplishments: - new chair - posted Good Friday hangout video - posted article 'Emerg...
  11. Downes


    March 26, 2016. This is a scene from the Home and Garden show at the EY Centre in Ottawa, where we spent several hours this afternoon. I bought some hot sauce and looked at things like garage accessories and deck refinishing, while Andrea bought beeswa...
  12. Downes

    Morning Snow

    March 23, 2016. It's very pretty as seen from my home office windoww, but it's not what I wanted to see this morning. Today is no-meetings Wednesday, so I had five meetings. Accomplishments: - some backlog grooming done - interview with the Conference ...
  13. Downes

    Little Tiny Pylons

    March 24, 2016. One thing I enjoy about working with NRC is that I never know what to expect. Case in point: this little enterprise set up on the first floor I spotted as I went to a business strategy meeting (yes, another five meeting day). Accomplish...
  14. Downes

    St. John

    I hads a meeting in Ottawa today right mear this fine building, the St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Catholic National Shrine. Back at it today, no real accomplishments but wall-to-wall meetings, all productive. From Flickr
  15. Downes

    Aircraft Carrier

    March 21, 2016. Last morning in San Diego. Just before leaving for my flight I spotted Boaty McBoatface cruising through the harbour and held my phone outside the 24th floor window to take a clear shot. Probably not the wisest thing I've ever done, but...
  16. Downes


    March 20, 2016. I spent the day visiting Tijuana, Mexico. You can take the city train to the border and walk across to the city - you have to traverse a couple of highways and a river to get to the central area, so it's a bit of a hike (8km in total fo...
  17. Downes

    Canadians in Paradise

    March 19, 2016. I took this photo in the last few minutes before my presentation Saturday. I was surprised by how many Canadians were represented here at the conference - the poster section, for example, featured a clear majority of Canadians. There wa...
  18. Downes

    Alejandro Jadad

    March 18, 2016. I both liked and disliked this presentation at the WCCPD conference in San Diego. It was long - 2 hours - and wandering. There were many long pauses.It was based largely on interaction with a backchannel (I out up a lot of comments whic...
  19. Downes


    March 15, 2016. Quick one-day turnaround at home. Time enough, though, to take a cat photo. Accomplishments: - inspected the upgrades to the house and paid the contractor the bulk of the money owning - finshed and uploaded my slides for the San Diego C...

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