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  1. dscays

    Trump’s victory

    The election results may have angered many people and instigated protests among those who voted against Trump. Reddit has exploded along with other social media, demanding for his imminent removal. On the other hand, we have people poking fun at this situation, making videos and gifs on Trump’s victory. Although Trump’s views are controversial, he … Continue reading "Trump’s victory"
  2. dscays

    Skype Links

    The other day I received a message from my friend’s old account which hasn’t been used in years. It was a link to a Chinese browser “Baidu”. I ignored it as I knew it was a malicious link. Recently on WordPress news, I saw a link that redirected to a wptavern page. It explained the same … Continue reading "Skype Links"
  3. dscays

    Static Front Page for Website

    I’m currently trying to make a decent front page for my website. I want it to appear appealing before anything else on the site. The problem is, I don’t know how to set a front page the way I want it. Time to do some research.
  4. dscays

    Website Purpose?

    I enjoy creating artwork digitally. I decided to use the website as a place to display my finished work and the works that I’m planning to publish. I intend to make the site visually appealing so I’m currently working on that before I add my other works to it. I have also created a tab … Continue reading "Website Purpose?"
  5. dscays

    Player rivalry

    In a game as competitive as Super Smash Bros. Melee, rivalries are inevitable. The game has seen countless rivalries which are often disputed with simple money matches or just regular exhibition matches to decide who is the better of the two players. However, some players can take things a step further. One player, Liquid | … Continue reading "Player rivalry"
  6. dscays

    Honest Video Game Covers DS106 Assignment 2

    In the DS106 assignment bank, I found an interesting assignment which asked me to redesign “untruthful” game covers or titles of games. I immediately thought of a few games which have confusing and misleading titles. In the end, I decided on the infamous Dark Souls series. At first glance, this game appears to be set in medieval … Continue reading "Honest Video Game Covers DS106 Assignment 2"
  7. dscays

    Mimicry is the best form of flattery – DS106 Assignment Post 1

    Under the Fanfiction section of DS106, I found a certain assignment that I was confident in doing. The assignment was to use vector or raster graphic software to draw my own design of my favorite artist’s work. I myself was confident, but I saw that nobody else posted any tutorials or finished assignments on the … Continue reading "Mimicry is the best form of flattery – DS106 Assignment Post 1"
  8. dscays

    Just a game?

    I enjoy watching competition, especially in video games. Competitive video games fall under the category of eSports which has gained popularity over the past decade. Like other fans, I can’t seem to stay still while watching professional players fight their hearts out to the death. The hype is so strong, that people who never played … Continue reading "Just a game?"

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