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  1. Eva Jones

    the faceless statue

    I was in charlettsville when I came across a phone lieing on the side of a hiking trial I was on. I picked it up becasue I thought someone would be missing their cell phone! I was looking though the phone to try and find the owners name or any information about who’s phone this ...
  2. Eva Jones

    Tutorial on photo editing!

    Who knew President Lincoln knew captain hook! ? I used paint and Gimp to create this image. I started with gimp and cut out captain hook. Then I pasted captain hook into this vintage picture with President Lincoln. Next I changed the color so that the color tone matched throughout the picture. Finally I moved ...
  3. Eva Jones

    My thoughts on ds106

    In class we were asked to write a short paper on our thoughts about this class! I thought it was a fun class and very informative! I thought that alan L ( our teacher) was very helpful and knowlageable. He really made it fun! The only bad thing about the class was the amount of ...
  4. Eva Jones

    My final project tutorial

    For my final project I decided to do a horror short! I was kinda inspired by the blair with project! To begin I enlisted the aid of my brother andy! We went hiking on these random trails behind his place in charrlettsville! I had never been out that way before and had no idea wht ...
  5. Eva Jones

    For my final project

    For my final project I would like to do a blair witch project thing! I have a ton of film of me taking the dog out and stuff I want to mash it together to make a story ! It will begin with a perfect spring day with kittens and such. then the dog must ...
  6. Eva Jones

    Another remix!

    I hope you get a laugh! I did this for the remix assignment of do the opposite of an assignment! the assignment was to add words to a picture to add meaning! I added words completly without meaning! I did this though the new photo editor on flicker! I just added words! But I would ...
  7. Eva Jones

    My first remix assignment!

    And…… The remix! for this remix I used a design assignment from “If movie posters told the truth” and added a few extra things I canged 4 big things! I used gimp to edit this and to change the color of the background. I used a very interesting lighting effect where you can manually adjest where ...
  8. Eva Jones


    OH man! I just got back from the dentist root canals are offically horrible!  had to miss class ! also twitters not working so idk how to get in touch to tell anyone that I won’t be there!
  9. Eva Jones

    I made a new video assignment

    This is a video assignment for my new made video assignment. I made a video assignment called make a tutorial. This is a basic horsebackriding tutorial. A few weeks ago I took my horse tag out and my dad helped video recorded me riding. Its very weird to watch myself riding lol I can pick ...
  10. Eva Jones

    The Video Mash up! :)

    SO this is my video Mash up! I mashed James bond and jonny english! I think It came out pretty funny!! I used AVS to edit out the parts I liked and mash them together! Its so funny becasue It comes off to me that is johnny english trying to be james bond! LOL! I ...
  11. Eva Jones

    For my daily create!

    This is Lilly in the rapahanoke river: I had just got back from riding and had a rough day, my horse had thown me! I took lilly down to the river to relax and she was having a blast! I have never seen a dog that loves the water as much as lilly does! So ...
  12. Eva Jones

    I thought I would share!

    I thought I would share this: In light that it is video week THis disaster occured a few years ago when I was just learning to do grabs! I remember that fall and it hurt! I didnt get up right away! But my freind videoed it and I hope you get a good laugh! Its ...
  13. Eva Jones

    5 second video

    A 5 Second film So.. Here is a funny story! I was editing a video for one of our assignments and I fell upon this, kinda by accedent. I made a cut in the video, and was tring to save a 5 second clip of me in my brothers jeep! well I acedentally moved it ...
  14. Eva Jones

    My first Video Attempt

    Return to the Silent Era: Harry potter and the Deathly Hallows Style I Got the trailer for Harry potter from youtube. I used AVS Video editor to edit the video. I added the Vintage look effect thoughout the whole movie. Then I went though and got rid of the more confusing sceans. Finally I used ...
  15. Eva Jones

    cat breading

    So DS being better than cat breading??? well it definitally is! cat breading sounds gross!! I recorded this video using my phone and then uploaded it to youtube!!
  16. Eva Jones

    got toes

    Daily create: I liked this assignment! thought this assignment was so very clever! feet are cute! So I took this lovly photo of my foot! I took it on the camera setting for cloudy and it really made all the colors of the room pop! other than that I  Didnt feel it needed editing I ...
  17. Eva Jones

    Daily create Sunday

    This picture was taken looking out my sunroom windaow! Its such a nice day out and the picture makes the room really look Dark and sinister. I had originonally thought of editing the picture but I decided against it when the inside came out so dark in comparison to the window. my favorite part of ...
  18. Eva Jones

    Daily create: Spring break

    preciousebloodchurch this is a picture from preciouse blood catholic church! I grew up in preciouse blood and met my best freinds there. I started going to this church when I was in kindergarden. I dont get to go to often anymore but its always a warm thought. I found this photo online. like I said ...
  19. Eva Jones

    spring break daily create 1.

    THis is my daily create for the assgnment of creating a picture of a cirle that describe how your body felt that day! I had a good day and was enjoying spring break so my circle is fun and a drawn a little out of the lines. I had alot of energy! I drew that ...
  20. Eva Jones

    One Story / Four Icons ( 3 star)

    This one definitally made me giggle! You will never guess what happens here! Ill give u a hint…. It happens in Alaska! If you havnt guessed yet, well im sorry! I made this in Picknick with a rectangle then I added stickers
  21. Eva Jones

    One Story / Four Icons ( 3 star)

    This one definitally made me giggle! You will never guess what happens here! Ill give u a hint…. It happens in Alaska! If you havnt guessed yet, well im sorry! I made this in Picknick with a rectangle then I added stickers
  22. Eva Jones

    One Story / Four Icons ( 3 star)

    This one definitally made me giggle! You will never guess what happens here! Ill give u a hint…. It happens in Alaska! If you havnt guessed yet, well im sorry! I made this in Picknick with a rectangle then I added stickers
  23. Eva Jones

    Name that single! ( 3 star )

    One headlight by the wall flowers! what do u think??? that song allways makes me smile! I rediscovered this song recently and have been jamming out to it! its such a 90′s song but a pretty good one ill say!
  24. Eva Jones

    Name that single! ( 3 star )

    One headlight by the wall flowers! what do u think??? that song allways makes me smile! I rediscovered this song recently and have been jamming out to it! its such a 90′s song but a pretty good one ill say!
  25. Eva Jones

    Name that single! ( 3 star )

    One headlight by the wall flowers! what do u think??? that song allways makes me smile! I rediscovered this song recently and have been jamming out to it! its such a 90′s song but a pretty good one ill say!

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