Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. emilysmayy

    How VR Technology effects Spatial Navigation


    As part of my learning experience in my Games and Learning graduate course at CU Denver, I’ll critique literature tied to the theme of game-based learning. These critiques will summarize features like research design, learning theory, methods, findings, and implications for the study and application of games and learning. Below is my latest critique on the second article published in… Read more →

    The post How VR Technology effects Spatial Navigation appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  2. emilysmayy

    Photoblog: Initial Observations


    Affinity spaces are locations where groups of people are drawn together because of a shared, strong interest or engagement in a common activity. –James Paul Gee   Photoblog I randomly stumbled upon Photoblog a few months ago and thought it looked interesting. But didn’t come back to it until a few weeks ago when I trying to decide on an… Read more →

    The post Photoblog: Initial Observations appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  3. emilysmayy

    Can Digital Games Support Peace and Conflict Resolution?


    As part of my learning experience in my Games and Learning graduate course at CU Denver, I’ll critique literature tied to the theme of game-based learning. These critiques will summarize features like research design, learning theory, methods, findings, and implications for the study and application of games and learning. Below is my latest critique on the paper, How Digital Games… Read more →

    The post Can Digital Games Support Peace and Conflict Resolution? appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  4. emilysmayy

    How Much do you Hate Fun? A Reflection on Games and Learning


    A little over a month ago, I wrote the post, I Hate Games: An Introduction to History of Play. Since then, I’ve been reading, writing, and thinking about games everyday. Some days I’m heads down trying to make sense of academic papers. Other days I’m reading tweets, commenting on peer blog posts or playing in my new affinity space, Photoblog.… Read more →

    The post How Much do you Hate Fun? A Reflection on Games and Learning appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  5. emilysmayy

    Learning through Play: Sorry!


    Last weekend, I had an adventure with my inner child at Snow Mountain Ranch near Granby, Colorado. I can’t tell you how awesome it was to completely let go and play! We (my boyfriend his mom) went snow tubing, roller skating to amazing cheesy 90’s ballads, cross country skiing, played board games and attempted two puzzles. Whew! Activities!! The weekend definitely… Read more →

    The post Learning through Play: Sorry! appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  6. emilysmayy

    Games & Learning: #Classcraftchat


    As part of my graduate coursework at CU Denver, I participated in a twitter chat related to games and learning. In this post, I’ve shared some thoughts around my experience networking and learning from this games-based learning community. The theme: Class craft! Okay, so what is class craft?! Don’t worry if you don’t know, I didn’t know either! In a… Read more →

    The post Games & Learning: #Classcraftchat appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  7. emilysmayy

    Comparing 2D and 3D Game-Based Learning Environments


    As part of my learning experience in my Games and Learning graduate course at CU Denver, I’ll critique literature tied to the theme of game-based learning. These critiques will summarize features like research design, learning theory, methods, findings, and implications for the study and application of games and learning. Below is my latest critique of the semester: Overview: The authors… Read more →

    The post Comparing 2D and 3D Game-Based Learning Environments appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  8. emilysmayy

    Games & Learning: #games4ed Chat


    As part of my graduate coursework at CU Denver, I participated in a twitter chat related to games and learning. In this post, I’ve shared some thoughts around my experience networking and learning from this games-based learning community. The theme: Play in School! I am no stranger to twitter chats. But, I’m usually the one running them. I’ve been developing… Read more →

    The post Games & Learning: #games4ed Chat appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  9. emilysmayy

    Can Gamification Foster Learning in the Workplace?


    As part of my learning experience in my Games and Learning graduate course at CU Denver I will critique several pieces of literature tied to the theme of game-based learning. These critiques will summarize various features such as research design, learning theory, methods, findings, and implications for the study and application of games and learning. Below is my first critique… Read more →

    The post Can Gamification Foster Learning in the Workplace? appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  10. emilysmayy

    I Hate Games: An Introduction & History of Play


    I hate games. Seriously. I’ve always hated games. My fun meter immediately drops with even the slightest mention of games. I don’t know why I hate games. Maybe I’m ADD? Maybe I’m to apathetic about competition and winning? Sometimes, games just seem like a lot of extra work and a walk (or something) sounds more enjoyable.   Someone: Want to… Read more →

    The post I Hate Games: An Introduction & History of Play appeared first on 4 Seasons of May.

  11. emilysmayy

    Highlands Sport and Spine interactive virtual office tour


    After tinkering with a variety of tools and instructional methods in my Producing Media for Learning course, I created a virtual tour using ThingLink for my final. I really liked the simplicity/usability of the platform and how it puts the learner in control of the experience. I worked with my partner, Dr. Jonathan Weimer, owner of Highlands Sport and Spine… Read more →

    The post Highlands Sport and Spine interactive virtual office tour appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  12. emilysmayy

    Learning in 2026: What the Adult Learner can Expect


    Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been heads down on Watson re-branding at work, my literature review on AI in learning and talking future edtech in my Producing Media for Learning class. The timing couldn’t be better. I’m fully immersed in future tech and it’s impact on learning experiences and outcomes. So, what will adult education look like 10… Read more →

    The post Learning in 2026: What the Adult Learner can Expect appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  13. emilysmayy

    Evaluating a Mobile App


    Have you ever used Rosetta Stone to learn another language? I have not. That’s why I chose to experiment with the mobile app, Learn Languages with Rosetta Stone, for my Producing Media for Learning graduate course at the University of Colorado Denver. Oh, and I’m traveling to Guatemala this winter so why not use it as an opportunity to brush… Read more →

    The post Evaluating a Mobile App appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  14. emilysmayy

    The Hunt for 8 Buffalo: An Interactive Video Project


    Over the past few weeks, I created the below interactive video for one of my graduate courses, Producing Media for Learning, at the University of Colorado Denver.   Assignment: create a 3-5 minute video about the sentence, “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.” For this assignment, I decided to focus less on the content and more around experimentation… Read more →

    The post The Hunt for 8 Buffalo: An Interactive Video Project appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  15. emilysmayy

    How to Produce a Podcast – Basic


    I just finished a 5-10 minute podcast for my Producing Media for Learning graduate course at the University of Colorado Denver and wanted to take a few moments to jot down some notes on the experience and process. If you’re like me and fairly novice to podcasting or, audio/sound editing in general, you’ll want to spend some time listening to… Read more →

    The post How to Produce a Podcast – Basic appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  16. emilysmayy does TLTS 2016 – Denver, CO


    Get ready ed tech,’s coming for ya… I am super excited to share that I will be part of an interactive forum with some extraordinary instructional technologist and digital innovators this October on the Metropolitan State University campus in Denver, Colorado. What is TLTS? The Teaching and Learning with Technology Symposium (TLTS) is an interactive forum designed to collaborate… Read more →

    The post does TLTS 2016 – Denver, CO appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  17. emilysmayy

    Facilitating an Online Synchronous Discussion on Twitter


    Downloadable version As part of my coursework in my ILT Master’s program at the University of Colorado Denver and Professor Len Scrogen’s Facilitating Online and Blended Learning course, I have shared below my expertise in leading significant and engaging learning experiences– demonstrating ILT Competences 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6.  On May 4th, 2016, I planned for and facilitated: Outthink… Read more →

    The post Facilitating an Online Synchronous Discussion on Twitter appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  18. emilysmayy

    Will Work for Brains! Engagement Strategies for Synchronous Online Learning


    As part of my coursework in my ILT Master’s program at the University of Colorado Denver and professor Len Scrogran’s class “Facilitating Online and Blended Learning” I worked in a team of four to create a multimedia deliverable to explain neuroscience-based strategies in online synchronous learning environments. We had a little over a month to get creative and collaborative to… Read more →

    The post Will Work for Brains! Engagement Strategies for Synchronous Online Learning appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  19. emilysmayy

    Webinar Recap: How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out


    Last week, I hosted my first webinar: How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out. Big thanks to my professor, classmates, and boyfriend for joining me on this adventure! I hope everyone learned something new and enjoyed the experience. Since this was something new for me and we still have one more webinar to go before the semester ends, I… Read more →

    The post Webinar Recap: How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  20. emilysmayy

    Implementing Learning Strategies into Live Synchronous Events


    As we move into week eight of the Spring 2016 semester (officially halfway through my ILT Master’s program— Whoohoo!!) I am finalizing my planning my first webinar, scheduled for Friday March 11th at 11AM MST: How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out. This is my first big project due for Professor Joni Dunlap’s Planning and Facilitating Live Events. To… Read more →

    The post Implementing Learning Strategies into Live Synchronous Events appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  21. emilysmayy

    CARP: Design Principles for Presentations


    The 2016 semester at CU Denver is officially kicking into full gear and this spring, it’s all about synchronous (and asynchronous) learning. I’m taking two courses with emphasis on both, which wasn’t planned but totally fitting! For Professor Joni Dunlap’s Webinars and Synchronous Learning course, I’ve been learning all about presentation design principles and best practices in preparation for my… Read more →

    The post CARP: Design Principles for Presentations appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  22. emilysmayy

    Blogging vs Threaded Discussion Recap


    As part of my coursework in my ILT Master’s program at the University of Colorado Denver and Professor Len Scrogen’s Facilitating Online and Blended Learning class, I facilitated a discussion during the week of February 3rd – 8th where our group, The Moose Herd, explored blog platforms and threaded discussions through the following questions: What are some advantages and disadvantages… Read more →

    The post Blogging vs Threaded Discussion Recap appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  23. emilysmayy

    A Webinar Critique on Learning in the Digital Era


    As part of my coursework in my ILT program at the University of Colorado Denver and Professor Joni Dunlap’s INTE 5670 Webinars & Synchronous Learning, I attended an on-demand webinar: Evolving Learning for the New Digital Era from June, 2015 to analyze and critique in preparation for my own webinar production. After going through this process, I am already starting… Read more →

    The post A Webinar Critique on Learning in the Digital Era appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  24. emilysmayy

    Blogging versus Threaded Discussions in Online Learning


    Which is better? Let’s debate! We all have our preferences when it comes to online communication, but when it is comes to online learning, which is better? This week’s Howlings is all about blogs and LMS-based course discussion threads. Is one more effective than the other? Are there notable advantages and/or disadvantages of each? Perhaps it’s merely a personal preference?… Read more →

    The post Blogging versus Threaded Discussions in Online Learning appeared first on Four Seasons of May.

  25. emilysmayy

    A Stroll Through our Nations Capital: Adventures in D.C.


    I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just a few weeks away. Where did the year go? A few weeks ago, my partner and I took off for the East Coast to visit with some of my family for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Jonathan had never been east of Kansas so I was excited… Read more →

    The post A Stroll Through our Nations Capital: Adventures in D.C. appeared first on Emily S. May.

  26. emilysmayy

    Corrective Exercises for Core Stability 101


    It’s official. I’ve turned in my final project for the Creative Designs for Instructional Materials course I’m taking for my ILT Master’s program at The University of Colorado Denver! Whoohoo! It’s a good feeling. Up until this point, I’ve created an infographic and a PechaKucha presentation for this course– two things I have never done! Both of these assignments were… Read more →

    The post Corrective Exercises for Core Stability 101 appeared first on Emily S. May.

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