Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. emilysmayy

    Integrating Technology to Automate Operations and Marketing in Chiropractic Care


    As part of my coursework in my ILT Master’s program at the University of Colorado Denver and Professor Brent Wilson’s INTE 6750, E-Learning Trends class, I have shared below a change implementation plan that is intended to automate systematic processes and marketing opportunities for my partner’s chiropractic business. This paper outlines the very first steps of a broader, long term… Read more →

    The post Integrating Technology to Automate Operations and Marketing in Chiropractic Care appeared first on Emily S. May.

  2. emilysmayy

    Bridging the Denver Food Chasm


    I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a grueling month. I’ve been heads down working on my second project for my Creative Designs for Instructional Materials class, researching content for our next group project in my E-Learning Trends class, actively participating in weekly discussions for both classes, reading, writing, and work is definitely not slowing down! In fact, just returned from… Read more →

    The post Bridging the Denver Food Chasm appeared first on Emily S. May.

  3. emilysmayy

    From One to Many: The E-Learning Evolution


    Whew! I can’t believe week six of Fall semester is coming to a end. Time is flying! To close out the week, I wanted to take some time to reflect on and share my first completed assignment for the E-Learning Trends class I am taking this semester at the University of Colorado Denver. For this project, our class was instructed… Read more →

    The post From One to Many: The E-Learning Evolution appeared first on Emily S. May.

  4. emilysmayy

    Improve Economic Opportunities for our Colorado Latino Community


    It’s been almost two months since my last entry…yikes! What have I been doing?!? Well, after the completion of my Digital Storytelling class, I took a few long weekends to do some traveling to unplug from technology and spent a little time with my family back east. Fall semester started August 17th and I’ve been in full-force-go-mode ever since! I’m… Read more →

    The post Improve Economic Opportunities for our Colorado Latino Community appeared first on Emily S. May.

  5. emilysmayy

    Confusion to Confidence: A Reflection on Learning with Digital Storytelling


    As part of my coursework in Professor Remi Holden’s INTE 5340 Learning with Digital Stories Summer 2015 course at the University of Colorado Denver, I’ve included below, a written reflection on my experience as a learner with (digital) storytelling given my participation throughout the semester. This reflection is complementary of my final portfolio and builds on my seven prior weekly… Read more →

    The post Confusion to Confidence: A Reflection on Learning with Digital Storytelling appeared first on Emily S. May.

  6. emilysmayy

    The Ways of Our Kind: A #CUDenver15 Collaborative Story


    Earlier this week, one of my Digital Storytelling classmates, La Dawna Minnis tweeted out asking if anyone was interested in writing a collaborative story. Hey #ds106, anyone interested in writing a collaborative story with me over the next couple days? — La Dawna Minnis (@llminnis) July 21, 2015 Taking the initiative, she started working in Google Docs and once… Read more →

    The post The Ways of Our Kind: A #CUDenver15 Collaborative Story appeared first on Emily S. May.

  7. emilysmayy

    The Four Seasons of May


    Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a real thing. We all are affected by the weather that comes with the change in seasons in some capacity. Growing up in Pennsylvania I always hated the winters. The sun doesn’t shine much from November through April in South Eastern Pennsylvania and the shortened days created the perfect recipe for a case of SAD.… Read more →

    The post The Four Seasons of May appeared first on Emily S. May.

  8. emilysmayy

    Response to Lankshear and Knoble New Literacies: Chapter Eight


    The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. — Alvin Toffler. After getting through the first few pages of the final chapter of Colin Lankshear and Michele Knoble’s New Literacies: Everyday Practices and Social Learning, I nearly dropped the book on the floor! Had I… Read more →

    The post Response to Lankshear and Knoble New Literacies: Chapter Eight appeared first on Emily S. May.

  9. emilysmayy

    Response to Lankshear and Knoble New Literacies: Chapter Seven


    With regards to the timing of our course, I’m skipping over chapter six and jumping right into chapter seven where Colin Lankshear and Michele Knoble take us further into the realm of social practices associated with new literacies— examining participatory and collaborative approaches to learning online (L&K 2011, p.209). This includes social learning and some everyday practices, the paradigm shift… Read more →

    The post Response to Lankshear and Knoble New Literacies: Chapter Seven appeared first on Emily S. May.

  10. emilysmayy

    Literacy through Creative Dance: A Critique on Remixing Literature through Movement


    Last fall I volunteered after school with Colorado High School Charter (CHSC) helping students complete their past due classwork. Many times we had to read through old literature from American authors such as Edgar Allen Poe and answer comprehensive questions, which many students (including myself) struggled with. Carrie Patterson and Dina Denis from East Bronx Academy For the Future are… Read more →

    The post Literacy through Creative Dance: A Critique on Remixing Literature through Movement appeared first on Emily S. May.

  11. emilysmayy

    Coping with the Emotional Effects of Digital Loss


    I’m sure by this point in time, many of you have felt the effects of digital loss in one form or another. Maybe you forgot to save the Word document and your computer crashes. Maybe you all the footage you thought you recorded on your trip abroad never processed. Or, may your iPad suffered heat stroke because you left it… Read more →

    The post Coping with the Emotional Effects of Digital Loss appeared first on Emily S. May.

  12. emilysmayy

    Become a Friend. Support the Project.


    Today’s DS106 daily create: Make a support poster for The Public Domain Review using one of their images and asking people to support the project. The Public Domain Review is a not-for-profit online journal dedicated to promoting and celebrating work under public domain. Learn more here. To create this support poster I first found a quote from the testimonial page… Read more →

    The post Become a Friend. Support the Project. appeared first on Emily S. May.

  13. emilysmayy

    Joe’s Poem


    I haven’t felt much of a connection with this week’s selection of daily creates. I’m glad I waited until today instead of forcing one just to get it done. Today’s DS106 daily create is another writing assignment titled: The dream of the Dragonflies – A death poem. Details: “Write a serious poem, ideally a haiku or tanka, from the point… Read more →

    The post Joe’s Poem appeared first on Emily S. May.

  14. emilysmayy

    Ode to the DJ


    I have to say, I struggled a lot with our week five DS106 Mashup Assignment. I probably spent entirely way too long sifting through the assignment bank in search of something that felt like a good choice and related to my focal theme of emotional expression through creativity. I kept coming back to the music mashup assignment, Opposites Attract so… Read more →

    The post Ode to the DJ appeared first on Emily S. May.

  15. emilysmayy

    Response to Lankshear and Knoble New Literacies: Chapter Five


    So far, we’ve been learning a great deal about the notion of “new literacies” beginning with concepts and theories to some everyday practices. In chapter five, Lankshear and Knoble discuss blogs and wikis as they relate to participatory and collaborative literacy practices. For the purposes of this post, I’d like to discuss the relationship between participation in an online space… Read more →

    The post Response to Lankshear and Knoble New Literacies: Chapter Five appeared first on Emily S. May.

  16. emilysmayy

    Goonies of the Caribbean: A Mashup Movie Trailer Critique


    Playing off this week’s DS106 mashup assignment in combination with Lankshear and Knoble’s “remix practices” and “literacy dimensions” highlighted in chapter four, I will be critiquing a fun little mashup movie trailer I found on titled “Goonies of the Caribbean” posted by Steve Concotelli (I don’t know if he created it or just posted). I chose this movie trailer remix… Read more →

    The post Goonies of the Caribbean: A Mashup Movie Trailer Critique appeared first on Emily S. May.

  17. emilysmayy

    Celebrating #PenATweet Day


    #PenATweet Day was July 1st, 2015 and DS106 is keeping the momentum going through today, July 6th. Today’s daily create assignment encourages us to remember the importance of handwriting. Details here. My take: does your handwriting ever change with your mood? Mine sure does! You can tell a lot about a person and how they are feeling from their handwriting–… Read more →

    The post Celebrating #PenATweet Day appeared first on Emily S. May.

  18. emilysmayy

    Girl with the Slot Machine


    Another photography daily create! Yay!   Embed history of art in the everyday Do a creative edit in the spirit of Alexey Kondakov. Embed a famous painting in an everyday setting. For anyone who doesn’t know, Alexey Kondakov is an Ukrainian Art Director who Photoshops classic art heroes into modern day situations. I call my rendition, “Girl with the Slot… Read more →

    The post Girl with the Slot Machine appeared first on Emily S. May.

  19. emilysmayy

    Are There Literacy Dimensions to Memes?


    It’s crazy to think we’re halfway through our Learning with Digital Storytelling coursework and I’ve written six critiques thus far. Time is flying! As I deepen my understanding of digital storytelling through my weekly social learning practices, I’ll be taking a new approach to critiquing. For the next three weeks, I’ll be focusing on just three critiques, instead of six,… Read more →

    The post Are There Literacy Dimensions to Memes? appeared first on Emily S. May.

  20. emilysmayy

    Response to Lankshear and Knoble’s New Literacies: Chapter Four


    Continuing the drumbeat of the term “remixing” as a social practice of new literacies, Colin Lankshear and Michele Knoble go into greater depth discussing cultural and digital remixing and the types of practices involved. At its core, the concept of remix as a culture practice is a “necessary condition for cultural sustainability, development, enrichment, and well-being” (L&K 2011, p.97). America… Read more →

    The post Response to Lankshear and Knoble’s New Literacies: Chapter Four appeared first on Emily S. May.

  21. emilysmayy

    Don’t be Bitter, be Better


    Having virtually no design experience, I thought this week’s DS106 Design Assignment would be challenging. To my surprise, I was able to find an assignment, come up with an idea, complete my design in one afternoon. I discovered, Minimalize Your Philosophy at random and it all sort-a fell into place from there. The instructions were to: Pick your favorite quote… Read more →

    The post Don’t be Bitter, be Better appeared first on Emily S. May.

  22. emilysmayy

    Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 6


    After last week’s experimentation with audio as a medium for digital storytelling, I wanted to explore it a bit further through one of my social learning practices of critiquing. After quite a bit of searching, I finally found something that I could relate to my focal theme of emotional expression through creativity:   Emotional Expression 1 By Ross Black The… Read more →

    The post Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 6 appeared first on Emily S. May.

  23. emilysmayy

    3,000 Miles in 30 Seconds(ish)


    I thought long and hard about what I would construct for this week’s video assignment. My original idea went to sh*t after shooting (thankfully it wasn’t terribly time consuming) and I struggled with making this coincide with my focal theme of emotional expression through creativity. I really wanted to do some form of stop motion for the 30 second documentary… Read more →

    The post 3,000 Miles in 30 Seconds(ish) appeared first on Emily S. May.

  24. emilysmayy

    Response to Lankshear and Knoble’s New Literacies: Chapter Three


    In this chapter, Colin Lankshear and Michele Knoble spend a great deal of time talking through the technologies and values of “new” literacies—specifically the interrelationship between “new technical stuff” and “new ethos stuff.” In short, Lankshear and Knoble argue that the “new technical stuff” of new literacies or, types of applications/sites we use to create meaning (i.e. Machinima) is the… Read more →

    The post Response to Lankshear and Knoble’s New Literacies: Chapter Three appeared first on Emily S. May.

  25. emilysmayy

    Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 5


    23 Feelings in Dance When we watch dance what do we “see”? By Peter Lovatt My mother told me once I danced in utero. Whether I was actually dancing it up for debate. However, for as long as I can remember, dance has always been a creative form of emotional expression. I can remember the highs and lows after competitions… Read more →

    The post Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 5 appeared first on Emily S. May.

  26. emilysmayy

    I Can’t Remember! A Conversation with Myself


    When I was in elementary school, a girlfriend and I use to play this game where we’d have an on-going conversation about how we couldn’t understand why we never saw each other at piano lessons, even though they were always at the same time. It was silly and I’m not sure why it has stuck with me but, the memory… Read more →

    The post I Can’t Remember! A Conversation with Myself appeared first on Emily S. May.

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