Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. emilysmayy

    Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 4


    For guidelines on the critique process, please refer to my 1st post in the series.   Overview: For my second critique this week, I’ve chosen a reflective video story titled, “Nowhere Anyhow” by Darcy Alexandra. This short is about a waitress, an adopted daughter, a coffee shop in the winter, and her father. I found this story on a site… Read more →

    The post Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 4 appeared first on Emily S. May.

  2. emilysmayy

    Response to Lankshear and Knoble’s New Literacies: Chapter Two


    In my last post, we discussed the evolution of the term literacy as told by Colin Lankshear and Michele Konbel highlighting the notion of two important terms now use to define our “new literacies:” paradigmatic and ontological. In other words, as I understand it, the ability to make sense of and participate in various online interactions (the paradigm) by way… Read more →

    The post Response to Lankshear and Knoble’s New Literacies: Chapter Two appeared first on Emily S. May.

  3. emilysmayy

    Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 3


    For guidelines on the critique process, please refer to my 1st post in the series.   Overview: This week’s first digital storytelling critique criteria for “A Blind Eye to Domestic Violence” by Jeffery Jean-Pierre is based on three of Jason Ohler’s assessment traits: 1.) Originality, voice, creativity, 2.) flow, organization, pacing, and 3.) sense of audience, for a total of… Read more →

    The post Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 3 appeared first on Emily S. May.

  4. emilysmayy

    Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 2


    For guidelines on the critique process, please refer to my 1st post in the series.   Overview: For my 2nd critique: assessment of digital storytelling series, I’ve chosen a digital story from the DS106 Mashup Assignment Bank titled “Music Mashup.” In addition to photography and traveling, music is another passion of mine so I was interested to explore this assignment… Read more →

    The post Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 2 appeared first on Emily S. May.

  5. emilysmayy

    Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 1


    As part of the coursework in my Learning with Digital Stories class at the University of Colorado Denver, I will produce a series of weekly critiques that examine and review two digital stories or media(ted) narratives driven by personal or professional interest. Initially, I will use Jason Ohler’s assessment traits as a baseline for each critique. My goal is to… Read more →

    The post Learning to Critique: Assessment of Digital Storytelling Series – Part 1 appeared first on Emily S. May.

  6. emilysmayy

    Rear-View Montage: Travels of my Past


    I am a lot of things. I’m a sister, a daughter, a grad student, a Social Media Strategist, yada yada ya– the list goes on. But, most importantly, I like to think of myself as a photographer and a traveler. Both bring me great joy and pleasure and I couldn’t imagine my life without my camera and some kind of… Read more →

    The post Rear-View Montage: Travels of my Past appeared first on Emily S. May.

  7. emilysmayy

    Week One: The Daily Create 6/8/15


    Hey everyone! Hope your summer is of to a great start! After a nice and rejuvenating break, I’m back at it– summer classes officially started yesterday. Before I jump into it, I’d like to mention that after my last post, I received an A in my Social Media and Digital Cultures class. YES! All the hard work did indeed pay… Read more →

    The post Week One: The Daily Create 6/8/15 appeared first on Emily S. May.

  8. emilysmayy

    A Semester in Review


    As our workload(s) start to dwindle and we all countdown to Memorial Day, to officially kick off summer, I’d like to take a moment and reflect on, what may have been, one of the busiest semesters/quarters of my professional life! I can’t say the transition into graduate school after being out of school for almost 10 years was an easy… Read more →

    The post A Semester in Review appeared first on Emily S. May.

  9. emilysmayy

    How Social Media Can Be a Voice for Social Change


    Expressing freedom of speech via social media is something I believe we will start to see a lot more of. All of the recent news stories about riots and police brutality makes me think of how social media could be, and in many cases, is leveraged as a form of powerful expression; eliminating all the violence and disruption. Unless the… Read more →

    The post How Social Media Can Be a Voice for Social Change appeared first on Emily S. May.

  10. emilysmayy

    Is There Such Thing as Privacy in Social Media?


    First of all, can just say that I can’t believe the first semester of my first class of graduate school is coming to an end! My how the time has flown by… I’ve been busy! We’ve covered so much great stuff in my Social Media and Digital Culture’s class and I have all these blog posts to prove it. Up… Read more →

    The post Is There Such Thing as Privacy in Social Media? appeared first on Emily S. May.

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