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  1. evevargas93


    My CT101 is officially done, i took this class because i was interested in the major. I didn’t know what to expect from the class, i knew it was about media but i was still unsure. As the i got through the class and starting telling my peers and friends that i had to make Gifs for homework, their first reaction ...
  2. evevargas93

    Oh no! (CT Final Project)

    I’ve combined two of my favorite assignments, the graphic gift and the GIF!   In the wizard of oz Dorothy gets caught in a tornado called the cyclone. Out of her window is sees her family and neighbors flying outside the tornado doing some pretty normal stuff given the situation they are in, for example milking a cow or sewing ...
  3. evevargas93

    Kick ass Women

    Supercut It(5stars) Assigment: Create a supercut montage of overused dialogue, themes, motifs, filmmaking techniques, etc. for a particular character, tv show, film, and/or public figure. A supercut is a “fast-paced montage of short video clips that obsessively isolates a single element from its source, usually a word, phrase, or cliche from film and TV
  4. evevargas93


    Puppet Trolls(3stars)  For this task my partner Johana and i printed out an image of Britney spears making a face, we cut it out, and pasted it to a piece of cardboard. We shooted the puppet in front of a green screen with an android cellphone. I found a movie scene that i wanted to use which unfortunately i cannot find ...
  5. evevargas93

    You got me down on the Floor.

    Song Visualization(3stars) I. Using windows movie maker, i downloaded a bunch of pictures that i that represented the song visually. The song i used is called Paris by Grace Potter & the nocturnals. i used a part of the song  i thought i could visualize best. III. I choose the song becuase it thought it would a ...
  6. evevargas93

    Hold on to your umbrellas!

    Imitate Some Weather(2stars) I. Imitate some weather- For this task i used an app on my phone to record myself, this app is called  hi-q mp3 recorder. II. I tried to imitate the sound of wind and rain. For the wind, i lightly blew into the mic with a slight whistle and for the rain i used crumbled up paper that ...
  7. evevargas93


    Make ‘Em Laugh! (2stars) I. For this task i used an app on my phone to record myself, this app is called  hi-q mp3 recorder. III.  Task: “Find a good, brief joke in a language other than your mother tongue; if you don’t know any other languages this might be a good way to start learning. ...
  8. evevargas93

    A-Z Photo Collage

    A-Z Photo Collage(3stars) Make an alphabetically themed collage. Compile images to represent each letter of the alphabet within a chosen subject area or theme. Create a collage. Celebrity Theme
  9. evevargas93

    Switch Up The Mood

    Switch Up The Mood (2 stars) “Color, lighting, saturation, contrast, and many other factors all play in to taking a decent photo and making it fabulous. This assignment is to change the mood or tone of a photograph by altering the contrast, brightness, hue, saturation, exposure, etc. You do not have to change all of ...
  10. evevargas93

    On The Cover Of A Teen Mag

    On The Cover Of A Teen Mag (3stars) “Take a popular figure from politics, education, that you would not expect to be there, on the cover of a teen fan magazine. Bonus points if the cover includes a heart throb of initials JB and a lot of pink color. Re-edit the text as well to blend ...
  11. evevargas93

    Movie Fortunes

    Check out this assignment here: Movie Fortunes (2 stars) “Design some fortunes for hypothetical fortune cookies that characters from a book, movie, or series of books or movies could have gotten during their escapades.” 1. Stars wars 2.Wizard Of OZ 3.The God Father 4.Ghost Busters 5.Psycho
  12. evevargas93

    One Story / Four Icons

    This assignment is called “One story / Four Icons”  (2 stars) The assignment is to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of them. Write your blog post up but do not give away the answer, let people guess! The challenge is to ...
  13. evevargas93

    Week Three!

    1.Upload a drawing of a place you’ve been, but NEVER want to go back to. Most people would give me a weird look, Toys r Us for most people, is “kid heaven”. This image of Toys r Us died for me when i started working there. For anyone reading this, don’t ever take a job ...
  14. evevargas93

    The beginning of the end?

    I. I have created my first GIF! I found a video on Youtube and i downloaded it using . After downloading it i cropped that part of the video i wanted to use, then i exported it. After Exporting it, i imported it, into Photoshop. There, i cropped the gif down and re-sized and it ...
  15. evevargas93

    The Daily Create (Week Two)

    1. Create some kind of pattern of things on your desk right now. First thing i saw were all the pencils sitting in my pencil holders, so that’s what i grabbed for. I started playing around with them and this is my pattern! I actuallly quite like it .   2.Hum your first musical memory.   I really do not ...
  16. evevargas93

    Week One

    What i thought about week one: I really enjoyed week one because it challenged me. First of all, i am very impressed that we were able to create our own website, i wasn’t expecting that. Building my own website was a challenge to me because i had no knowledge of it before. After class i was confused as to how to work and customize my blog. ...
  17. evevargas93

    WordPress & Web hosting.

    Coming into CT101 i didn’t know what to expect. Our first task was to create our own websites. Before that class, i had no idea what the process was to create a website/domain. Honestly i was clueless as to how it was possible to create one, now it makes more sense to me. What i still don’t understand is, how to create a ...
  18. evevargas93

    The Daily Create

    Assignments: 1. Make a blue screen of death message using type only. So, since the 5th grade i have been using PC’s. I think it safe to say i’m a PC girl. The blue screen of death is unfortunately  something all PC users are familiar with. My blue screen of death is inspired by a real life experience. In the past my computer has ...

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