Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. gabatron15

    Asylum Murder Mystery

    So here it is the final project! Brittney, Ashley and I really put a ton of time and effort into creating a story that hasn’t been thought of before. We started out by trying to figure out how to link all of the characters and came up with having the setting of the final project […]
  2. gabatron15

    DS106 Advice

    My approach for giving advice for the future students was to create a YouTube video a diary if you will of all that I have learned and how to approach this class! I hope that what I said in the video will shed some light on what is in store for them for this class […]
  3. gabatron15

    TDC ideas!

    Here are two screen shots of my future daily create ideas! I hope that at least one of them will eventually show up for the future digital storytelling classes. The first is dealing with your weakness when it comes to food. The task is to take a picture of the food and create a love […]
  4. gabatron15


  5. gabatron15

    Dear Sixteen Year Old Me Tutorial

    I thought that since this was one of my favorite assignments of the class that I would give a run down of how I approached this assignment! Step one: Open up a word document. When you are writing a letter to yourself in the past there is no way that you can come up with […]
  6. gabatron15

    Favorite Actor Highlight Reel Tutorial

    I had so much fun creating this video that I thought that it would be fun creating a tutorial to give people a little insight on how to do it! What you have to do first is decide what actor/actress you are going to pick! For mine I did Tyler Perry as Madea! Then what […]
  7. gabatron15

    Final Project Progress 1

    So here it goes! This is our idea for the final project! I am working with my Radio buddies, Ashley and Brittney. We had a meeting this week trying to come up with ideas. We realized that trying to mesh all of our host characters was going to be with some difficulty. We started to […]
  8. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary Week 12

    Mashup and Remix Assignments: Spooky Montage This Doesn’t Belong Here Emoji Mash up Remixes Daily Creates   Commenting:    
  9. gabatron15

    Daily Creates!

    We had to do two daily creates for this week! Bridge over troubled water #tdc1402 @ds106dc I would not cross this bridge. — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) November 10, 2015 The first daily create that I did this week was a tribute to the anniversary of bridge over trouble water. I went onto google images […]
  10. gabatron15

    Spooky Montage

    This was a mash up assignment and it was worth 4 stars. This assignment was to put at least 3 assignments that you have done from the past and put them together into one cohesive final product. I started out with this assignment by going back through all of my audio I have created and […]
  11. gabatron15

    Emoji Mash Up

    This was a mash up assignment and it was worth 3 and a half stars. This assignment was to match a friend with a facial expression that is similar and put them next to each other for comparison. I chose my good friend my host character the death whisperer since you can see she isn’t […]
  12. gabatron15


    So for this week we had to do two remixes and at least one could be of something that we have already done in the past. For my two remix assignments I went back to two of my favorite assignments. One was creating a DS 106 Wallpaper and for the remix it said to reverse […]
  13. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary Week 11

      Daily Create Video Assignments: Dear Sixteen Year Old Me Favorite Actor Highlight Reel Mini Documentary Poem Drive What do I love?   Comments:
  14. gabatron15

    The Daily Creates

    Sidewalk Art #tdc1394 @ds106dc — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) November 2, 2015 The first daily create I did this week was to make art out of sidewalk that was cracked up. I took the image that was already online and then used paint to create this sea image. It was fun to do because there […]
  15. gabatron15

    What do I love?

    This is a Video Assignment and its worth 3 and a half stars. For this assignment I used my host character to shed a light on what she loves which is her job of being the one to be there for their last breath. She enjoys the fear and the darkness that comes to her […]
  16. gabatron15

    Poem Drive

    This is a Video Assignment and its worth 4 stars. This assignment was to take a video of a natural setting and then record yourself reading a poem or a story that would kind of resemble the scenery that you are in. I chose to use my host character again in this assignment and for […]
  17. gabatron15

    Mini Documentary

    This is a Video Assignment worth 4 stars. This assignment had the opportunity to follow someone and to highlight their life. I put a twist to my documentary and used my host character The Death Whisperer as the main character to follow. The challenge of this is that she is no where to be scene. […]
  18. gabatron15

    Favorite Actor Highlight Reel

    This is a Video Assignment and its worth 4 stars. This assignment was to take your favorite actor or actress and take a minimum of 30 seconds of your favorite scenes. I chose Tyler Perry because not only does he act as 3 characters in his films/plays but he is also brings out the characters […]
  19. gabatron15

    Dear Sixteen Year Old Me

    This is a Video Assignment and it is worth 4 Stars. This assignment gave me the task of creating a letter for myself if I was given the opportunity. I started out by actually typing up the letter and reflecting on my life. It actually took longer than I thought to actually write the letter […]
  20. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary 10!

    Video Analysis Daily Creates Sign Language Special Person Montage I am Gabby Comments: http://d...
  21. gabatron15

    I am Gabby

    This is a Video Assignment that is worth 4 and a half stars. This assignment involves making a video of yourself whether that be video clips or images of yourself and things that make up you as a person. In a sense to give your classmates a glimpse of who you are behind the screen […]
  22. gabatron15

    Special Person Montage

    This is a Video Assignment that is worth 5 stars. This video is to choose someone that is special to you and put clips or videos together to show what makes them so special to you. I decided my parents for this assignment. I went through all of the photos that I could of my […]
  23. gabatron15

    Sign Language

    This is a video assignment and its worth 4 stars. For this assignment we had to create a word that was a least four letters using only sign language. I had decided on more than one word and once you figure it I hope you can comment your idea of what you think it might […]
  24. gabatron15

    Video Analysis

    This video analysis was very enlightening. I am currently in intro to cinema studies so when it came to this assignment it wasn’t very unfamiliar to analyze a scene in a way that it wasn’t critiquing the film itself but the director in which each intricate part was put together. It took me a while […]
  25. gabatron15

    Daily Creates!

    @ds106dc #tdc1387 Missing Lochness Monster! — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) October 26, 2015 For this daily create we had to make a missing persons poster. I decided to go with an old fashion myth known as the lochness monster. Everyone knows the legend and I thought that its a missing poster that you would never […]
  26. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary 9

    Radio Show Assignments: Camp Poster Suspect Design Create a T-Shirt Daily Creates Comments:
  27. gabatron15

    Suspect Design

    This is a Design Assignment and its worth 3 and a half stars! For this assignment we needed to make a cork board as if we were detectives solving a case and trying to map out what has happened. We ( Me and Ashley Jackson) decided to use Bloody Face as our character of interest […]

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