Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92861 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. gabatron15

    The Daily Creates

    Unfortunately homecoming week got to the best of me so I only got to do two daily creates this week! The first one that I did was my happy place! My happy place is my dog until he wakes me up at 4 a.m. to go out since he is blind. #tdc1383 @ds106dc — […]
  2. gabatron15

    Create a T-Shirt

    This is a Design Assignment and its worth 3 stars. For this assignment we had to create our own T-shirt. Ashley decided on doing a shirt using my host character and created a quote of her own that she thought would suit my host character. From there I took her ideas for the T-Shirt and […]
  3. gabatron15

    Camp Poster

    This is a Visual Assignment and its worth 3 and a half stars! For this assignment I worked with The Spooky Sisters which is also known as Britney and Ashley from the radio show. The assignment is to make a camp poster. For our idea which actually came together by meeting on campus this week, […]
  4. gabatron15

    Horrible Hosts / Corpus Metus Radio Show!

    So on Monday I had the pleasure of hearing our class first two radio shows of the week! It started out with the Horrible Hosts and their review on horror films. I enjoyed the way that each host character not only reviewed films that they had seen but they took the time to layout what […]
  5. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary Week 8!

      Radio Show Progress Daily Creates Comments:
  6. gabatron15

    Daily Creates Week 8

    As I did last week I thought that by putting all of the daily creates in one post would make it a ton easier for everyone to view! On Tuesday, I had to use a word from one of my favorite poem or saying and from there create a new poem. I came up with […]
  7. gabatron15

    Radio Show Progress Week 2

    Wow I can’t believe that it is already the second week into the radio show and everything is coming together! This week has gone by so quickly mainly because of fall break so it was like hitting the ground running when it came to putting this radio show together. We had already met up the […]
  8. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary 7

      Audio Assignments: 911 Emergency Spooky Dialogue Emotions through Sound Radio Show: Poster Progress Commenting:
  9. gabatron15

    Radio Show Progress

    This is the first week of working on the Radio Show and I can feel the pressure and I am so excited for it to all come together! We started out by putting together a google document and from there we put all of our ideas, posters, and thoughts to see what direction we wanted […]
  10. gabatron15

    Creepy Chronicles Poster

    This is the image that I chose to represent the Creepy Chronicle which is the title of the Radio Show that I am doing with Britney and Ashley next week! When I thought of the title of our show I instantly thought of dolls and because its October I thought having witches would be perfect […]
  11. gabatron15

    Emotions through Sound

    Emotions through sound This is an audio assignment and its worth 3 and 1/2 stars. For this audio assignment I had to display emotions through sound. So to keep going on with my horror frenzy that I have been doing with my other audio assignments I thought I would keep going with it. I decided […]
  12. gabatron15

    Spooky Dialogue

    Spooky Dialogue This was an Audio Assignment and it was worth 3 and 1/2 stars. This assignment was to make a spooky dialogue using your voice and other sounds. Since this week we had to use at least 5 stars worth of assignments on our host character I thought I would also use my character […]
  13. gabatron15

    911 Emergency

    911Emergency This is an audio Assignment and its worth 4 and 1/2 stars. For this assignment I had the task of making a 911 call as if I was both sides of the conversation. I started out by using my host character The Death Whisperer as the person who called the 911 operator. So for […]
  14. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary: Week 6

    by Viginelli Cannon Planet of the Vampires DS106 Wallpaper My Love Story One Story/ Four Icons Movie Book Cover Custom Shoes Design Blitz Daily Creates  
  15. gabatron15

    Daily Creates of the Week!

    I thought that I would put them all in one post to make it a ton easier! Upside down Nana in a basket @ds106dc #tdc1361 — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) September 30, 2015 The first one that I did was taking a picture of something upside down and I chose to do my friends cat […]
  16. gabatron15


    Over the course of this week I took the time to take photos of things that I usually see everyday. Color This is a painting that I see everyday in my apartment and it is my absolute favorite. The boardwalk itself is in a yellow tan color that has a perfect contrast to the different […]
  17. gabatron15

    Custom Shoes

    This is a design assignment and it was worth 2 and a half stars. For this assignment I had the chance of customizing shoes and making them my own. I went onto my favorite shoe brand VANS and chose their high top shoe known as “SK8-HI.”  I started out with the pattern part of the […]
  18. gabatron15

    Movie Book Cover

    This is a design assignment worth 3 stars. For this assignment the task was to make a book cover of a movie without using a photo of the actor or in my case it would be a character since it is animated. I chose one of my favorite childhood movies because I thought why not. […]
  19. gabatron15

    One Story/Four Icons

    This is a Design Assignment worth 3 and a 1/2 stars. I had to choose a story, event, or movie and narrow it down to four icons in hope that someone will figure it out. I started out by picking a movie. I chose one that isn’t recent but was pretty well known back in […]
  20. gabatron15

    My DS106 Wallpaper

    This is a Design Assignment that is worth 4 and a 1/2 stars. For this is assignment I had to create my own DS106 Wallpaper! The process that I went through was I first realized that I didn’t want to use a photo I wanted to make something unique. I started out with downloading an […]
  21. gabatron15

    The Love Story

    This is the love story of one that was never told. The man was at college becoming a chef at the Culinary Institute and dreamed of owning a catering business. The woman was just a second year college student not knowing what she wanted to be in the future. Never would they imagine that they […]
  22. gabatron15

    Planet of the Vampires

    Planet of the Vampires directed by Mario Bava was peculiar in the way he designed the planet to be displayed. The way that the setting of the planet that they landed on had a unique layout. Bava would do close shots of the fog which in turn represented the parasites as they had taken over […]
  23. gabatron15

    The Vignelli Cannon

    While I took the time to fully read this brochure I came to the conclusion that I had no idea what measures had to be taken in order to be successful in design. It started out with the semantics. Anyone can think that an image or a creation was pretty but is their depth? When […]
  24. gabatron15

    Weekly Summary

      Showcase The Daily Creates: Abbey Road Juxtapose and new Pirates Tale Assignments: The effects of audio storytelling “Last Laugh” The Bumper Audio Assignments: Story without voices Favorite Song Make it Slower Thoughts and Ideas: Radio Brainstorm      
  25. gabatron15

    DS106Radio Brainstorm

    I thought for a while about what I would do when it comes to doing a Radio Show. I think I would start out and have us narrate a scary story using our host characters and that we could try having them introducing it and then getting into character. Maybe only one host character does […]
  26. gabatron15

    Favorite Song

    This was an Audio Assignment and it was worth 2 and a half stars. For this assignment I had to take one of my favorite songs and have the instrumental play without lyrics for 30 seconds and hopefully someone will figure out what it is! Post in the comments below to give your guesses and […]
  27. gabatron15

    Make it Slower

    This is an Audio Assignment and it was worth 4 stars. The task for this audio assignment was to slow down a song that you enjoy by 800%. I chose to do Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA. I have been on this ABBA binge for the past month so I thought it […]
  28. gabatron15

    Pirates Tale

    by Yo HO it's a pirates life for me @ds106dc #tdc1356 — Gabby Christie (@christie_gabby) September 25, 2015   For the Daily Create I had to learn Pirate lingo and tell a story via audio and record it. To say the least it was the most interesting task of the week. I think by the […]
  29. gabatron15

    Bumper for ds106

    This is an Audio Assignment where we had to create a bumper which is the in between segments to remind people what they are listening to. I chose to have an interesting haunting background that was suspenseful since that is the theme of the stories I listened to on the radio this week. I went […]
  30. gabatron15

    Story without Voices

    This is an audio assignment worth 3 and 1/2 stars and the task was to make a story only using sound effects. I had a blast doing this and I thought I would do a story that would pertain to the theme of this class. I hope you enjoy!

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