Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Girl Without A Net

    Week in Review | Always Listening

    This week involved a GREAT DEAL of listening. Videos. Sound effects. Sounds around me. The sound of my voice. The sound of a story from my point of view. Sound. Sound. Sound. ——————————————– Watching the Ira Glass and Jad Adumrad videos made me think of things in a new light.  I happen to love Ira ...
  2. Girl Without A Net

    60 minutes in 56 Seconds

    The assignment: Create a sound effect story. This is a challenge to tell a short story (no longer than 60 seconds) using nothing but sound effects! —————————————– Well here she is folks!  This is my story about the end of a long day.   This was really fun.  The hardest part, after actually DOING it, was ...
  3. Girl Without A Net

    Daily Creates | Week of 4 February 2013

    The Assignment:  3 daily Creates this week Create an acrostic poem that includes item of clothing that you’re currently wearing. Pinned Binding it back. Often missing one, a Bizarre hair or two escapes. Buns with wispy bits like Yarn in the grasp of a lobster. Pronged and at the ready. Inter-weaved in my hair, Notice ...
  4. Girl Without A Net

    Things that go BUMPER in my head!

    The Assignment: “What is a bumper? It is a short recording that identifies the radio station with signature music or an expression that makes sure the listeners know what they are tuned into. So for ds106 it should certainly include “DS106 Radio” and some sort of message about the station with voice over music.” —————————————————————– ...
  5. Girl Without A Net

    5 Card flickr |UPDATE

    Okay, so somehow in my infinite wisdom I COULD NOT FIND the embeddable business for the previous post I did on this 5 card flickr. Seriously, I searched.  I felt like I was on a wild goose chase.  In the end I took a screen shot and posted that. TODAY I went to the site ...
  6. Girl Without A Net

    Week In Review | This Week Kicked MY Butt!

    Thinking about storytelling really isn’t something I had really done, or so I thought.  Apparently I have a lot to say and I think a lot about stories and storytelling.  The key is it’s NOT just pen and paper. I tell stories with the art I make: ceramic sculpture, paintings, and the words I write.  ...
  7. Girl Without A Net

    Daily Create | Week of 28 January 2013

    The Assignment “You must complete three daily creates this week.”  While I wished I could have done more– life happens. The Daily Creates this week I did: Take/make a photo that represents math at work in the world.   Draw a picture of a new invention. Okay so I did some digital ‘drawing’ and made ...
  8. Girl Without A Net

    5 Card flick’r

    See my first 5 card flickr   This is a very cool feature.  I can’t wait to go and make more, and tag some of my pictures so I can participate in a bigger way.  I tried about 15 different versions, this is the one that really resonated with me.  I might try more than ...
  9. Girl Without A Net

    Previous ds106?ers | Mastered Art

    The Assignment: Review the submissions on the in[SPIRE] site, a community-created collection of the best work of ds106 from past semesters and the work from last semester’s students identified as their “best” work. Pick one story from each and blog about it. There are so many talented folks out there.  Now, that’s not news really, ...
  10. Girl Without A Net

    Stories and Their Shapes

    “Keep your hat on. We may end up miles from here” —Kurt Vonnegut I decided to illustrante the average episode of Property Brothers on HGTV.  I love everything about that show.  The homes, the designs, THE BROTHERS… You notice there is a general shape all of the episodes take on: 1-  “Oh, we want to ...
  11. Girl Without A Net

    What the Heck is Storytelling?

    Story telling is quilts and campfires, myth and legend, paper and voice, true and fabricated.  With as many ways as there are to tell stories it seems silly for me to say it is almost hard to define what a story actually is.  But it is hard to define!  Yes, stories include some sort of ...
  12. Girl Without A Net

    Girl Makes A Mess

      So yesterday I thought I may have broken the internet…at least my corner. BUT!  CogDog and timmyboy fixed me right up. ——————————————————————————————————————— Words of advice:  Don’t do what I did. Conundrum:  I don’t know WHAT? I did. Second Piece of advice:  Ask for help. and then STOP TOUCHING THINGS. @cogdog yes.I just now went ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]