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  1. goris


    I plan on using my website to show how to make healthy meals. I’m trying to change my eating habits and I feel posting them on a regular will help me choose the right meals. I think I want to post before and after pictures of myself as well, to show people the results of … Continue reading "Website"
  2. goris


    My son was weirded out by this one. He kept telling me to put him back together again. SplitCamera is an app I probably won’t use again. There is not much you can do with this app but I figured this picture was worth posting, even though my son hated it! Tweet Share on Tumblr
  3. goris

    A little humor

    I used an app called imgPlay to make this gif. This is something I hear all the time within my friends, family and including myself. Working out and eating right are two things some people always talk about doing but never do it. Hopefully, next summer will be the year my body will be on … Continue reading "A little humor"

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