Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. iharris

    Week 15: The End is the Beginning

    And so here we are! The last weekly summary I’ll ever have to do. This week was primarily focused on the workings of the final project. For my 8 stars of assignments, I worked on various things in character as Bunny Colvin. I created a fake newsweek cover involving my character’s creation of Hamsterdam. I […]
  2. iharris

    Motivational Poster for Colvin

    One thing I’ve always appreciated about Bunny Colvin’s character is his dedication to helping out these kids from Tilghman Middle School. He seemed legitimately distraught when the program was shut down. Still, I’d like to think that Colvin actually made a difference in some kid’s life while he was there. So I made this mock […]
  3. iharris

    Bunny’s Resume

    Bunny Colvin’s spent most of his life working for the BPD. But after whole Hamsterdam fiasco and the ending of the Tilghman Middle School project, it’s time to go job hunting yet again. I used Bunny’s linkedin page that I created for him to make a sort of resume, based off this assignment. I made […]
  4. iharris

    Newsweek on Hamsterdam

    As we enter this final stretch of assignments for the final project, I try to incorporate more ways to reflect on Bunny Colvin’s actions and character. The thing he’s probably most known for is his establishment of Hamsterdam. This assignment to create a fake Newsweek cover seemed perfect for the occasion. I cut the Newsweek […]
  5. iharris

    Daily Create: Error of my ways

    I have to admit, there are times that I forget to check on the daily create. But today is not this day! In the spirit of things, I created a custom error message as an example of something I’d use to notify me to keep on track. I went for the older, Windows 95 style […]
  6. iharris

    Weeks 13 + 14: Ascending Mount Doom

    Do you remember the taste of strawberries Mr. Frodo? And here we are approaching the end even more. I’ve spent these past two weeks working on r-r-remixes and mashups. My personal favorite assignment ever was my mashup of Star Wars with Mystery Science Theatre 3000. I also did a remix of a timelapse assignment, with […]
  7. iharris

    In the Not Too Distant Future, in a Galaxy Far, Far Away

    Alternatively, a long time ago, somewhere in time and space. For this mashup assignment, I decided to mix the theme song of one of my favorite shows, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, with clips from Star Wars episode IV. Having had many problems with Windows Movie Maker, I decided to upgrade to Adobe Premiere. Using VLC […]
  8. iharris

    Daily Create: Ohai Mark

    Today’s daily create was to summarize a movie into two panels. I decided to pick one of my favorite movies, The Room. But then I kind of realized that there’s no way to really summarize this movie. It’s such a mess that there’s no plot to even focus on. So I decided to take two […]
  9. iharris

    Bunny’s favorite musician

    While watching season 4, episode 10 of The Wire, I was surprised to hear Bunny listening to Billie Holiday. For such an important character, we seem to know so little about his personal life, such as his likes and hobbies. So for my second Bunny relayed assignment for the final project, I took an animated […]
  10. iharris

    All kinds of courage

    When I think of Bunny Colvin, I don’t really picture an artistic person. It’s challenging to think of assignments that relate to his role on The Wire. But a certain scene from Season 4 episode 11 inspired me. Word clouds seem to be a pretty big thing today. And so I was surprised to not […]
  11. iharris

    Daily Create: Hands off

    For today’s daily create, we had to take a picture of something we are not allowed to touch. In keeping with the holiday spirit, I took a photo of an early Christmas package I received. Nothing is worse than the wait for the end of December to roll around.  
  12. iharris

    Remix: A Beautiful time lapse. Almost.

    For my remix assignment, I got the neat option to do the time of day assignment, but then throw in an unexpected character. I took a photo of a spot outside at different times of day, and layered them next to each other in GIMP. Then for the remix, I used the layer tool to […]
  13. iharris

    Daily Create: My Day in Icons

    A nice minimalistic daily create, recreate my (rather uneventful) day using a recently released batch of icons. It was fun looking through the various files trying to find what I could use to illustrate moments that happened. With over 700 icons to sor...
  14. iharris

    Daily Create: The Art of Sketchquotes

    Since this blog is all about art in form of another, I decided to use today’s daily create to illustrate another form, The Art of War. I used a quote by Sun Tzu that I think applies well not just in warcraft, but in any kind of mindset. I just carefully used the paintbrush tool […]
  15. iharris

    Weeks 11 + 12: Double Combo Wombo

    Two weeks in one! For the past two weeks we not only wrapped up video week, but we began preparations towards our final projects. My subject of choice was Howard “Bunny” Colvin from The Wire, and I’ll be creating a fictional narrative for him over various social media sites. At this point, I have plenty […]
  16. iharris

    Wire Video Essay: Bunny and Carcetti

    To do my video essay on the Wire, I utilized the scenes from episode 11 of season 3, where Carcetti questions Bunny’s motives behind Hamsterdam. While the most memorable moment of this episode would no doubt be Stringer’s death, I still thought there were plenty of meaningful and artistic moments throughout the episode. I used […]
  17. iharris

    Daily Create: New Sheriff in Town

    For today’s daily create, we had to somehow change our pet. Since I always look for ways to show off my cat, I used snapchat to take a quick photo, and used the in app editor to dress him up as an old western sheriff. You can see the final results below: Drawing with a […]
  18. iharris

    Another guessing game

    Just like how I had a previous assignment where you had to guess a song played backwards, this time you have to guess the title of a book! As for clues, I used a Vine clip that illustrates the main components. I’ll also give one last hint: it’s a popular fantasy series. Inspired by the […]
  19. iharris

    Explicit Scene Recreation

    Oh boy, I actually got to cuss in a school assignment! For the Swede a scene video assignment, me and fellow ds106’er John recreated the iconic scene from season 1, episode 4. Of course, we decided to add our own spin to it using the resources we had available, as we lacked the items necessary […]
  20. iharris

    Daily Create: Antifilm

    An Andy Warhol inspired project for today’s daily create: Creae an “antifilm”. I guess in this case, it means create a film depicting the mundane. I decided to film myself doing the practically everyday (in the first world at least) activity of typing away on the computer. What was I typing you may wonder? Why […]
  21. iharris

    Daily Create: Home away from home

    Today’s daily create was to take a picture of our safe havens, or our place we like to go to get away from it all and relax. I decided to do something a little different and utilize a different sort of artform, video games. I took some photos of my farm on World of Warcraft. […]
  22. iharris

    Daily Create: A cynic’s version

    For today’s daily create, I had to write a smart alec’s version of a haiku. I hadn’t done a haiku in years, and decided to make a joke about how outdated it feels. Of course, the joke is on me, as I had to write in cursive just a while ago for the GRE test. […]
  23. iharris

    Week 10: Video killed the Wire106’er

    Man this week. Entering the double digits, and what feels like double work. Unfortunately, I was not able to meet the criteria of 10 stars of video assignments. I did manage to make an animated music video though, which I put a lot of work into. I also did my best to think critically about […]
  24. iharris

    AMV’s? What is it, 2005?

    Ah animated music videos. Brings back memories of my early teenage years. When I saw this was a possible video assignment, I just had to go for it. I used scenes from The Legend of Korra along with the brilliant song “The Beginning is the End is the Beginning” by Smashing Pumpkins. This song just […]
  25. iharris

    Looking, Listening, and Analyzing The Wire

    After reading Ebert’s article on reading movies, I set out to analyze a selected short scene from The Wire, season 3, episode 8. Here, Stringer starts to build up financial connections through Senator Clay Davis. When it comes to the artform of cinematography, there are intentions behind both the design of visuals and audio. To […]
  26. iharris

    Daily Create: Sleepy pug

    Since everyone seems to be showing off their sleepy pets for today’s daily create, I decided to join in with a picture of my girlfriend’s pug, Pugsley. This pic was pretty easy to get since he’s always sleeping anyways. We gave him a blanket to make him extra comfy though.  
  27. iharris

    Daily Create: Veil of Darkness

    Okay that title is way more dramatic than it actually is. For today’s daily create, we had to take a picture of something with the blinds closed. While the room got plenty dark, unfortunately I think my subject is pretty unrecognizable due to the location. I was in the lab while reading today’s daily create, […]
  28. iharris

    Week 9: The Fellowship of Inspiration

    This week, rather than focus on an element of art or storytelling, we turned to the works of our fellow classmates. The biggest presentation of such was our radio show, which aired on Tuesday. Our group is very happy with the happy and satisfied comments we received concerning the broadcast. It means a lot to […]
  29. iharris

    Daily Create: Emotional watering hole

    Today’s daily create was to make art using the ever popular emojis. I found a bunch that were animal related, so I ecided to replicate an African watering hole in the savannah. Using GIMP, I found a nice picture to use as the backdrop, and used the textbox tool to paste in various animal emojis. […]
  30. iharris

    Daily Create: No time machine here

    Today’s daily create: What would I change about my past? Hoo boy, one of these kinds of posts! Who doesn’t have moments where they look back and wish they could change how things happened? Still, in the grand scheme of things, my decision of what to change seems relatively minor compared to some of the […]

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