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  1. irshaad1207


    Poison fills her with each pull Yet she embraces it Her lungs–as black as her heart The smoke hangs heavily on her clothes and Lingers on the tips of her fingers. Her nostrils–immune to the scent. The fire keeps her warm but slowly kills her. Death lays between those lips…

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  2. irshaad1207

    The Shadows

    It whispers, “You’re not good enough” Then it says, “You don’t belong” Then, as the years add up, its voice becomes stronger and it screams “Your existence is illicit” Listening to this brings no solace. The uncertainty and fear controls how I see love, the future. I feel frozen in…

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  3. irshaad1207

    Thoughts Of A Sailor

    Sprinkled with bright stars, the once dark canvass above lit up on the coldest of nights. The wind whistled tunes of lost love and loneliness into my ears as I sailed through the unforgiving waves of the ocean. Miles away from shore, I could still hear her heart beating in…

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  4. irshaad1207

    The Affair

    *BUZZZZ BUZZZZZ* I rushed out the room still in my pajamas and a white vest. My eyes were not fully awake yet but I managed to find the door and as I opened it, I shouted “Will you please stop the dam ringing” “Wow, that’s really interesting” she said, completely…

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  5. irshaad1207

    The Woods

    Hanging on Pa’s cabin door is a sign that reads: No Shoes. It’s important for him that the floor is kept clean and shoes that tread the muddy outdoors need to be taken off before entering the front door and then put on a shoe rack inside. There are no…

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  6. irshaad1207

    Black Swans

    As I was sitting on the steps of my husband’s shack, A black swan slowly swam by. It swam boundlessly and never looked back. Then with forthwith flaps I saw it fly. Its wings were whirling as it flew. While I stayed stranded on the ground. My eyes bleeding black…

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  7. irshaad1207

    On The Sudden Rise of Crime in Guyana

    In terms of security, the coalition government needs to do a whole lot more than they are currently doing–there, I’ve said it, and I genuinely mean it as well. Being able to criticize a government I supported is only possible because I’m not a die-hard supporter who sees everything they…

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  8. irshaad1207

    The Musician to his Love

    Come with me and we shall move in harmony I’ll serenade you in this blind room My left arm around your neck My right arm around your waist My fingers can caress your tight strings Sweetness would fill the air And my lashes would descend Kissing the shadows that escort…

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  9. irshaad1207

    Driven To Despair

    I sat silently on the rail of the ship, absorbed by the full moon that reflected off the murky sea. I knew my brother was approaching—I could faintly hear footsteps and I could smell the scent of cigarettes in the air. I’ve told him before that smoking would slowly kill…

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  10. irshaad1207


    Winter creeps through the crease of my door, Walks into my bedroom and sits On my bed with her right leg resting upon her left. The radiator hisses at her. She overcomes him with her bleak breath. She stares icily at me; I dare not gaze into her ominous eyes.…

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  11. irshaad1207

    Broken Guitar

    The guitar that hangs on my wall has hung there for years now, gathering dust. Its strings are rusty. Its body dented at several places from the impact of a cold concrete floor. And a weak crack, that can only be seen from behind, runs down its neck. It lays…

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  12. irshaad1207

    2nd Post: Assignment I’d like to do

    This assignment where you multiply yourself in a photograph seems really cool. As someone who enjoys photography, it’s a technique I’d like to learn and experiment with.   I imagine that a photography editor/ software programme is needed to add this ‘clone’ effect and multiple photographs must first be taken. I would like to know what … Continue reading "2nd Post: Assignment I’d like to do"

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