Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @JARVIStech2017

    Making Toast- And other Creative Adventures

    Creativity is an illusive idea, most commonly it is thought of as something that you have or you don’t.  However, as humans, we all have the inate ability to learn and conceive, remember and imagine.  These qualities all make up a creative mind, it’s simply a matter of perspective. After watching two incredible Ted Talks … Continue reading Making Toast- And other Creative Adventures
  2. @JARVIStech2017

    CARP in design

    If you’ve ever done a presentation you have been exposed to the principles of CARP-Contrast, Alignment, Repetition and Proximity.  These keep whatever you are presenting organized and easy to read. Contrast- relative size or color to convey meaning or importance Alignment- keeping text, corners or grids on the same plane Repetition- keeping a predicable layout … Continue reading CARP in design
  3. @JARVIStech2017

    What’s up 2

    My second hot topic I from my personal facebook.  I have to say, I find it REALLY creepy that I always have ads for things I have done or previously purchased.  I know that there is something to do with “cookies” and search history- but I swear sometimes facebook reads my mind! Anyway, I chose this Google … Continue reading What’s up 2
  4. @JARVIStech2017

    What’s Up 1

    Hello World! Please excuse my absence, my life has dissolved into utter chaos- aka the school year began and I still feel like I’m trying to catch up.  I’m taking my master’s classes, taking Gifted Courses, teaching full time and piloting a new co-teaching program while managing 47 kids!  It’s a lot. I wanted to … Continue reading What’s Up 1
  5. @JARVIStech2017

    Final Reflection

    First of all, may I start with the fact that it is Sunday night and I am filled with a plethora of emotions!  My boyfriend was SUPPOSED to be home tonight, he travels for work.  He had a plane scheduled and then had to cancel it for what looks like AT LEAST 2 more weeks […]
  6. @JARVIStech2017

    Final Project for INTE 5680

    My final project is a series of videos that goes with Jacqui Zaralban’s videos, as we are co teaching this coming year. These videos are meant to be fun introductions to the things that we plan to cover in the first week of school.  We will give a brief introduction to the content, play the […]
  7. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 7 Reflection

    As week 7 comes to a close, I am truly reflecting on the entire course.  I have really enjoyed the course as a whole, this weeks readings especially made me realize how happy I am that this was one of my first courses in my masters! How well do you feel you completed the requirements […]
  8. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 7 Story Critique and Article Choice

    This week my chosen article and Digital Story are one in the same.  I came across an article titled “How the LGBT community is using digital storytelling to amplify activism and chronicle its history.” The article discusses the struggles of legalization of Gay Rights and the support that is needed to get there.  Of course, […]
  9. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 7 Readings

    This week we were given two articles to read.  The first is titled “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” I was really interested in this, I mean the title is obviously written to attract some attention.  Once I started reading into it, I couldn’t stop.  I normally read and annotate at the same time, but […]
  10. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 7 Assignment

    This week assignment was probably my favorite so far… ok, I know I say that like every week, but at least I like them! This assignment asked you to recreate a classic album cover and remix it: Classic Album Makeover So I chose the popular “Born in the USA” album cover, yes the iconic Bruce […]
  11. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 6 Reflection

    How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments (inclusive of at least two TDCs, your DS106 Activity Bank Assignment, response to course readings (grad students only), critique of digital story, various responses to CU Denver peers, and engagement with other online social networks)? This week went well.  I really took my […]
  12. @JARVIStech2017

    I created an app…. wait what?

    I created an app.  I wish it was as easy as that sentence made it sound.  It was tough, and even harder to “publish” it.  Which didn’t happen.  So I am putting a link in that will give you 24 hour access to the app in “beta” mode. Here is the app I created and I […]
  13. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 6 Reading and Story Critique

    This week’s reading was a little wordy, it took my a while to get through.  I had to walk away a couple times.  That’s not to say I didn’t connect with it, but that I actually really wanted to understand it, and needed to process. I am a very slow reader, always have been.  I […]
  14. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 6 Assignment

    This week we got to choose our own assignment, the only requirement was it had to do with our focus.  I surfed around a bit, it was fun just looking at all the assignments that we were able to do.  I ended up landing on the “I like to Move it Move it!” assignment. You […]
  15. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 5 Reflection Summary

    How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments (inclusive of at least two TDCs, your DS106 Activity Bank Assignment, response to course readings (grad students only), critique of digital story, various responses to CU Denver peers, and engagement with other online social networks)? This week was a lot better than last […]
  16. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 5 Story Critique

    This week I finally got to use a story that I have been waiting to watch.  I found this a couple weeks ago but felt the title did not fit in with the theme, so I waited. The story I chose was entitled: “The Meaning of My Life” This turned out to be a very […]
  17. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 5- Reading and Article Choice

    This week’s reading was titled: Jenkins (2008) Afterword: Communities of Readers, Clusters of Practices The reading discussed the concept of teachers getting their hand figuratively dirty, and diving into technology.  Bringing best practices into technology use, and changing the idea of DIY to DIO- Do it OURselves!  This hit home for me.  I am OBSESSED with […]
  18. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 5 Assignment-Mashup!

    This week’s assignment was a “mashup” of some sort.  I actually didn’t feel like any of them called out to me.  I chose the Character Mashup because I felt it went well with the idea of using characters or shows that our students already enjoy to help us teach. The example was of Ron Swanson from […]
  19. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 4 Reflection

    How well do you feel you completed the requirements of the week’s assignments (inclusive of at least two TDCs, your DS106 Activity Bank Assignment, response to course readings (grad students only), critique of digital story, various responses to CU Denver peers, and engagement with other online social networks)? What gave you trouble? What did you […]
  20. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 4 Story Critique

    Ok, so I found this article that I am really excited about.  Technically it is an article about digital story telling, and not so much a story.  But, I chose to use it because it ties in SO well with my theme-so bear with me. The article is titled A Reflection: Trials of Using Digital […]
  21. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 4 Reading Response and Chosen Article

    This week’s reading was on blogs and the “ongoing ethnography of blogging.”  In other words, the study of human races and cultures within blogs. This reading was interesting, and well placed I may add (good choice Remi), as we have been blogging for a month now.  We have seen other blogs, read our peers blogs […]
  22. @JARVIStech2017

    Week 4 Design Assignment: CAT THEME

    Happy 4th of July Weekend! Not sure about anyone else but I know I have lost track of what day it is, even though my summer camp JUST ended. This week I chose to make a magazine cover as seen HERE on twitter! So, I know, what DOES this have to do with my focus. […]
  23. @JARVIStech2017

    Reflection Week 3

    This week was a hectic one for me.  I am running a summer camp and we are about to finish up our last week.  Not to mention my little brother graduated high school on Friday this week, so I was in rural Upstate New York for the weekend.  This means little to no internet, spotty […]
  24. @JARVIStech2017

    Story Critique Week 3

    For this story I took my inspiration from something Remi commented, “there’s nothing preventing you from creating anything in Spanish.” After I graduated high school I chose to do a gap year in Mexico.  I loved Spanish and longed to be fluent, so I knew the best course of action would be to go live […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]