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  1. jaygirlie


    There is nothing as hard as navigating relationships. Most people like to think that they are easy to understand, easy to live with. If only other people took the time to understand them. It’s always the other person’s fault why things are not working out. Why we always keep fighting. You are the problem, not … Continue reading Relationships
  2. jaygirlie

    Customer Experience Excellence is a Key Driver of Business Success And Sustainability

    It is no secret that being appreciated makes people feel good. For many organizations in Kenya, the beginning of October gives impetus to devote time and resources into giving customers the royal treatment through clever treats and giveaways. After all, Customer Service Week is the most natural time to create positive associations to the axiom- … Continue reading Customer Experience Excellence is a Key Driver of Business Success And Sustainability
  3. jaygirlie

    Fishing Rod Review

    The telescopic fishing rod is a great choice for fishing enthusiasts and offers excellent value. This portable fishing rod is lightweight, comfortable to hold and surprisingly effective. The 5’9″ fishing rod has a 6’4″ maximum extended length making it convenient to adjust and control in different waters. It is very sturdy and durable with a […]
  4. jaygirlie

    Best Tips for Trendy Bandage Dresses

    Dresses come in various styles and design. In recent years, structured, body-hugging designs have become very popular. Fitted styles that use tailoring and structure to flaunt your natural shape or transform it completely are increasingly being seen on the runways and on the streets, proving how huge the trend is. The best kind of dresses […]

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