Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92856 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jeff Grant Sr

    “Dead Week” is far from dead

    Hi everybody out there in the blogosphere, I just finished editing my 2-min video project in my senior project class…WHEW! When the animated intro and name titles are added to it I’ll post it for your viewing pleasure. I have been non-stop doing homework for weeks now with no let-up, but it will soon be […]
  2. Jeff Grant Sr

    Coming to the End

    As this semester draws to a close I find myself reflecting on it. It was unlike any other semester Ive had. i spent most of my time both away and at home doing school related stuff. My youngest daughter wasn’t getting very much of my attention (she may actually like that part) and my house […]
  3. Jeff Grant Sr

    Happy Earth Day!

    Hello everybody and happy Earth day to you! I want everyone to spend some time today outside looking around and seeing all the beauty and resources that we normally just take for granted. Just finished my 3rd physics exam so my brain’s still sizzlin The ride home helped me relax a bit, and I am […]
  4. Jeff Grant Sr

    Preparing for the end

    There is only 5 weeks of class left…Gulp Trying to get my old mind to stay calm and get organized is a challenge sometimes :p I’m halfway through getting my paper done for my social media class (due in 4 days). I have still 2 tests left to take in my physics class which is […]
  5. Jeff Grant Sr

    Fun class today!

    Today in my social media class we got to Skype with a class that is from Connecticut. They are seventh graders, and I’m not sure what particular class their in. We played a game where each classroom gets 1 question to guess where the other classrooms town or city is located. These questions are of […]
  6. Jeff Grant Sr

    Preparing for an interesting interview

    Well, time to hit the shower (now that I got a cup of java). I’m getting ready to do an interview with a Kansas State alumni and digital media major. This gentlemen should prove to be a great addition to my collection of video interviews thus far. These interviews are going into a 2-minute video, […]
  7. Jeff Grant Sr

    Playing catch up and what not

    Hey all, I’ve been a busy beaver lately trying to keep up with this semesters work-load. I am feeling my years as late (52) and have been having mixed emotions about my future. I think I’m just tired and stressed, so I will let my thoughts brew and see where they go.
  8. Jeff Grant Sr

    Just a list of references for my research paper (social media)

    Social media in the workplace References Blaschke, L. M. (2014). Using social media to engage and develop the online learner in self-determined learning. Research in Learning Technology, 22 doi: Kinsley, S. (2015). Memory programmes: The industrial retention of collective life. Cultural Geographies, 22(1), 155-175. doi: Calvasina, G. E., Calvasina, R. V., & Calvasina, E. J. (2014). SOCIAL MEDIA AND HUMAN […]
  9. Jeff Grant Sr

    LinkedIn account discussion

    Today in my social media class we discussed an article in the U.S.News , “What recruiters think when they see your linkedIn profile.” The article states, “Nearly 95 percent of recruiters use LinkedIn to source and vet candidates, a recent survey found.” Impressive bit of information I thought. They go on to say, “If […]
  10. Jeff Grant Sr

    An interesting phone call

    Washington post story Today in our social media class here at K-State college, we had the privilege of speaking to 2 guys (via 3-way phone call) that were involved many years previously in a court battle over child abuse. This was in the Washington Post newspaper. I’ll briefly describe some of the details of what […]
  11. Jeff Grant Sr

    Great advice given

    Myself, and my fellow bloggers  had the distinct pleasure of our college Dean, Ms. Verna Fitzsimmons in our social media class today. She gave us a history of her impressive career and some life lessons to follow in order to achieve similar results as she has gained.      
  12. Jeff Grant Sr

    Latest happenings…

    The first topic in my Social Media class this week was, “like a girl.” I watched a video that showed first young adult woman being asked to throw a ball like a girl, run like a girl, etc. Then they had young adult males do the same. I was actually surprised to see the […]
  13. Jeff Grant Sr

    I’m Baaaaaack.

    After a long break from blogging, I once again will throw some text onto this canvas and attempt to inspire, entertain, enlighten and other-wise hobnob with my fellow bloggers. A few topics discussed thus far in my Social Media class at K-State University are: “Stolen photograph”, “Is Google making us stupid?”, and “how Oreo won […]
  14. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 8

    Objectives: To learn how to download and edit video using Video Down-loader Pro, and Sony Vegas video editing software.  Equipment list: Computer with internet access along with the built-in video software Sony Vegas. Notes and observations: I am a digital media major, so this lab was a breeze. Diagrams, flowcharts, and figures: N/A References: We […]
  15. Jeff Grant Sr

    Research Topic References

    Here is my ten references to utilize for my video project of Ada Lovelace: (1) Book: (I have 6 books to look through) These books are coming from the Manhattan campus; they haven’t made it to my campus yet, so I am listing all six and I cannot properly cite them yet (do to lack […]
  16. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 7b

    Objectives: 7 of us classmates were to construct a working network with subnets using the network equipment that is provided in the lab. The instructor was only an observer (we were on our own).     Equipment list: 3 routers, 3 switches, 4 computers and plenty of media. Notes and observations: The longest time was […]
  17. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 7a

    Objectives: To learn about sub-netting and how to assign different sub-network addresses to multiple networks.    Equipment list: N/A Notes and observations: There is a recognizing pattern that I started to see which helped me correctly fill out the lab report. Diagrams, flowcharts, and figures: N/A References: We were given a sheet with 12 computers […]
  18. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 6

    Objectives: Packet sniffing with Wireshark. Sometimes a network needs to have a good snapshot view of what is happening on the network. A packet sniffing protocol analyzer can be the perfect choice. The objective here is to learn what the software does and understand it. Equipment list: Computer with internet access Notes and observations: There […]
  19. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 5

    Objectives: To learn about HTTP and FTP servers, which are two of the many available services that can operate on a TCP/IP network. Equipment list: Computer with internet access. Notes and observations: It was fun to download the Apache web server and test it to see it configured and running properly. It was also fun […]
  20. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 4

    Objectives: In this lab we learned how to build a working TCP/IP network. Equipment list: 6 computers, 2 switch networking devices, cables, router, and patch cords.  Notes and observations: My group needed to replace 2 network cables in order to complete the connections. As long as we had the proper addresses, everything worked great. Diagrams, […]
  21. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 3

    Objectives: To learn about the OSI model as a method of understanding modern computer networks. Equipment list: Computer with internet access. Notes and observations: ARP: address resolution protocol, converts an IP address into a physical address. Maps the IP address to the MAC address. You can verify connectivity by pinging a device, but you can […]
  22. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 2

    Objectives: We learned how to make networking cables. Networking cables are used to connect one network device to another network device or to connect two or more computers to share printer, scanner, etc. (crossover cables, patch cables). Equipment list: We used twisted pair cables (Cat5 UTP) (a form of wiring in which pairs of wires […]
  23. Jeff Grant Sr

    Lab 1 – Setting up a Homepage

    Objectives: To get three items finished: create a blog account, create a wikispace account, join diigo and create a term for the glossary. Equipment list: Computer with internet Notes and observations: I helped a fellow student get the lab done. This first lab was necessary to begin sharing information. I am ready to get my […]
  24. Jeff Grant Sr

    Working Digitally Clips

    Working Digitally Graphic Designers Graphic designers create visual concepts, by hand or using computer software, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. They help to make an organization recognizable by selecting color, images, or logo designs that represent a particular idea or identity to be used in advertising and promotions. Most of these […]
  25. Jeff Grant Sr

    Working Digital Lit Review

    Jeff Grant Sr. Working Digital Lit Review                            To be…or not to be…a freelance graphic designer  While compiling this list of graphic designers (most of which are freelance)  I was drawn into their “world” and became excited in the prospect of being “one of them”. I didn’t simply just copy and paste these designers URL’s […]
  26. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Shot Types

    The clip I chose to work on is called: “Sam’s Speech”.  It is one of my favorite scenes to the wonderful movie, ” Lord of The Rings” (2:18)(youtube). I’ll begin with the timeline along with what shot(s) were used to complete the scene. (0:00-0:05): Establishing shot, (WS), 1-shot, tilt-up, dramatic zoom. (0:06-0:14): Reaction/reverse shot, (MCU), […]

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