Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92857 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Comments For Kids

    My latest assignment was to get on a children’s blog site and leave a comment. This assignment originated from the wonderful site called, ” DS106″.  I enjoyed reading their blogs and made some comments within them. I was surprised at one of the individuals talents at blogging who is only 14 yrs old. Time to […]
  2. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Comments For Kids

    My latest assignment was to get on a children’s blog site and leave a comment. This assignment originated from the wonderful site called, ” DS106″.  I enjoyed reading their blogs and made some comments within them. I was surprised at one of the individuals talents at blogging who is only 14 yrs old. Time to […]
  3. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Own Country draft

    My Own country Ideas: Brainstorming ideas: Currency will be a chip implanted within your body.  There will actually be 2 chips. 2 will be implanted at birth, 1 is from 0-16 years old so your parents get charged for your expenses. The other is from 16-grave that activates at 16 yrs old. All expenses are […]
  4. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Own Country draft

    My Own country Ideas: Brainstorming ideas: Currency will be a chip implanted within your body.  There will actually be 2 chips. 2 will be implanted at birth, 1 is from 0-16 years old so your parents get charged for your expenses. The other is from 16-grave that activates at 16 yrs old. All expenses are […]
  5. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s TAL Retraction Assignment

                 I listened to “This American Life” Episode 460 called,”‘Retraction”.  Unfortunately, Ira Glass had to air this episode as a retraction to a previously aired program; in which I listened to, and  had strong feelings of both pity, and sorrow ( maybe some anger as well). I had good thoughts about Mike Daisy, who is a […]
  6. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s TAL Retraction Assignment

                 I listened to “This American Life” Episode 460 called,”‘Retraction”.  Unfortunately, Ira Glass had to air this episode as a retraction to a previously aired program; in which I listened to, and  had strong feelings of both pity, and sorrow ( maybe some anger as well). I had good thoughts about Mike Daisy, who is a […]
  7. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s RadioLab1 Assessment

    Having previously listened to several “This American Life” pod-casts, I initially disliked RadioLab1, thinking it was just a radio “hack” show. They butt-in when the others are talking; they way over-due the sounds and music at times.After getting past the first ten minutes I began to actually listen to it constructively.They seem to mimic “This […]
  8. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s RadioLab1 Assessment

    Having previously listened to several “This American Life” pod-casts, I initially disliked RadioLab1, thinking it was just a radio “hack” show. They butt-in when the others are talking; they way over-due the sounds and music at times.After getting past the first ten minutes I began to actually listen to it constructively.They seem to mimic “This […]
  9. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s revisions on posters draft2

    These are my revisions of the posters for Black History Month. The 1st one I totally changed up. Thought up the idea, and decided it would be fun to do in this kind of medium. The second one I put two pictures together in different ways, coming up with this simple, but appealing way. The […]
  10. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s revisions on posters draft2

    These are my revisions of the posters for Black History Month. The 1st one I totally changed up. Thought up the idea, and decided it would be fun to do in this kind of medium. The second one I put two pictures together in different ways, coming up with this simple, but appealing way. The […]
  11. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Tal 4 assignment

    This podcast I listened to was called” What I did for love” . Act one starts with a couple that was 30 yrs old and and had a great relationship together. they had been together for 13 yrs and got to talking about how they never really spoke about marriage. For some odd reason they […]
  12. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Tal 4 assignment

    This podcast I listened to was called” What I did for love” . Act one starts with a couple that was 30 yrs old and and had a great relationship together. they had been together for 13 yrs and got to talking about how they never really spoke about marriage. For some odd reason they […]
  13. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s TAL 3 Assignment

    This podcast was titled “conventions”  Act one began with a guy who would watch the old TV show “Dark Shadows”  for like eight hours a day, seven days a week. That in itself seems over the top for watching just one particular show, let alone how damn slow and boring a show it was. I […]
  14. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Black History Choices Summary

    Buffalo Soldiers in Kansas Black cowboys in the old west?…Of course! In the Film Industry, there are  many western’s depicting how things were in the old West.      We rarely saw  a Black cowboy, yet 25% of all cowboys were Black!  The film Industry has  hidden this fact from so many people. I feel the need […]
  15. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s Black History month assignment

    Tell me about the subjects you are considering and why they are interesting to you.                                                                           The three topics I chose to do are : Black cowboys, Buffalo soldiers, and The  Exodusters. These three topics are about famous Blacks in Kansas. Because of not being published in books, or shown in movies or television, Black cowboys […]
  16. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s summary of This American Life podcast

    What is the topic of the story(s)? The first topic was about reaping what you sow, which was a prologue.  The second was about an immigration bill passed by Alabama called HB56. Lastly, was about the unintended consequences of bringing new residents into a  Brooklyn neighborhood. Namely, a couple of chickens. What made you laugh? Definitely […]
  17. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeff’s T.A.L 1

    This American Life Podcast ” Mr. Daisy and  the Apple Factory“. Topic of the story: Seeing behind the shroud of our American beliefs that everything in the factory world is similar to our own. Knowing the ugly reality of what it means to be a worker in some of  China’s main factories. Opening are eyes […]
  18. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeffs Eames card revision

    On the Front of card you see a child’s drawing On the back is Salvador Dalis’ image On the front you see vast amounts of water On the back is the absents of all water On the front you see an old man laughing On the back is a babies sad face On the front […]
  19. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeffs funny face design

    This image shows a dogs mouth in place of a cats, also a human mouth on his helmet. This image I just now placed into my blog was done at the beginning of the semester. I now know that this image is very rough and I can greatly improve it.
  20. Jeff Grant Sr

    Jeffs Magazine Blog

    The New Yorker caught my eye because of the colors and shapes,also because it has a cartoonish look that I like. It shows a street that appears to be New York in the fall(probably like the current month of the magazine,which is Nov.)There is only two different fonts, so my eyes were focused mainly on […]

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