Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92693 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Jen Orr

    Website Work

    I’ve mentioned before that one thing I do quite a lot of at work is website development. We use WordPress to build our sites, and host them on a Davidson server. I have learned a […]
  2. Jen Orr

    Defining Writing

    Yesterday's post touched briefly on how I define writing. I began to question this early in the summer when I participated (at least to some extent) in ds106. That course had me telling stories through images, sounds, design, and more. It pushed the wa...
  3. Jen Orr

    To Choose or Not to Choose

    As I reflect back on the Northern Virginia Writing Project's Invitational Summer Institute I have a few big idea take-aways that will directly impact the choices I make as a teacher this year.The first one that stands out as I reread my notebook from t...
  4. Jen Orr

    ds106 Audio Assignments

    I spent a good portion of one day working on ds106 assignments, just sitting at my computer, thinking, planning, searching, recording, rejecting, and trying again. Somehow, just sitting in that way was rough on my back and by dinner I could barely walk...
  5. Jen Orr

    My Contribution to ds106 Radio

    One of the recent assignments in ds106 was to work with a group to create an hour long show for ds106 radio. This was due shortly after we returned from ISTE12 so I was a bit concerned about getting it done. However, two and a half hours one evening an...
  6. Jen Orr

    More ds106 Visual Fun

    A ds106 assignment that intrigued me was Newspaper Blackout Poetry. It's a three star assignment and that seemed excessive to me, at first. Turns out, it is pretty challenging.I looked at several articles and tried to plan out some possibilities. I act...
  7. Jen Orr

    Poetry Reading for ds106

    The audio assignments for ds106 have intimidated me a bit more than the design or visual assignments. As a result, I started with Poetry Reading because it didn't scare me as much as others. This poem, The Country, by Billy Collins is one of my all tim...
  8. Jen Orr

    ds106: Wiggle Stereoscopy

    I've been a bit MIA at Camp Magic Macguffin for the past week as the family has been in San Diego having a wonderful time. Oddly enough, even on vacation with my family ds106 has not been far from my mind. Walking around Legoland I had many thoughts ab...
  9. Jen Orr

    Draw It: Next Visual Assignment

    I'm still struggling with Warhol Something so I was concerned the Draw It assignment might stump me too. Instead, it went swimmingly. This isn't the first picture I tried, but it's the one I'm happiest with how it looks. I was worried about the busines...
  10. Jen Orr

    Love: In Three Frames for Father’s Day

    As I attempt to catch up on ds106 I'm trying some visual assignments. For Father's Day (a day that always slips past me as it falls right at the end of the school year*) I gave Love: In Three Frames a try for both my husband and my father.Here's the co...
  11. Jen Orr

    ds106 Design Assignments

    My goal with participating in ds106 (in whatever way that played out) was to learn something. I've only scratched the surface but I've learned quite a bit about GIMP and Photoshop today. In addition, without putting in much effort (as I probably should...
  12. Jen Orr

    Getting my ds106 Game On (Maybe)

    School's out for the summer.* I've dedicated at least part of today to ds106 work, finally. I'm working on a Creative Commons poster, but I'm stuck trying to put the CC icon on there. I haven't given up yet but I did decide to take a break.Instead I di...
  13. Jen Orr

    Daily Creates

    It's not much, but I've managed to do the last four Daily Creates for ds106.On Thursday the assignment was to take a picture of something that you are envious of (physical or metaphorical). I snapped this shot at recess that day. This little girl is no...
  14. Jen Orr

    Stretching Out of My Comfort Zone

    In a burst of insanity I registered for ds106 this summer semester. The theme this time around is Camp Magic Macguffin. I've been following ds106 for a while now but never felt an urge to participate. It seemed out of my realm of competence. We'll see ...

ds106 in[SPIRE]