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  1. jhong6394

    My newhive post:

    Here’s my newhive post: I didn’t have time in class to make it its own gif file, so the link to the website itself is going to have to do. I didn’t realize how quick and easy it was to do something like this. I enjoy working with newhive, and am looking forward to … Continue reading "My newhive post:"
  2. jhong6394


    I read this article today: Kind of Screwed I think it’s ridiculous that Andy Baio got sued by the photographer for making a pixelated art version of the Miles Davis album. I think if you’re not making a profit on it, it should be fine to do “remixes” or “covers”. If you do want to … Continue reading "Copyright"
  3. jhong6394

    2 Thursdays ago, I made my domain site: I didn’t understand a lot of what was going on, but I followed Professor Ryan’s directions and the process went smoothly and more painless than I thought it would be. I haven’t...
  4. jhong6394

    Last Thursday

    I’m still a bit confused as to how to work Photoshop, and especially because I’m working with a Mac. I’m not used to the hotkeys and how to right click and the mouse is really annoying since I’ve been using PCs my entire life. I was only able to complete my static image last class, … Continue reading "Last Thursday"

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