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  1. jmcmahan46

    Radio show ideas!

    The idea that I would like to float is a re-make and condensed version of the iconic Orson Welles broadcast “War of the worlds. If you are interested here is a link to the transcript  The transcript can be tweaked a little with modern names, cities, and music. You can listen to the broadcast at […]
  2. jmcmahan46

    Print all over me!

    I added scorpions to my picture. The scorpions are courtesy of I just cut and pasted them to a photo of me in windows paint. I was trying to stay with the horror theme for the class. Scorpions on my body would be truly horrifying.
  3. jmcmahan46

    Week 4 Summary

    Week 4 is now done. It was not a bad week and I learned quit a bit. The first assignment required some reading about photography. I then discussed what I use photography for and what techniques or practices I could use to improve. For the most part I take pictures for random reasons. Step 2 […]
  4. jmcmahan46


    I started at 8:14.  The next picture I was trying to make something small look big.  Art work on one of my toes.   The severed leg is for death. It didn’t hurt too bad.  A pink flash light for the color pink.   This photo of the shoe is to emphasize the color red.   The end time.    I was […]
  5. jmcmahan46

    Recreate Your Optical Illusions

    To complete this assignment I watched the video at . I then looked at the handles on the fire-place tools and they appeared warped.  Then I took a picture of the fireplace tools and opened it in Adobe Photoshop. I used the warp feature and warped the handles until they resembled what I saw after watching […]
  6. jmcmahan46

    Color Changer

    This assignment required that you change the color on a photo. I took the original photo and uploaded it to Adobe Photoshop.  I then adjusted the color and hue until I found an appearance that I liked.  This is the original photo.
  7. jmcmahan46

    Paranormal Image.

    This is my paranormal image for the week.  To shoot it I had my 11 year old son move across the living room.  I photographed him with the lights on using the night time mode on my digital camera.  This slows the shutter speed down which creates a blurred image if the target is moving.
  8. jmcmahan46

    An Old Photo?

    This is one of my Team Roping Horses.  She is about 7 years old.  I took this picture today and followed the tutorials, this was the end result.  Here is the picture that I started with. I think this was pretty cool to do.
  9. jmcmahan46

    The Shinning

    First of all,  I never get tired of watching Jack Nicholson movies, there seems to always be some ultra dark side to his character. Some of the photography things that noticed were awesome.  I had seen the movie before but this time I saw a few things that I had missed in the past. There […]
  10. jmcmahan46

    Pop Star out of Place

    I really have no use for Pop Stars but here it is.  Katy Perry at McDonald’s. It’s not probable that you would run into Katy at your local McDonald’s. I cropped a her photo out of a super bowl picture and placed it on a random picture of a McDonald’s restaurant.
  11. jmcmahan46


    When I think about it I do take allot of pictures.  I have two trail camera’s set up as we speak. Like most people I also take an abundance of cell phone pictures for different reasons. Like this next picture I took to show the gentleman at the parts counter what I was looking for, […]
  12. jmcmahan46

    Week 3-Summary

    Week 3 started off a little rocky, but ended well.  I believe at this point I may have this to a system.  It’s getting easier to come up with the daily create ideas. We were required to read a Tales from the Crypt story called Last Respects. Last respects was an interesting short story.  Of […]
  13. jmcmahan46

    Pair Lane

    Today’s daily create is to take the title on a movie and change one letter.  Then you had to draw a scene from the new movie. I looked through movie title and found Airplane.  I moved the P and wallah Pair Lane!
  14. jmcmahan46

    Anonymous Host

    This is the Anonymous Host.  He has no name or face, he is simply a shadow.  He hides in the shadows to see and hear your story.  He goes unnoticed but see’s and hears everything. He will tell your tale and do it without bias. He insures that he does not become a part of the […]
  15. jmcmahan46

    Vonnegut’s method-Last Respects

    I will use Vonnegut’s method, I will attempt to map the shape of the story. I prefer cliff’s over stairs. The story starts off at a low spot when Anthony enters the cemetery.  It goes lower when he finds her grave. Then we have a back flash to the fair.  So we are at good […]
  16. jmcmahan46

    The ocean at the end of your backyard.

    This is the ocean at the end of my back yard. The only thing that you need is a swimsuit and an imagination.  It was in this very ocean that Moby Dick was born and Captain Ahab perished.  Jaws used to swim  here until he met his demise in 1975. Captain Nemo and his ship the […]
  17. jmcmahan46

    The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

    After listening to this or should I say attempting to listen to this I would have to say that I am disappointed.  I really tried to listen but could not get into it.  The reader (Dr. John) had a nice voice but that’s about it.  I found myself board with it and uninterested.  Since I […]
  18. jmcmahan46

    Create a Music Video

    Today I made a music video, I will be honest it was a little harder than I thought it would be. Not so much due to the work, but more so due to the photos or the people in them are connected to me forever.  
  19. jmcmahan46

    Last Respects

    The story grabs your attention by making an appeal to your sense of pity toward the young couple since they are denied their happiness by the uncle. This particular story would fall into the gross side of the spectrum since it involves cannibalism.  It’s not got any ghosts or super nasty bad guys. It was […]
  20. jmcmahan46

    Certain Shadows on the wall.

    After watching Certain Shadows on the wall, I have to say Karma can be a party killer. It wasn’t that scary of a story it’s more about people getting what they have coming to them.  I would guess that there will be at least two more shadows on that wall. The dialog and music were […]
  21. jmcmahan46

    Movie Review-The Grand Budapest Hotel.

    The Grand Budapest Hotel. Last night I watched the wonderful movie called The Grand Budapest Hotel.I found the movie to contain and entertaining dry humor throughout.  Accompanied by some awesome music and a spectacular cast of characters.  The movie is an entertaining look into the past. The movies two main characters are the hotels Conciser […]
  22. jmcmahan46

    Week 2 Summary

    Well I enjoyed class and learned allot during the last week.  I also enjoyed looking at the work of the other students on ds106 and digital story telling. I was reminded this time to pay attention to detail and look at the little things.  Missing the little things can have undesirable consequences. I would like […]

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