Alan Levine and I have been rearing this one for over a year but the time has finally come around to set it free. You’re going to have to bring all of your Remix skilz to the table as well as your big brain contextual understanding – you’re going to need to read Cory’s books and find out what the hell is grinding his gears.
A portrait of Cory Doctorow painted by Paul Wright from a photograph by Jonathan Worth.
This week we’ve heard all about how Photojournalist Marcus Bleasdale’s collaborates in order to re-imagine his work and reach new audiences via new and unexplored channels, well that’s where we’re headed with this task. After you’ve read Cory and read about Cory you’ll use someone else’s images (mine) to hack,remix and transform into something awesome and for this Alan has rustled up a little space all of its own with some house rules and further instruction.
Don’t let me down. Lets go to work.
. . . → Read More: ForTheRemix