Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. jreingol

    Special Agent Terrance “Fitz” Fitzhugh

    Profiles Bio Facebook Linkedin Flickr Twitter Assignments Movie Trading Cards (4 stars) Elf and Website Website Banner (4 stars) Elf and Website Honest Video Game (3 stars) Mario Kart Animal Dance Off (3 stars) Animals Can Also Sing Proof he shared them with his friends: Interactions  
  2. jreingol

    Au Revoir DS106

    My Contributions to the DS106 Assignment Bank Final Project: Special Agent Terrance “Fitz” Fitzhugh Daily Create 12/6/14 The Wire This week I finished up Season 4. I was both happy and sad with the end of season 4. While Namond’s story got better, Randy, Michael, and Duquense’s stories both got worse. Mayor Carcetti also turned […]
  3. jreingol

    My Contributions to the DS106 Assignment Bank

    Daily Creates I submitted: 1. Photography-Upside Down Day! Take a photo of a subject, landscape, or anything that would cool upside down. 2. Audio- Right Here, Right Now. Record 10 seconds of what you are hearing right at this moment! Assignments I created: 1. Spooky Sounds- in Audio Assignments- 3 stars 2. Architecture/Landscape Then and Now- in Visual […]
  4. jreingol

    Elf and Website

    His favorite holiday movie is Elf, so he made trading cards, which was worth 4 stars. He also needed to customize his website, so he made a banner that he felt reflected his own style. That was also 4 stars. He used Pixlr and Google Images to make both...
  5. jreingol

    Google Hangout Discussion S4E10

    From 8pm-9pm on Tuesday (Dec. 2), Jonathon, Nicky, Lauren, Nicholas, and I had a discussion about Season 4 Episode 10:”Misgivings” of The Wire. Jonathon started the discussion by sharing some screenshots of scenes from the episode that really struck him. On in particular was when the  (asshole) police officer caught the boy who is really good at stealing […]
  6. jreingol

    Somehow There’s Never Enough Time.

    Assignments Mashup Total: 12 stars 1. Movie Trailer Mashup (4.5 stars) The Divergent Games 2. Movie Mashup (4.5 stars) The Divergent Games-Poster 3. *The Wire* Inappropriate Laughter (3 stars) Omar’s Testimony Remix: 7 stars Remix  Kinematic Typography Remixed Subtle Switcheroo (7 stars) 11th Doctor’s Quote As done by Fitz Total: 6 stars Honest Video Game […]
  7. jreingol

    Architecture/Landscape Then And Now

    I created the Architecture/Landscape Then And Now Visual Assignment. I wanted to do this because I enjoyed blending then and now pictures of UMW last year for my senior history seminar called Adventures in Digital History. Here’s the description of the assignment: “Much like other then and now assignments, this assignment requires an old photo and […]
  8. jreingol

    New Daily Creates!

    Today I submitted 2 ideas for new daily creates. 1. Photography-Upside Down Day! Take a photo of a subject, landscape, or anything that would cool upside down. 2. Audio- Right Here, Right Now. Record 10 seconds of what you are hearing right at this moment!
  9. jreingol


    TDC 1048 What’s the thinker’s plan? Brownies November 21, 2014 Only a few more hours until i can make brownies and drown myself in their chocolately goodness.
  10. jreingol

    The Divergent Games

    I did the Movie Trailer Mashup Assignment worth 4.5 stars. I dowloaded both the Divergent and Hunger Games trailers from Youtube and imported them into iMovie. Next, I broke up the trailers into the scenes they featured from the movies, and tried to find similar scenes between the two trailers. I put the similar scenes […]
  11. jreingol

    The Classroom is a Dangerous Place Too

    For the Video Essay assignment worth 5 stars, I chose 3 scenes from Season 4, Episode 3 of The Wire, “Home Rooms.” I downloaded the episode from the Wire 106 website and then imported it into iMovie. I only moved the scenes I was providing commentary for to the actual timeline in iMovie. Then, I […]
  12. jreingol

    Basic Braid Time Lapse

    For the Activity Time Lapse assignment, worth 3.5 stars, I chose to make a time lapse video of me braiding my hair in a basic side braid. I used the time lapse feature on my iPhone to record it. However, that made the time lapse 4.0 seconds long. So, on the Youtube video editing settings, […]
  13. jreingol

    2 for 1

    Assignments Total Stars: 18 1. Swede (4.5 stars) worked with Maggie: Much Swede. 2. Video Essay (5 stars):  3. Movie Scenes That Changed Your Life (5 stars): TV Scenes That Changed My Life Tv scenes that have changed my life-VideoAssignments442 from Jessica Reingold on Vimeo. 4. Activity Time Lapse (3.5 stars): Basic Braid Time Lapse Live […]
  14. jreingol

    Much Swede.

    Maggie and I decided to so our swede on Season 3, Episode 11 of The Wire. We wanted to try to include as much as  the plot as we could, so we broke the episode down into 13 main scenes. Next, we planned out the days we’d shoot, the times, and the locations. We even […]
  15. jreingol

    TV Scenes That Changed My Life

    I did the Movie TV Scenes That Changed Our Lives assignment worth 5 stars. For this assignment I picked out 3 scenes that were very memorable to me, and provided some commentary on what the situation of the scene is and why it moved me. These are three scenes from various tv shows that have really stuck […]
  16. jreingol

    Reflection on Fritz Lang’s M

    To provide tension, Lang shows the importance of time. We see the mother look up at the clock when it is noon and we know that something is important at noon. Then we see the little girl from the beginning coming back from school. We can infer she is on her way her home since […]

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