Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94981 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @justin_zamecnik

    K-State Football

    I decided to have some fun with K-State football. It has been a while since my last time designing things based on sports. I had a lot of fun with this one. I spend a little bit of time on this one, but I didn’t want to spend too much time on it simply because […]
  2. @justin_zamecnik

    Shoe Sketches

    Over the years I have created a few sketches of shoes I like. They are basically two-dimensional sketches that focus more on color than anything else. I enjoy making these pieces because of the simplicity. I know how easy it can be to over design something. I try to keep things simple in appearance with […]
  3. @justin_zamecnik


    Over the years I have grown fond of skateboarding. The idea of the sport is fun and challenging to most. It is one of the few sports that focuses primarily on yourself and not others. While teamwork is a great thing, it is also important that a person can depend upon themselves as well. My […]
  4. @justin_zamecnik

    Logo Design

    As time has passed I have created multiple logos for my brand. Creating a name and logo can be time-consuming, and that is exactly what happened. I started designing t-shirts and skateboards in 2017 under the name Verbatim. Over time the name has changed to The VRBTM Project. This logo shown above was created for […]
  5. @justin_zamecnik

    Final Lab – Team Networking

    Objectives The main thing we did in this lab was splitting into two teams and creating a network for each team, and then connecting the two networks through routers. Once we accomplished that goal the professor then went in and messed everything up. We then had to come back into the room and fix the […]
  6. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 9 – Video Making

    Objectives The main objective of this lab was pretty simple. We needed to introduce ourselves to the idea of video editing. We watched a quick video over the art of cutting video, and then we had to go on and make our own version of the same video. Equipment list The equipment list for this […]
  7. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 8 & 9 – Subnetting

    Objectives The main objective of this lab was to create a large network that consisted of a lot of smaller subnetworks. This lab took two lab periods to complete, because we kind of failed the first time around. Equipment list The equipment that we used were pretty basic. We needed a computer, a router, a […]
  8. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 7

    Objectives This lab required us to team up with a classmate and create a small network by using a routers, switches, and a couple of desktop computers. We had to figure out the IP address, the Gateway, and much more in order to accomplish the objectives for this lab. Equipment list We used a decent […]
  9. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 6 – Networking Simulation

    Objectives The main objective of this lab was to become more comfortable with the process of communicating networks. We needed to become more familiar with the process of encapsulation and how routers and switches figure out where things need to go. It was similar to something we have done in class, but it was a […]
  10. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 5 – Web Server

    Objectives This lab instructed us to finalize the set up of the raspberry pi computer, install raspian, and then create an apache web server out of the computer. This was able to be done by using resources like google and the raspberry pi website to help set things up. We had to make sure everything […]
  11. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 4 – OSI

    Objectives This lab had multiple parts to it, and some were much more time consuming than others. We started off by recognizing different types of hardware that we use on a day to day basis. This helped us with being able to both recognize, and understand the hardware. We were able to look at a […]
  12. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 3 – Cables

    Objectives We set out to make some cables for our third lab. We needed to be able to unwind the inner wires and prep them to be used in an ethernet cable. It might not have been an ethernet cable, it’s been almost a week since I’ve seen the cables, but I know that it […]
  13. @justin_zamecnik

    Lab 2 – Intro to Raspberry Pi & Linux

    Objectives The main objectives of these labs were to become more familiar with Linux, as well as to set up our Raspberry Pi computers. We needed to learn how to program a SD card that would later be used to set up the computer. We needed to learn the basics of the components of everything […]
  14. @justin_zamecnik

    The Final

    I haven’t posted anything on here for a while, and there’s a very good reason for that… NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE. The reason for that is the fact that I have been working on my final for my Digital Media 2 class for a lot of that time. We were given choices for our final […]
  15. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 12

    This week was well managed for the most part. We were instructed to do twelve stars of mashup assignments for this week. I got most of them done before the weekend came, so I didn’t have to rush. We were also instructed to do two daily creates located on the ds106 website. Thankfully, I didn’t […]
  16. @justin_zamecnik

    Logo Mashup

    This was my last assignment for the week. It was also worth four stars, which put me at twelve for the week. The instructions are to mashup all of your favorite teams logos. I chose to do the Kansas City Royals, the New England Patriots (no I’m not a bandwagon fan, I’ve liked them since […]
  17. @justin_zamecnik


    This assignment was a fun one to do. The instructions are to take a closeup image of anyone and place them somewhere they wouldn’t be found. It was worth four stars, which puts me at eight stars for the whole weak. I took a random picture off of the internet and began to edit it. […]
  18. @justin_zamecnik

    It Doesn’t Belong

    This assignment was very simple. All I had to do was add something to a movie that doesn’t believe there. This assignment was worth four stars. I am a huge Star Wars fan and have always been bothered when people mix it up with Star Trek. Soooooooooo I decided to do just that. I found an […]
  19. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 11 Documentary

    This week wasn’t too busy because we were only given a few things to do. We had to do a couple of daily creates on the ds106 website, as well as finish our documentary. Thankfully These didn’t take me too long to accomplish due to the fact that I already had my documentary recorded and […]
  20. @justin_zamecnik


    We were assigned an analysis over the Winnebago Man film and how it used certain aspect of what we learned from a few youtube videos. Below is my analysis.   We all have issues, right? There is one man out there who became a youtube all-star due to his anger issues. This man’s name is […]
  21. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 10

    This week was a productive one for me. Thankfully, I was able to reduce my procrastination and get all of my video shot and somewhat close to done before they were due. We were instructed to do six stars worth of video assignments on the ds106 website. I ended up slightly overachieving by doing six […]
  22. @justin_zamecnik


    This assignment was also found on the ds106 website, but it is no longer there. For water reason it appears it was taken down. This assignment was worth three and a half stars and didn’t take long at all. Actually, this writing is also part of the assignment. The instructions are to record a short […]
  23. @justin_zamecnik

    Play It Backwards

    This assignment was found on the ds106 website. The instructions were very easy, record something and play it backwards. I decided to do a bottle flip. This assignment was worth three stars and got me half way to the goal for the week. I used Adobe Premiere to edit this video. I wasn’t sure how […]
  24. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 9

    This week was a much easier week, which I loved. We didn’t have to do much besides adjust a few things on the radio show and add a few bumpers. This blog post will primarily focus on what went well and not so well on the radio show and multiple other aspects of the experience. […]
  25. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 8

    This week was all about completing our radio show. Leading up to this week we really didn’t have a very good plan for the show. So Tuesday’s class consisted of us throwing out ideas that we think would be easy to do and edit, but not boring to listen to. There were multiple ideas, but […]
  26. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 7

    This week was once again very productive. We focused on audio and commenting on social media. I tried to stick primarily to design comments, some involving clothes while others involved a RV. We were assigned ten stars in audio assignments for the week, and thankfully audio assignment are usually worth more. I completed three assignments […]
  27. @justin_zamecnik

    DS106 Radio Bumper

    This assignment was one that needed to be done for our class. I decided to work together with one of my classmates to create this radio bumper. We knew about the hey owl from youtube and we knew we were wanting that incorporated into the mix. We also knew we had to have some way […]
  28. @justin_zamecnik

    Remaking We Will Rock You

    This assignment was pretty easy to accomplish, but it’s all I needed to get to the ten stars for the week. This assignment was worth two stars. The instructions were to remake the We Will Rock You beat with anything I really wanted. I decided I wanted to go with a more computer based sound […]
  29. @justin_zamecnik

    Theme Song

    This assignment was a fun one for me. The instructions were easy, make a theme song for yourself. I chose to use one of my favorite beats, which is from the song Colours by Skizzy Mars. I jumped onto Adobe Audacity and I remade the beat and chorus by finding them on the internet and […]

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