Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92891 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 6

    This week was a busy one once again. We were assigned ten stars worth of design assignments. I was able to get all ten stars with three assignments. We were told to look for some elements of design in the real world. We had to go out and find good uses of color or spacing, […]
  2. @justin_zamecnik

    Name That Single

    This assignment was a pretty easy one. The instructions are to take any song you want and make a symbol for it. I chose the song STFU by Blackbear for my assignment. This assignment was worth two stars, which puts me at ten for the week. As I said before the assignment was very easy […]
  3. @justin_zamecnik

    Trading Card

    This assignment was a fun one for me. The assignment was easy to follow, but was very time consuming. All I had to do was make a trading card for a movie, and the movie I chose was Mad Max Fury Road. This assignment was worth four and a half stars, which puts me at […]
  4. @justin_zamecnik

    New Logo’s

    I found this assignment on the ds106 website. The instructions were simple, create a simple logo for something. I could make a random logo for something fake, but I decided to upgrade the logo I had for my J.T. Blog & Design pages. The logo is shown above and is much better than the original […]
  5. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 5

    This week was another busy one. We focused on audio, which is probably the thing I needed the most work on. We had more stars assigned this week which kept us even busier, but in the long run I got it all done. I wrote a blog post that explains the significance of audio in […]
  6. @justin_zamecnik

    Sound Effect Story

    This assignment was a fun one. The assignment is worth three and a half stars, which puts me at eleven and a half stars. The idea is simple, use sound effects to tell a story. I may have bent the rules a little bit by having a sound effect of a woman crying for help, but […]
  7. @justin_zamecnik

    Lower Pitch

    This assignment ended up being pretty easy for me. I was just roaming around audacity and stumbled upon the effects for this assignment. All I had to do was change the vocal pitch to be lower than the original song. Naturally I chose He Man and the most annoying song ever. It’s not quite as […]
  8. @justin_zamecnik

    Making an Instrumental

    This assignment was very complicated for me. I’m not very experienced with audacity so I struggled trying to remove the lyrics from this song. The song I decided to take the words out of is called Tumblr Girls by G Eazy. The main reason I like this song is from the beat. It’s just really […]
  9. @justin_zamecnik


    Audio plays a huge roll in our daily life. We may no notice it, but trust me, it does. Think of watching a movie without the background music. Think of watching any Star Wars movie ever and not having any sound effects. Without the sound effects and music the whole vibe of the movie is […]
  10. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 4

    This week was another productive one. It was based on visual assignment and photography. I was able to check out a new camera and learn quite a bit about picture taking in just a few days. One thing I knew going into the week was that focusing in photography is a huge deal. What I […]
  11. @justin_zamecnik

    Limited Shapes

    This was my final assignment for the week. It was worth three and a half stars, which got me to a total of eight stars. The instructions were very simple, use five circles, four lines, and only one curved line to create an image. This assignment really worked with my imagination. There were an endless […]
  12. @justin_zamecnik

    Altering a Cartoon

    This assignment was worth a star and a half which got me to a total of four and a half. The directions to this assignment were very simple. I had to take an old cartoon character and edit the colors. I decided to use Winnie the Pooh for some odd reason, but I had some […]
  13. @justin_zamecnik

    Creating A New Animal

    This assignment was a fun one. It is a visual assignment on the ds106 website. The directions are to mesh some animals together. The first image and body of this animal is a fish. I’m not sure what form of fish though. The other animals I incorporated into this image are a water buffalo, koala, […]
  14. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 3 Update

    This week was much busier than the first two. We were told we had to find our own assignments on the ds106 website, but the difficulty level had to add up to eight stars. Those of you who do not know how the website works, each assignment on the website has been graded on difficulty […]
  15. @justin_zamecnik


    This assignment was very easy to finish. It wasn’t supposed to be anything special, it’s just putting something from a cartoon onto something in real life. I used Photoshop to adjust the legs of the starfish so they line up with the shorts. This assignment was only worth a star and a half, but it’s […]
  16. @justin_zamecnik


    I found this assignment on the ds106 website. It was a three star assignment, and the directions were to make an invitation for a wedding. I tweaked it just a little bit and did a graduation invitation instead because I have been working on my for some time now. I was limited to what I […]
  17. @justin_zamecnik

    Creating a Poster

    This assignment was found on the ds106 website. The description was simple, make a poster for an upcoming event, therefor, I chose the home opener for K-State football. I spent multiple hours in Photoshop tweaking the images you see in the design above and below. This assignment was rated 4 out of 5 stars, which seems […]
  18. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 2 Update

    The main focus of the second week back in class was copyright. We learned about the history of copyright and how people weren’t as strict. Nowadays you can’t go a month without a major lawsuit in the news, although some of these people do bring the lawsuit upon themselves. For instance a few young men […]
  19. @justin_zamecnik

    Week 1

    Throughout the first week back in class I have been busy with small projects. In Digital Media 2 I have opened a few more social media accounts in order to let people see what I have been up to when it comes to college. We also jumped onto the #ds106 bandwagon this week which should […]
  20. @justin_zamecnik


    So far I haven’t been horribly busy with school work. This current lack of work has given me an opportunity to help a few people out. Here is a very simple design for my girlfriends graduation invitations. Now don’t worry, I’m going to touch it up. This image is only the template for the invitation. […]

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