Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92860 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. kdente21

    Chirlane McCray THRIVENYC

    First lady Chirlane McCray visited CUNY, York College to discuss mental health. In an initiative to bring awareness to mental health on March, 22, 2017 York College hosted “A Conversation with NYC first Lady” Chirlane McCray, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s wife. The panel discussion was moderated by New York Ones anchor women Cheryl Wills. In […]
  2. kdente21

    Trump Travel Ban

    Alexandria age 18 who is a student at York college and also lives in  Cyrpess Hills Brooklyn reaction to the the Trump travel ban was the same as many other New Yorkers. Alexandria said “that the travel ban was unfair and unjust because you cannot blame a country for what ever is happening” The Travel […]
  3. kdente21

    Reflection Post

    The thing I ask myself when reflecting on this course is did I actually like blogging beforehand and I did not. I felt like blogging was a waste of time and I actually did not have any interest in it. To be honest I was not aware that this class would require me to blog […]
  4. kdente21

    J Cole “4 Your Eyes Only” album review

    This past weekend J Cole aka Jermaine Cole released his fourth studio album “4 your eyes only”. Before this release he broke the internet by dropping “False Prophets” which some say took shots at Kanye West but I think it’s deeper than that I believe he was talking about rap artist in general and people […]
  5. kdente21


    Have you ever road the train during rush hour and seen people push other people to get on the train its crazy it’s something that I don’t understand. I need a level of understand to why this happens let’s talk about this in this blog post not the pushing of people on the train but […]
  6. kdente21

    Mr. West

    Okay picture this I am on the train writing my next blog post heading towards the Museum of natural history and I am just jamming ...
  7. kdente21

    My first Gif

    The reason why I chose this gif is because i usually watch Brandon Armstrong also known as Bdot Be like videos. Brandon Videos are usually ...
  8. kdente21

    Vapor waves

    My experience with creating my own vapor wave was some what easy. I wanted to turn something classical into something different and modern. I kind ...
  9. kdente21

    Pushing my IPhone to its limits

    Okay so today I experimented with the different photo manipulation apps for my IPhone 6 to create different and unique Giffs and still frame pictures. I found out that I actually love working with these different applications. The picture I decided to ...
  10. kdente21

    Domain of One’s Own Response

    In Audrey Watter’s lecture on Domain of One’s Own she touches on a number of topics and issues involving that issue. Watters reflects on why having you own space on the web to freely post your thoughts and opinions is a positive thing and also having that free space to work on with out being...
  11. kdente21

    Domain of One’s Own

    In Audrey Watter’s lecture on Domain of One’s Own she touches on a number of topics and issues involving that issue. Watters reflects on why having you own space on the web to freely post your thoughts and opinions is a positive thing and also having that free space to work on with out being […]
  12. kdente21

    DS 106 assignment I would like to learn “Period Piece Mashup”

    The DS106 assignment that i would like to learn is the period pieace mashup. The reason for this is because the concept seems to be interesting. To take two different movies of two different time periods and create something new is an innervating assignment and forces you to be creative.   Here is a picture … Continue reading "DS 106 assignment I would like to learn “Period Piece Mashup”"
  13. kdente21

    Making Me Happy

    This is my second GIF that i have created it features one of my favorite players to watch in todays NBA CJ McCollum. This makes me happy because i love watching this man work and that step back of his is deadly and effective. Creating GIFS are becoming easier and less complicated for me personally. … Continue reading "Making Me Happy"
  14. kdente21

    My first Gif

    The reason why I chose this gif is because i usually watch Brandon Armstrong also known as Bdot Be like videos. Brandon Videos are usually hilarious to me all the time because he impersonates NBA players or moments in the game of basketball which hence the name of his videos Be like. So I created … Continue reading "My first Gif"

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