Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94983 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. kenny13

    The Making of the Reverse Man

    Well I hoped you enjoyed the story of Paul the Reverse Man, well now Paul the Warped Vision Man.  This section is for me to give you a brief overview of how I created this story. 1. Came up with the subject for the story (Reverse Man) 2. Thought about what type of things I […]
  2. kenny13

    How to reverse an audio file

    This tutorial is being created for an assignment where you needed to reverse the audio of a song and have people guess it.  However this tutorial can be used for reversing any audio file that you want.  For this tutorial I will be using the Audacity audio editing program along with the LAME library to […]
  3. kenny13

    How to create a time lapse video

    Sorry no catchy title this time around, but I will tell you how to create a time lapse video.  It is fairly simple, but the skills you learn in this tutorial can be used for any of your videos.  First off there are two ways of doing a time lapse video.  The first method, which […]
  4. kenny13

    Week 5 Weekly Summary

      Week 3 Daily Creates: Week 3 Assignments:
  5. kenny13

    Hey, I think those cars need to slow down!

    Like this assignment but it did prove difficult even though the idea seemed simple enough.  For this assignment I had to create a video that showed the change in time throughout the day at a single location.  Simple right, it was until I realized that I don’t stay at a single location throughout my day […]
  6. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/16/2015

    For this daily create we had to take an image and using thing hyperbolic tiling generator create our own.  I decide to that some abstract art and see what it would look like.  I think my experiment came out quite well if I do say so myself.
  7. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/14/2015

    Magical light, I think what type of light is considered magical is different for each person.  If you haven’t guessed this daily create was to take a picture that showed a magical light.  I don’t think mine is as magical as some, but who knows maybe someone else will think that this photo is completely […]
  8. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/12/15

    Ben Franklin’s Drinkers Dictionary, I did not know such a thing existed until today.  For this daily create we had to pick a saying from the dictionary and then I picked a background that would go with the saying.  And below you will find the final result of my hard work.
  9. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/10/15

    Poems of death, sounds slightly depressing to me but that was the daily create for today.  We had to write a poem, preferably a haiku or tanka and I did a tanka, about death.  Below you will find the my poems and a link to the original daily create where you can see that I […]
  10. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/9/15

    Can you draw anything with only squares, circles, triangles, lines and dots?  Well that was the assignment, to draw a picture using only these five elements.  I ended up drawing an old Nintendo controller if you can’t tell by the drawling, I know I’m a bad drawer stop hassling me about it.
  11. kenny13

    Daily Create 7/6/15

    Well this daily create assignment was late, it came on July 6th when #PenATweet day was on July 1st.  Bravo daily create people, always on time I see.  Anyways this daily create was about righting a tweet about handwriting and tweet a picture of the tweet you handwritten.  Well without further delay here is mine. […]
  12. kenny13

    Daily Create 6/27/15

    What will the future hold for you?  For this daily create the question was “What does Dr. Garcia see in her future?” and we were suppose to upload a picture of what we thought to Flickr.  My photo does not only apply to her though, but to you as well.  If you don’t believe me […]
  13. kenny13

    Daily Create 6/23/15

    For this daily create we were suppose to take a picture of where we stand and seeing that I stand in my boots that is what I took a picture of.  My boots also happened to be standing on a poor Lego man … oops.
  14. kenny13

    Daily Create 6/22/15

    This is my first daily create and for it we were suppose to great to the highest place we could and take a picture of the people being small.  So I decided that the highest I could get was not the roof of a building put at my own computer.  I went into google earth […]
  15. kenny13

    Blog Customization

    For me customizing my blog was quite easy because I had already create back in the last fall semester.  So the only things that I really needed to do was to create a separate section in this case the “Hey, what’s that?” area, to create the categories, and to update my menu to reflect these […]

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