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  1. kenny1352

    Tinkering is over . . . Lame!

    I can’t believe how fast the semester went, but it is over now. I wish I could have spent more time on my projects for this class, though now I have more time to start on other maker projects like this one or maybe trying to build a full scale R2-D2.  Well I want to thank […]
  2. kenny1352

    It’s Alive!

    Well it’s not technically live seeing that it is a ukulele, but you get the general idea. It’s finished now but after my post last night I ended up going to two music stores to get the strings and tuners that it need as well as Lowes for some hinges to add onto one end. […]
  3. kenny1352

    Almost there!

    I have been working for a while on this cardboard project. I’m trying to make a ukulele out of cardboard, and I have made some pretty good progress on the project. I started out by cutting out the pieces for the body of the instrument and glue them together. From there I went on to […]
  4. kenny1352

    Week 5 Weekly Summary

      Final Project: Assignments Created:   Tutorials: http...
  5. kenny1352

    Daily Create 7/19/2015

    Wonky movie poster, for an artist of my skill … oh wait I have to draw it, well that changes things a bit.  Well for this daily create we had to draw a wonky movie poster, and because Star Wars Episode 2 was on my bookshelf near my desk that is what I did.  Now […]
  6. kenny1352

    Marvel is the Last One Standing

    If you are confused about what my title is suppose to mean for this assignment I’ll explain it for you.  For this assignment we had to pick a theme, create a compilation video about that theme, and then put it to some music.  I think you can guess why I made my title what it […]
  7. kenny1352

    Roger Ebert, you make an interesting point.

    Roger Ebert’s article, which can be found below, does make an interesting point.  I normally only watch movies for their entertainment values, but if I were to watch one so that I can analyze it then I think the method he describe would be quite useful.  He suggests that when you are analyzing a movie […]
  8. kenny1352

    Audio story?

    This assignment was to pick an audio story and listen to it.  The one I pick which was the “Why This Compulsion To Run Long Distances?’ A Runner’s Beautiful Confession” and I picked this one because I thought it would be entertaining because I just signed up to do a half marathon in November.  However […]
  9. kenny1352

    What Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad had to tell me.

    For this I had to watch some videos about these to guys as they told me about storytelling.  Their lessons can be applied to audio or any type of storytelling in my opinion.  Anyways let me tell you about the things that these two men started telling me.  First off was Ira Glass and he […]
  10. kenny1352

    What are those noises?

    What are those noises indeed?  Those noises are some of the typical noises I can hear during my normal day.  Yes, I know a good part of them is music but I list to a lot of music during the day.  Especially seeing that at the job I work 40 hours a week I listen […]
  11. kenny1352

    Can you guess what it is?

    Well can you figure what song this is, it may be in reverse but I think you can do.  Well if it isn’t obvious this audio assignment was to take a song, reverse the audio, if some hints, and then see if you can figure out what this song is.  That is exactly what I […]
  12. kenny1352

    Weekly Summary of Week 1

    This was the first week of my experience with ds106.  It was interesting to say the least, like I never thought I would actually create a twitter account, it’s just not my cup of tea.  I did enjoy some of the assignments thought, mostly because it allowed me to think outside the box to come […]
  13. kenny1352

    “I wonder if it will be friends with me?”

    This assignment was to create a warning sign of whatever we wanted to.  I liked the idea of it because that meant I could be as ridiculous as I wanted to be.  So I decided to make a warning sign warning people to look out for falling whales and if you haven’t figured out the […]
  14. kenny1352

    So they do exist?!

    This was a fairly simple assignment, to create a new type of animal by combining two or more animals and/or plants together.  I decided to create an animal like a Pegasus, or in simple terms a horse with wings, but I thought that was not enough so I also added an eagle’s head to my […]
  15. kenny1352

    Attack of the cat!

    When I was going though the visual assignment bank, I was looking for something I could have fun with.  Then I came across this assignment, it was to take a picture of a cat and a Shakespearean quote and put them together.  I’m not a big cat person, but I thought I could make something […]
  16. kenny1352

    Picture with a twist

    This was my first assignment for ds106.  For this we were suppose to take a photo of ourselves and added a word bubble playing off of the picture.  However, I don’t have many photos that I’m actually in so that made things interesting.  I just ended up grabbing an ordinary picture and added a classic […]
  17. kenny1352

    Reflection on reading material

    I thought that some of the material was actually quite interesting, I particular enjoyed reading about the story behind the Migrant Mother photo.  I have seen the photo before but I never gave much thought into what actually lead up to the photo being taken so it was quite interesting and gave me a different […]

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