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  1. kethao35

    What They Might Have Done In Social Media

    I am providing a tutorial for this assignment:  ds106 Tutorial Step 1: In the assignment description, there is a link to the right side titled Twister Tool.  Click on it!   Step 2: That link will open the Twister Tool link.  Here is where you will fill out the information for the person you chose […]
  2. kethao35

    What They Might Have Done In Social Media

    This is an assignment I was familiar with in the past.  I thought it was a fun assignment and I enjoyed doing it again.  I chose Bill Cosby because he is someone I respect and value as a comedian, father, and activist.  He says makes a lot of statements that don’t go over too well […]
  3. kethao35

    Shakespearean LOLcat

    I decided to choose this picture of a cat with a pizza on its head because it is adorable in a twisted kind of way.  I tried to imagine what the cat would say to itself after seeing this picture.  I chose Shakespearean Sonnet 38.  I am a pet lover and I know how hard […]
  4. kethao35

    What They Might Have Done In Social Media

    This is an assignment I was familiar with in the past.  I thought it was a fun assignment and I enjoyed doing it again.  I chose Bill Cosby because he is someone I respect and value as a comedian, father, and activist.  He says makes a lot of statements that don’t go over too well […]
  5. kethao35

    Shakespearean LOLcat

    I decided to choose this picture of a cat with a pizza on its head because it is adorable in a twisted kind of way.  I tried to imagine what the cat would say to itself after seeing this picture.  I chose Shakespearean Sonnet 38.  I am a pet lover and I know how hard […]
  6. kethao35

    Redoing The Past Pose

    I decided to recapture a moment when my son was three years old.  This was the best age for me.  He was so comical and smart.  Most of his pictures back then showed him having fun and laughing.  I thought it would be interesting to see how he looked at three compared to seventeen.  He […]

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