Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92742 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Kevin

    Reflections on DS106

    DS106 was a great class. It introduced me to several new ways in which stories can be told and how using certain techniques will change the results in dramatic ways. The combination of various mediums allows for great flexibility in … Continue reading
  2. Kevin

    Video Essay

    So this project has been a chore.  While I enjoyed putting it together it was just full of problems.  First off the video I was using was in AVI format so after I clipped what I wanted out of it … Continue reading
  3. Kevin

    Godless America

    In this episode of This American Life, Ira Glass starts off the episode talking about two separation of church and state issues.  The first about funding a Salvation Army building in Wisconsin and the other regarding a science teacher in … Continue reading
  4. Kevin

    Web Storytelling

    This editing website business is more difficult than I thought it could be.  I seem to have trouble having it reappear in proper format after editing the html data.  But never fear I shall have it up today.  Of course … Continue reading
  5. Kevin

    Switched at Birth

    In this episode of This American Life, Ira Glass covers a bizarre story of a mix up at the hospital where 2 children were taken home by the wrong parents.  This whole story is just crazy to me.  In hearing the … Continue reading
  6. Kevin

    DS106 Radio Bumper

    This is a lil bumper I put together for DS106 radio using audacity. The tracks include Disturbed: Down With the Sickness as well as laser sound effects. I provided the voice with some alteration to the tone. DS106 Stinger by … Continue reading
  7. Kevin

    30 Second Audio Story

    This is what I wish I was happening tonight.  My A/C isn’t working and its still over 80 degrees here at 11:30 at night. These clips were found at and put together in audacity. Hotsummernight by olsonkevinw
  8. Kevin

    Cruelty of Children

    In this episode of This American Life the topic was how children can be cruel.  When I first picked out this episode I made the assumption that it would be a more direct focus on how children are cruel to one … Continue reading
  9. Kevin

    The Little Caption

    For this assignment I added a caption to a picture I took of my cat.  I am fully convinced that he is either the devil or a deposed dictator reincarnated.
  10. Kevin

    The Four Icon Challenge

    For this I decided to use one of my favorite movies, Super Troopers, as the subject for the icons. If you are familiar with the movie the picture should speak for itself.
  11. Kevin

    Common Everyday Object

    For this assignment I took a photo of stacks of untreated railroad ties sitting in Orange, VA prior to being loaded onto railcars for transport to a treatment plant where they are impregnated with creosote. The color was manipulated in … Continue reading
  12. Kevin

    5 Card Flickr

    Five Card Story: How did this happen? a Five Card Flickr story created by Kevin flickr photo by pporto flickr photo by jentropy flickr photo by cogdogblog flickr photo by bionicteaching flickr photo by Serenae So I was getting ready … Continue reading
  13. Kevin

    Party Schools

    This American Life, a program on NPR, has an episode on college partying.  It focuses on Penn State which was named the number 1 party school by the Princeton Review.  In listening to the episode it sounded as if I … Continue reading

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