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  1. kevinr

    Are Memes Art?

    Memes are definitely a form of art. Memes could be considered art because they are often relatable. They are also a form of entertainment. I would say memes is a good thing for the Art community because its a brand new way to express what you  are currently feeling or what is making you smile. … Continue reading "Are Memes Art?"
  2. kevinr

    DS106 Assignment

    From the Design Assignment category, I chose the Create your own logo assignment. I chose this assignment because as someone who is trying to startup their career as an entrepreneur, I believe that having an original logo that is unique to who your are and what your brand is, it stamps your brand as official. … Continue reading "DS106 Assignment"
  3. kevinr

    Boycotts in 2018… lol

    Recently Nike added Colin Kaepernick to its latest “Just Do It” campaign. Kaepernick being a controversial icon, the aftermath of the announcement sparked social media. Outraged Nike customers made up for some great memes on twitter. Outraged Customers: Memes that follow:      At the time I was confused … Continue reading "Boycotts in 2018… lol"

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