Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92913 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. killacarms

    Iteration: Remix, Mash-up

    for my iteration project, i decided to continue with the module i previously worked on, which was remixes and mash-ups. The reason i wanted to continue this was because i seriously had a killer time making my remixed Radiohead album cover. The response i got from both the class and Professor S was amazing! Out […]
  2. killacarms

    The Social Networks

    this module was by far the most difficult module of them all. What did i know about network visualization? Really, almost nothing at all. I began this module by opening up the resource links that were provided to us. Definition: Networks, according to THIS are composed of stuff and relationships. It is important to note that […]
  3. killacarms

    Mash It Up

    For the third module, i chose to work with the Adaptations, Remixes, and Mashups module. This was an interesting choice for me because i’m not very good with GIMP and photoshop! We first began this module by attempting to see how our group wanted to approach this. It started off with a simple idea of […]
  4. killacarms

    #ProgressivenotAggressive Reflection

    For our first module, i  chose to be a part of the “#trolling” channel. This sounded like the most fun module and i was really curious as to what my group could really do with it. The first thing we did as a group was do a little research on trolling. We came up with […]
  5. killacarms

    You Can Feel It In Your Bones

    For this Digital Deformance assignment, i struggled to think of a good way to digitally present Midnight Robber. About 4 or so days before our assignment way due, my idea finally hit me. The best way for me to interpret feelings or stories is through music. Music has the ability to touch people in different ways […]
  6. killacarms

    The First of Many

    Lots of work! We’ve done a good amount of setting up for this semester already! Let’s start by talking about our statement of values. This was a very interesting assignment for our class to complete. My table (6) decided to start at the basics and just brainstorm basic adjectives on how we want the class […]
  7. killacarms

    The End Is Near; 15

    Wow, the last week in DS106 before finals! This has just been crazy. I’ll be a little more sentimental next week. For now, let’s focus on what i did this week! Daily Create Oddly, we only had to complete one daily create this week! What a breeze. I was getting a little lazy this week […]
  8. killacarms

    Video Discussion: S4E13

    My first video discussion of the whole semester took place on Wednesday night at 10pm. Now, sadly this was never recorded. Google was just not working with us that night, but the discussion was completed! As i’ve mentioned in my previous posts about these discussions, they were not completed in chronological order. This was my […]
  9. killacarms

    Stacks On Stacks

    For my final assignment of the week, i chose the “Create Your Own DS106 Wallpaper!”. Since our task was to create these assignments in the shoes of our character, i did a wallpaper that Stringer Bell would use/like. This wasn’t too difficult to do! Wallpaper: Wallpapers are very personal in my opinion. For example, all […]
  10. killacarms

    Level 10 Muscle

    My first assignment in the shoes of Stringer Bell was the “Create Your Own Magic Cards!”. I never noticed this assignment before which leads me to believe that it was just created. This is seriously a fun and creative assignment. Gaming cards of all sorts are fun to read and fun to make. This was […]
  11. killacarms

    Video Discussion: S4E11

    My last video discussion was of Season 4 episode 11. This was a little confusing because my video discussions were episodes 11,12, and 13. But! My groups did not do video discussions in chronological order. The first video discussion i had was actually episode 13, then 12 and finally 11. So this really confused me […]
  12. killacarms

    Video Discussion: Season 4, Episode 12.

    Like almost every other person in the class, i decided to do all my video discussions in the final week of classes. I kept pushing them off because i figure i would have later and then the final week came. Anywho, i got on it and set up times for my groups and made it […]
  13. killacarms

    Penguins Go On Vacation Too!

    For the first and final daily create of the week, i chose Saturday’s “Caption this for Kevin”. The title threw me off a bit because i only know one Kevin and also, what do i need to caption for him? Anyways, i saw the picture and i instantly fell in love. Penguins are freaking awesome! […]
  14. killacarms

    Remixing and Mashing up

    My title isn’t as creative as the assignments i completed in these past two weeks. Once again, our work was spread out between two weeks. It wasn’t as bad as last week which i waited to do until the last minute. That really sucked. I was more responsible this time and did my work in […]
  15. killacarms

    Stringer Saw It First

    For my last mashup assignment of the week, i went bold and chose the “Lip Read!” assignment worth 4.5 stars. I’ll be honest here, i chose it because it was worth 4 stars and i didn’t want to have to complete 2 more assignments worth 2 stars. BUT! I did enjoy making this. Since i […]
  16. killacarms

    An Emotional Pablo Honey

    For my first and final “Remixed” assignment, i searched hard and long for the perfect assignment. I was actually confused on the whole process of remixing and assignment so i had to read up on that. I ended up enjoying the idea of recreating a “Classic Album Cover”. If you don’t already know, music is […]
  17. killacarms

    Look, Don’t Touch!

    For my final Daily Create of the week, i chose to do Wednesday’s “Find Something You Want To Touch”. I figured the autumn/winter time, there are so many things people want to touch but can’t. I went a little funny and chose to take a picture of me reaching out to my dad’s liquor cabinet. […]
  18. killacarms

    The Grand Moonrise Hotel

    My first mashup assignment of the week was an interesting one. I decided to be bold and go for the “Movie Mashup” assignment worth a well deserved 4 stars. Just by reading the description, i knew this assignment would not only be difficult but time consuming. I was looking at other people who completed this […]
  19. killacarms

    Wanted: Stringer Bell

    For my final assignment this week for my final project, i decided to do “WANTED Poster” assignment worth 2 stars. I attempted to do this assignment earlier in the semester but i found it to be a little too difficult. Now that i’m super awesome with GIMP, i figured i could try it out again […]
  20. killacarms

    Stringer and McNulty: BFFLs

    Strange, right? McNulty and Stringers becoming best friends. I remember the first time in The Wire where they talked and Stringer drew that mean picture. Anyways, maybe they were best friends at one point. Like Professor Xavier and Magneto, yeah? Who knows. For my first assignment with my Final Project, i chose the “Opposites Attract Meme”. […]
  21. killacarms

    Smile, It’s Fall

    For my first daily create of the week, i decided to do Tuesday’s “Be Creative With Leafs”. This seem really appropriate because all the leafs have dropped and are just scattered all around the ground. Now, i decided to do this around 9pm so there were some problems. My biggest issue was the light. I […]
  22. killacarms


    The first daily create i decided to do was “Make a Shoefie for Howard”. Now, must of you might be thinking “Shoefie?” does such a word exist? Apparently it does. I assumed i would have to take a picture of my shoes. I have so many pairs. Would i take this moment to pick my […]
  23. killacarms

    A 2 in 1 Torture

    I’m not sure if my title makes sense… Well, it should. 2 weeks of torture in one post! A good torture though, right? Right. Now, let’s get down to business and see what i’ve done to deserve the awesome “A” i will receive. Daily Creates: I’m going to go through them in order of completion. […]
  24. killacarms

    Call Me Morgan Freeman

    My final video assignment (yay) of the week was the “Video Essay” that we were all required to do. If i could describe this assignment in one word it would be “underestimated” because that’s how i looked at it. I figured, hey, i just have to talk about the episode! Um, yeah. That wasn’t just […]
  25. killacarms

    Capture The Beauty

    I decided to create my own video assignment for my last video assignment of the week. As i mentioned in my previous post, i spent my Saturday afternoon hanging around Fredericksburg. It really made me realize how beautiful Downtown is. The leaves falling and the holiday decorations hanging around made the whole atmosphere great. I […]
  26. killacarms

    Holiday Themed “Guess This Book”

    My next video assignment was super fun to make. Yeah, SUPER fun. I decided to spend my Saturday afternoon in the lovely Downtown Fredericksburg at The Griffin Bookshop and Coffee place. Not sure if that’s the full name but that’s what i call it! I realized i was behind on some of my assignments so […]
  27. killacarms

    Swede a Scene with Teddy Bears

    For the Swede a Scene assignment, i joined a group consisting of me, Meredith, Sam, David, and Demi We began working on November 6th at the ITTC. Since this was our first meeting we just discussed what we wanted to do. We obviously weren’t going to swede an entire episode so we had to choose […]
  28. killacarms

    Only a Second

    My final daily create of the week really made me think. I chose to do the “If poets wrote parking tickets”. Poetry isn’t really my thing. Don’t get me wrong, i love to read it! I enjoy reading poetry. It’s the creating poetry i dislike. I can just never seem to find the rights words, […]
  29. killacarms

    English Diversity

    The first daily create i did this week was the “What’s Your Flag?” create. Flags are important symbols of a country. It’s not like the people were like “i really like blue and white.. so let’s go with that and some stars.” They really had to think about what it mean. I’m a big advocate […]
  30. killacarms

    Create a Photo

    My final daily create of the week was indeed creative! I completed the “We have so much to take in that we forget to look in”. I was actually confused with this (like always) so i looked at the examples. I guess we just have to create our own photo? A while back my friend […]

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