Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. killacarms

    Vined It..

    For my first video assignment of the week, i went with an assignment i felt confident completing. What caught my eye was the “Vine It” assignment. I’m a serious lover of Vine. It’s so fun to create 6 second videos. What i really enjoy about Vining is the creativity of it all. Some people find […]
  2. killacarms

    Sounds and a Map

    For my first daily create of the week, i chose the “Make a sound Map” assignment.” To be honest, i’m really not familiar with sound maps. I actually thought we had to record something for this daily create, before reading it of course! I rumbled around my friend’s house and looked for some cardboard. Thank […]
  3. killacarms

    10 Down; Weekly Summary

    Week 10 has been jam-packed with stuff. I was a little overwhelmed by all the work but i managed to complete everything. Let’s just cut to it. Here’s everything i completed! Daily Creates: 2 Monday We were instructed to do 2 daily creates. I started early and on Monday i completed the “Signature Style” daily […]
  4. killacarms

    Devonne Gets Shot

    For my final video assignment of the week, i chose to do the “Viral Video Re-enactment” worth 3.5 stars. This seemed like a very fun assignment to do. Since my other two video assignments didn’t involve The Wire, this was perfect. The hardest part of this assignment was deciding which scene from the three episodes we watched […]
  5. killacarms

    Sleepy Baby

    For my final Daily Create of the week, i went with “Sleepy Twitter Tuesday”. I was going to choose a picture of myself because my friends LOVE to take pictures of me as i’m asleep, but that was too easy. Early Saturday morning, one of my best friends had her baby. It was a big […]
  6. killacarms

    Good Riddance Assignment #2

    For my second video assignment, i was feeling nostalgic and went with the “High School Memories” assignment. Now, i know you’re all thinking “wow this one is really easy why not be creative.” Well, we did just have a week full of inspiration. I’m inspired by my past because i’ve grown so much! Sure, i’m […]
  7. killacarms

    Arcade Fire & Talking Heads Assignment 1

    For my first video assignment, i decided to start off confident and do the “Musicless Music Video”. This was a little difficult for me. No music in a music video? Come on! That’s torture. So, let me show you exactly how i created my masterpiece. Video: My first step was to choose a music video. Wow, […]
  8. killacarms

    Stringer Vs. Avon; Good Vs. Evil?

    I chose the scene where Avon and Stringer fight after Avon gets hurt by the drive-by. This scene was from Episode 8 of Season 3 and it’s at the end of the episode starting at roughly 52:00 until 57:15/ the end. After reading Ebert’s article, i was really interested in his idea of good vs. […]
  9. killacarms

    M! -Lang Reflection

    First off, i’ve never heard of the film M, which makes me sad because it’s a masterpiece! So, i’m glad i’ve at least gotten to watch the opening scene. A problem i feared when watching this is the obvious language barrier. But, if a film is THAT good, should it be a huge difference? Since we’re […]
  10. killacarms

    Inspired by Trolling #2

    My second and definitely not my last inspiration of the week goes out to Melinda’s “Triple Troll Epigraph” assignment. I’m in the pattern of choosing inspiring posts on assignments i never did. This assignment was a little scary to me. It involved a lot of thinking and  creativity. As we all know, i don’t like to […]
  11. killacarms

    Inspired by a Monster? #1

    My first inspiration this week comes from the awesome John Meadows. I wanted to branch out a bit and scroll through blogs i haven’t in a while. Luckily, John was chosen. As i was scrolling, one of his assignments caught my eye. His “Album Cover” was great! Sadly, i didn’t complete this assignment. I guess […]
  12. killacarms

    Carmela Virginia Mitchell

    Today’s Daily Create: Tell us your signature style Carmela… Yes, that’s my name as you all know. How many Carmelas do you know? Really think about it. Now, for all your Sopranos Fans out there, Tony’s wife does not count. This Daily Create is a little confusing but i’m to go with it. I’ve made […]
  13. killacarms

    Inspiration and Radio

    Whoa. Week 9 is already done? Ds 106 has been flying by. Like Groom said in his weekly assignment post, we focused on inspiration and the radio shows this week! Compared to the previous weeks, this week was a lot less stressful. I enjoyed looking back on our work and see what inspired us. Also, […]
  14. killacarms

    Winter is Coming

    Today’s daily create is titled “Make a Winter Drawing”. Believe it or not, this was my favorite thing to do when i was little. I would draw pages and pages of snowflakes, snowmen, and the occasional Christmas tree. This was pretty fun and brought back all these memories. Since Winter IS really coming, i’m getting […]
  15. killacarms

    WOW- Wirebuyers

    On Wednesday at 8:30pm, i tuned into DS 106 Radio. I wasn’t sure what to expect. The directions for our radio show were very vague. For our group, we did a radio talk show. This didn’t mean EVERY group did. I realized this once i listened on the “Wirebuyers” radio. When i first tuned in, […]
  16. killacarms

    RAC Inspiration #3

    For my final inspire post, i chose Jessica’s “Cheap Sunglasses” design assignment. Unlike my other two inspire posts, i did not end up doing this assignment. This post inspired me in different ways. Out of all the posts i’ve seen in the class so far, this one stood out. What caught my eye was the […]
  17. killacarms

    Where Are They Now Inspiration #2

    For my second “inspire” assignment, i continued to look in the assignment and stumbled upon John’s “Where are they now” assignment. This was similar to Brittany’s in the sense that after seeing this, i wanted to do it. This was hilarious. I loved how John did this. You always see on Buzzfeed the “where are […]
  18. killacarms

    Focal Point Inspiration #1

    For week 9, it’s all about being inspired. The beginning of design week was really intimidating. I’ve never used any application like GIMP or Photoshop so i was hesitant at first.One of the first images to inspire me to go out of my zone was Brittany’s “Splash the Color” assignment from the design assignment bank. […]
  19. killacarms

    Half&Half Indie

    This daily create is really interesting and thought provoking. A domain that would describe my life hard to think of because there have been various events in my life that define me. But! I’ll give it a try. The first thing that came to mind was “” or something along those lines. “Half n Half” […]
  20. killacarms

    The Science Behind The Wire Ends

    As Week 8 comes to an end, our radio show comes to live. Although we did not have a lot of different assignments to complete like the previous weeks, week 8 was a lot of work. Putting together a 30 minute radio show isn’t as easy as you would think! And that’s only thinking about […]
  21. killacarms

    To Science and Beyond

    Radio show week! This was a bit of a scramble for our group. Considering Fall Break took half of our week, we didn’t officially meet until Wednesday when we returned for classes. Here, we discussed who would say what and when we would record. Since i’m seriously not good with science, i decided that i […]
  22. killacarms


    As you all know, we are required to write about our progress with our radio show. Well, i shouldn’t say required because it has really helped me! Just to give everyone another idea of what our show is about, the big theme is “The Science Behind The Wire”. Since both Ien and John are physics […]
  23. killacarms

    Pumpkin Mush

    My first and only daily create of the week! What a cool number. Today’s daily create (1010) is “Today is very Special” Now, for me, lots of things make today special. But what makes it EXTRA special? Well, when i was getting out of my car, i realized i almost stepped in some gross pumpkin […]
  24. killacarms

    Audio From Now On

    Week 7 happened in a blur. This week has been rough with all classes because of bloody midterms. They suck, don’t they? That’s why this week went by so freaking fast. I was grateful to have ds106 as a relaxer. Audio is by far my favorite aspect of ds106 so far. I enjoy Design but […]
  25. killacarms

    Goodnight, Sobotka.

    Ah, episode 12 of season 2 was rough. It was hard to see another season and another case come to an end. I first watched the episode without the commentary. I mean, that only makes sense, right? Overall, the episode was great just like last season. A lot of things are left unsaid and ties […]
  26. killacarms

    UMW and Movies

    For my last audio assignment of this week, i wanted to do some work on my radio show. I know our show has to have some commercials, so i figured i’d make some of my own! The “Cheesy Radio Ad For Your School” was perfect. Although i interpreted this on my own. I did one […]
  27. killacarms

    Classical Rap

    Mash-ups tend me to my favorite assignments. For example, my second audio assignment for this week is “Music Mash-up”. What we had to do for this assignment was taking two distinct types of music and mashing them up together. I fear that my mashup was a bit cliché but whatever, it’s hilarious. Let me take […]
  28. killacarms

    Real World: The Wire

    For this daily create, i’m going to tell you NOT what The Wire is about. Good luck! The Wire The popular reality show is getting some fame. For those of you who have neither seen nor watched The Wire, It’s a spin off of The Real World. It consists of 6 strangers doing drugs under one roof. Yeah, you […]
  29. killacarms

    The Story of Green Day..

    Stars:3.5 For my first audio assignment, i went with the “Greatest Hits Storytelling”. My memory of the Smiths assignment i did came to me and i was automatically excited. With this assignment, we need to collect a minimum of 5 songs from a band that tell a story. A little intro to my decision, one of […]
  30. killacarms

    Radio Show Promotion

    As you all know, we are required to create a promotion of some sort for our radio show. My GIMP skills are grown tremendously over the weeks and this totally proves it. The main focus of our radio show will be  about the science behind The Wire, as you can tell with my little poster below. […]

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