Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. killacarms


    For Today’s Daily Create, it was all about evil guinea pigs. Normal guinea pigs don’t exist, right? Obviously.I’ve never actually seen one in person, so my resources were very limited. I found this funny, yet very evil picture of a guinea pig dressed as a wizard/witches. Since it’s Halloween season, that seemed perfect. Halloween and […]
  2. killacarms

    How Design Week Ruined My Life

    Kidding. Design Week didn’t ruin my life. But i grabbed your attention, right? Yeah, i did. Believe it or not, Design Week was fun. I messed around with different tools and effects and overall enhanced my awesome skills. If it were up to me, i would wish that design week was maybe a week earlier. […]
  3. killacarms

    Elements of Design

    Designblitz. Yay! Very similar to the Photoblitz assignment i did, now i get to focus on new elements of design. They’re mostly new to me, not the world. This weekend i went home for a concert and decided that with a car/home, i’ll find better, more interesting examples of these elements. This has proven to […]
  4. killacarms

    Finally, 8 Stars

    This week has been a bit rough. After going on a design killing streak, i realized i messed up. After finally getting my 15 stars, i only had 6 that contributed to The Wire. Boo. I worked really hard to get those 15 stars. At least now i have like 18. Since i only needed 2 […]
  5. killacarms

    1000 Mark

    Today’s daily create marks the 1000th daily create! What we all had to do was mash up 3 daily creates that we’ve made and upload it to Flickr! I used GIMP to upload three pictures and mash it into one photo. The daily creates i used were: 976 (pearl picture), 970 (map picture), and 968 […]
  6. killacarms

    Guess The Song or Die

    Home stretch! I’m on to my last design assignment for the week. An assignment that stood was the “Guess The Song.” There was a picture of a girl with a straw drinking a watermelon. I later realized that the song was by Beyonce. Point being, i chose this assignment and i’m now going to take […]
  7. killacarms

    The Kennedys or Five Seconds of Summer?

    This design assignment was the hardest one i completed for week 6. Yet again i found myself scrolling through the pages and pages of assignments and saw a picture of Justin Bieber. I wasn’t aware that he was still relevant but that’s a different story. The assignment i chose was “On The Cover of A […]
  8. killacarms

    Crack and Patience

    My third Design Assignment is full of creativity and awesomeness. I chose to do the “Bumper Sticker” assignment. I’m not sure if its the design assignment bank or me but i keep choosing all these create and add text assignments. I’m having fun with them so, who cares. Let’s get to it. Process: Instead of […]
  9. killacarms

    So You Don’t Kill Ducks

    For my second design assignment, i chose Groom’s “Create A READ Poster.” If you’ve spent as much time in the library as i have, this assignment is great. It also brings back great memories, actually. Since 8/15 stars this week have to be from The Wire, i chose episode 9 of season 2, which i recently […]
  10. killacarms

    More Like Sympathy Map

    For today’s daily create, i completed the “Empathy Map.” What we basically had to do is fill this up with current feelings and so on. I reflected on all the stress and work i’ve had this week. For example, all the assignments and work i’ve had to do for every class. My Art History exam took […]
  11. killacarms

    Slosh Slosh

    The first Daily Create i chose was the Water and Glass Moving Around assignment. When i clicked on the assignment, i was hoping for some more details. It’s a daily create so i suppose i shouldn’t be looking for trouble. Like the title says, my task was to record water and glass moving around. I […]
  12. killacarms

    Less Than Zero My Way

    Week 6 is all about that design life. I get it, designing all week.. I mean we have to 15 stars, like whoa.. Any who, i was a little late to this scene so i started off with a somewhat simple assignment. For my first Design Assignment, i chose “Create Your Favorite Book Cover.” Everyone enjoys […]
  13. killacarms

    From Ears To Eyes

    Another week has gone by in DS106 and i’m stoked. As we all know, last week was Audio and this week is Visual. I’m crossing my fingers that week 6 is Scent. Get it? Because it’s one of the five senses? Yes, it’s been a long week if you couldn’t tell. The transition from audio […]
  14. killacarms

    Pollution? More Like Tranquility

    For my final daily create i chose to do Saturdays. This daily create was about audio, oddly enough. This week is supposed to be about visuals! But daily create’s are just little exercises so no worries. The daily create asks you to stand still and record the sounds around. I wasn’t sure if that meant that […]
  15. killacarms


    Today’s Daily Create is hilarious. I love the meme that goes with it the whole “Y U NO..” The face is really creepy but funny at the same time. I saw this tweet a while go, maybe 3 weeks ago on Groom’s twitter feed. I think the whole concept of drawing your professors is great. […]
  16. killacarms

    Blitzkrieg Bop

    Photoblitz! I know the title really has no relevance to this assignment but that was the first thin to pop in my head when i read the “photoblitzer” assignment. I was kind of confused when i read this assignment. 20 minutes to take only what, 7 photos? Really? Then i realized i live in a […]
  17. killacarms

    Red Stands Out, Right?

    Finally! My last visual assignment for this week! This week i’ve been getting too comfortable with GIMP by simply cropping and adding text. I felt like with my last visual assignment of the week i should do something i haven’t done before. I mean, this class is about becoming familiar with different skills, right? RIGHT. […]
  18. killacarms

    Wombats Can Sing, Kind Of

    Two visual assignments down, only 2 more to go! I think. It took me a lot longer to find another visual assignment that i found interesting. After going through like 4 pages, i found this assignment. I was a little suspicious that it was 4 stars.. So i’m not taking any chances and i’m doing more […]
  19. killacarms

    FDR and JFK Were Around Then?

    Visual Assignment 2! This one was great. Just the assignment itself was hilarious because i love both historical figures and disasters. What mostly attracted me this assignment was the whole idea of cropping. I get the hang of cropping when i completed the “Me and Bae” assignment where i cropped out Stringer and Avon into […]
  20. killacarms

    Mirror Mirror

    Ah, GIMP, we meet again. For my first visual assignment, i wanted to parallels because that was one of the things we discussed in the live tweeting which i blogged about here. The visual assignment was created by the man himself, Groom. The basic idea of this assignment was the find parallels between movies, shows, […]
  21. killacarms

    Blowing Up Your Newsfeed

    Similar to last week, we have to do another live tweeting of an episode from the assigned episodes this week. I wanted to get a head start so i decided to start on the first viewing: Episode 6 of Season 2. I watched the episode ahead of time because that’s just the way i roll. […]
  22. killacarms

    Open Your Ears

    Week 4 A month of DS106.. This is a good thing. I should have baked a cake or something but this is special! I’ve learned so many different things. But let’s not get too sentimental because this was all about audio. Sound waves, not words. Which, if you’ve ever read my “about me” page, sound […]
  23. killacarms

    Songs Speak & Pictures Show

    Oh, Daily Creates, how i’ve missed you. It’s only been a week since we’ve last spoken. So the daily create for today is showing my favorite song in a picture. Music to my ears. I was on my itunes as i looked up this assignment so i wanted to pick the song that i was […]
  24. killacarms

    My Story IS Important So Listen

    Here’s My Story And It Ain’t Glory. Ah, the home stretch. I’m finally completing my final audio assignment. There were a lot to choose from but i wanted something interesting and personal. I saw the title “What’s The Story Morning Glory” and that caught my attention because really, what IS the story? I actually think […]
  25. killacarms

    Ideas About Ideas

    Radio shows are not as simple as people may think. I know for a fact that there is a lot of time and effect. When i think of Radio shows, the first thing that comes to mind is Elliot In The Morning (DC101) and The Kane Show (HOT99.5). I can’t be the only person who listened to […]
  26. killacarms

    3,4,5 To Infinity

    It’s almost as if this show will never end. Just when I think the gang (of officers) broke up, in episode 5 of season 2 they reunite! Except without McNulty, as of right now. He really did mess up.. So here are my thoughts on each of the episodes! Episode 3: Looks like Omar hasn’t […]
  27. killacarms

    Live Tweeting Up A Storm

    One of our assignments on the to-do list was to listen to an episode of The Wire and live tweet it. I miss the Tuesday and Wednesday session so I had to join in tonight! I wanted to prepare myself so I watched episode 5 of season 2 earlier today. A part of me wanted to […]
  28. killacarms

    Sounds Sounds Sounds: Jen Ralston

    I remember scrolling through twitter last week and Groom posted an enthusiastic tweet about this interview with Jen Ralston. I didn’t know that it would be a full on investigation of sound and The Wire. My reflection is going to consist of how cool sound is and its major effects on sets. Sound and Actors: I […]
  29. killacarms

    Mash-Up, Smash-Up

    Whoa.. That is how i described this assignment. Whoa….. It’s a good “whoa” by the way. I would just like to lower all expectations before i go into detail about this assignment. With my previous Audio Assignment, which was reversing a song, here, I did a major tutorial, step by step. I would like to […]
  30. killacarms

    An Oldie For The Old

    The rumors are true, Audacity is difficult, especially if this is your first time using the application, like myself.This week has been pretty stressful and it’s only Tuesday. I was on the Wire106 Hub and saw this AudioAssignment  done by two fellow classmates so I clicked on the assignment. This seemed really simple AND it is […]

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