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  1. kingisa97

    Great Weekend

    So this weekend has been of my best weekends since school has started. First of all i was able to get my homework and my essays done before Sunday. So Sunday my favorite football team (Los angeles Rams) and my fantasy team won. Also school is closed Monday and Tuesday so that means I have … Continue reading "Great Weekend"
  2. kingisa97

    Copy Rights

    The article that I decided to write my reflection post on was “Twitter suspended Deadspin and SBNation’s accounts for sharing NFL GIFs”. The reason why I choose this article is because I’m a big football fan and also because I use twitter to help me keep up to date with the latest sports news. I … Continue reading "Copy Rights"
  3. kingisa97

    My domain name

    So I’m currently stuck in the middle between 2 domain names. The first domain name that I like is “”. The reason why I like this domain name Alot is because my life is still loading and is still exploring new things. Also my life hasn’t reached 100% just yet. Also the 97 at the … Continue reading "My domain name"
  4. kingisa97

    2K17 (:

    Over the weekend all i was doing was just playing 2K17. The game features Paul George on the cover of the regular edition. But if you preordered the legend edition which I did you get the Kobe Bryant cover. I didn’t start playing the game intel I had finished all my homework for the past … Continue reading "2K17 (:"
  5. kingisa97

    Mood: This semester

    My goal for this semester is to avoid all obstacle’s and to stay on track all semester. Just like the Quarterback for Texas avoided all those defenders and scored the game winning touchdown, thats my goal for this semester. Tweet Share on Tumblr

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