Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92792 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Liz Snapp

    What the Font? Octopus

    The Assignment: A common exercise in design school, take typographical elements (perhaps even the words of a story) and bring them to life. The results: The process: This was done in Adobe Illustrator with parenthesis symbols, the letter C and the letter O from a font called Ignite the Light.  I started by scanning in ...
  2. Liz Snapp

    Minimalist Movie Poster: The Life Aquatic

    The Assignment: Create a movie poster that captures the essence of the story through the use of minimalist design/iconography. The results: The process: This was made in Adobe Illustrator (sorry GIMP, I don’t yet understand your path tool). I scanned in a quick sketch of the seahorse, done from the smaller image on the left. ...
  3. Liz Snapp

    Animated Movie Poster – Chinatown

    Another animation assignment — this time, movie posters. I was (and am still) pretty psyched about how the comic cover came out, so I was eager to see if I could push my newly found animation skills any further. I am still endlessly impressed by Kerry Callen’s animated comics; I love the sense of fluidity ...
  4. Liz Snapp

    Watchmen: Animated Comic Cover

    The Assignment: Animate a comic book cover. I adore the cover art on most all of the Watchmen series, so I had to give one a shot for this assignment.  I initially started out with a different cover from the series, spent ages, didn’t come out quite right.  So I started over with a simpler ...
  5. Liz Snapp

    Daily Creates (Week #4)

    Daily Create 35: Photograph you own or someone else’s cool tattoo. Shadow Tattoo.Daily Create 34: Take a photo that emphasizes the detail of a human hand. Winter Skin.Daily Create 33: Take a picture of confusion. Word mess.Daily Create 32: Make a photo that represents something you aspire to do or be one day. Blaze.Daily Create ...
  6. Liz Snapp

    Black-out Poetry

    Assignment: Black out sections of a newspaper to create a new story, poem, picture, etc. Didn’t have a newspaper on hand, I but wanted to give this a shot and did have a super old book of not enjoyable to read poetry (Robert Browning, ugh) which I had no qualms about writing all over. Lines ...
  7. Liz Snapp

    Mission: Defamiliarize

    The assignment: Make a set of ten photos which take something familiar to you–a town, building, object, etc–and defamiliarize it, make it seem foreign. Use a mix of extreme closeups, weird lighting, foreground/background focusing and odd angles and other effects … Continue reading
  8. Liz Snapp

    Boxcars and Ivy (Color Splash Assignment)

    I was intrigued and impressed with so many of the Splash the Color assignment submissions this week that I decided to take a stab at this for my first few stars.  I used j-rabbit’s tutorial, where he outlines how easy it is to do this in Picnik.  I had a bunch of photos cluttering up ...
  9. Liz Snapp

    Upsidedown Downtown

    TDC 29: Make a photo of something upside down that is never seen that way.  Nighttime coffee and wanderings in downtown Fredericksburg.  Challenge not made easier by fulfilling daily creates during late hours — I wish I had a bit more light for this one.  It’s kinda eerie, though, I suppose.
  10. Liz Snapp

    web 2.0, collective intelligence & (r)evolution

    Both Tim O’Reilly’s article on Web 2.0 and Bryan Alexander’s “Web 2.0 Storytelling” were intriguing reading.  O’Reilly begins by laying out some defining principles of Web 2.0.  What caught my eye most were the ideas of harnessing collective intelligence, ease of sharing/publishing, and the participatory nature of services and tools which evolve based largely on ...
  11. Liz Snapp

    setting up & settling in

    Running ages late on this, but hey.  Better late than never, right? By way of introduction, here are a few notes on the process of bringing this thing, this blog, into being. I went with Hover for my domain name.  This required little thought: Hover is cool, because SOPA isn’t. I debated for much longer ...
  12. Liz Snapp

    daily create round-up: first 2 weeks

    So these Daily Creates have my housemates thinking I’m getting pretty crazy.  First they find me taking pictures of shadows in our dining room: and then they find me on the backporch, alone, explaining my keys to my computer screen: I couldn’t explain beyond offering the warning that it might get crazier.  Here are the ...

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