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  1. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique – Week 12

    The digital story I chose for this week’s critique, is a very inspiring story that captures the feelings of a student who struggles with dyslexia and the difference a teacher can make. The story was created by Nick Damato and is called “Progression”.  In less than three minutes the creator of the story manages to […]
  2. @louikon

    Scholarship review – Week 13

    As I keep exploring how to implement digital storytelling across the curriculum, I came across the article of Bernajean Porter Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum, Finding content’s deeper meaning which analyzes, how digital storytelling has been “rediscovered”, since it helps us with making sense of the endless information we receive and process every day. According […]
  3. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique – Week 13

    The story I chose for this week’s digital critique is titled “Heather”. Heather receives assistive technology (AT) services from Equipment and Assistive Technology Initiative (EATI), and explains the benefits of using assistive technology services and devices, as well as the benefits of participating in the EATI program and the difference it made in her life. […]
  4. @louikon

    Scholarship review – Week 12

      By Nevit Dilmen – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, The author of Digital Storytelling: Capturing Lives, Creating Community, Joe Lambert, in the chapter “The Seven Steps of Digital Storytelling” describes the seven fundamental elements of digital storytelling. The seven elements are: Owing your Insights Owing your Emotions Finding the Moment Seeing your Story Hearing […]
  5. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique – Week 12

    The digital story I chose for this week’s critique, is a very inspiring story that captures the feelings of a student who struggles with dyslexia and the difference a teacher can make. The story was created by Nick Damato and is called “Progression”.  In less than three minutes the creator of the story manages to […]
  6. @louikon

    Scholarship review – Week 11

    Image by Pixabay The article I chose for this week’s review is “Writing at School: test-Prep Writing and Digital Storytelling by Patricia A. Jacobs PhD and Danling Fu PhD. According to the authors, most of writing activities in our schools is oriented towards high stakes testing preparation, restricting the students to certain formats and genre […]
  7. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique – Week 11

    The story I chose for this week’s digital story critique is a short film “Talk to me” that was developed to raise awareness of physical and mobility disabilities. The story is about Phoebe, an eleven year old girl with Cerebral Palsy who cannot walk and talk but is able to participate in everyday activities with […]
  8. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique Week 10

    My digital story critique this week, is based on the truly inspiring story of Patrick Henry Hughes. The story begins with Henry playing the piano as the narrator introduces to the viewers the song Henry plays, which is titled “Light of the Moon”, and presents Henry’s disability using poetic words “…in the darkness of his […]
  9. @louikon

    Scholarship Review | A Road Traveled: The Evolution of Digital Storytelling Practice | Week 10

    In this week’s reading “A Road Traveled: The Evolution of Digital Storytelling Practice”, Joe Lambert shares his involvement in the creation of Story Center. The main insights and ideas from the reading is that with digital storytelling each person involved can find something new, become a founder and bring their own perspective, but regardless of […]
  10. @louikon

    Daily Create Week 10

    The topic I chose for this week’s daily create is to : Visit the home Google Streetview Find a spot of interest which I have not and will most probably never visit in my life. Share a screenshot of what I found. Explain why I chose it. I chose Bermuda because I love turquoise blue waters, […]
  11. @louikon

    Week 8 | Redefining Disability & Difference

    The article I chose this week is titled “Let’s redefine disability and difference” Digital storytelling helps change perceptions by Andrew Vowles. The article is about a digital storytelling initiative that was developed aiming into giving voice to underrepresented populations who in their turn through their powerful stories will shed light to a number of misperceptions […]
  12. @louikon

    Week 7 – Scholarship Review

    Out of the three concepts, chapter 7 explores, “Social learning, ‘push’ and ‘pull’ and building ‘collaboration platforms’ for social learning”, I feel that I have a solid understanding of “social learning” but the concepts of  ‘push’ and ‘pull’ and building ‘collaboration platforms’ for social learning are relatively new to me. As a foreign language instructor […]
  13. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique Week 7 Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

      This week I was so inspired by Steve Jobs’ 2005 compelling commencement speech at Stanford that I decided to deviated from my focal theme and complete my critique on a different topic. Although I have attended quite a few, rather boring commencement ceremonies, I had never imagined that I would be enjoying so much […]
  14. @louikon

    Assignment Bank: Video | Week 7

    This week I chose from the Assignment Bank the following Video Assignment: Exercise and Socialize Neighborhood walks used to be a good form of exercise and a good way to meet your neighbors. Nowadays, exercise is at the gym and socializing is online. Record a video of yourself taking a neighborhood walk and play a […]
  15. @louikon

    Week 6 | Digital Story Critique

    “Everyone has potential” is the digital story I chose for this week’s critique. It was created by Katherine Krueger and presents her experience in the public school system as a student with an undiagnosed learning disability. It was not until Katherine Krueger enrolled in a Community College that she was diagnosed with Dyslexia. The evaluation […]
  16. @louikon

    Digital Storytelling for Struggling Writers | Week 6 Response

    The article I chose for this week’s scholarship response is Digital Storytelling: Extending the potential for Struggling Readers by Ruth Sylvester and Wendy-lou Greenidge. According to the authors, the meaning of someone being literate has changed and it is broader than what used to be in the past. Nowadays, for someone to be considered literate […]
  17. @louikon

    Reading response Chapters 2-3

    This week’s reading, has challenged but also expanded my definition of digital storytelling. Although, I have been enjoying listening to various remixes in my leisure time and in the foreign language culture course I taught, I introduced to my students, Greek music genres encouraging them to make cultural connections by connecting sounds they were familiar […]
  18. @louikon

    Digital Stories in Special Education – Week 4

    In my search for a scholarly article this week, I came across  Digital Stories in Writing Instruction for Middle School Students with Autism, authored by Joy F. Xin. The article is about a study that was conducted to examine the “effect of computer-assisted writing instruction using digital stories”. In the study participated four middle school […]
  19. @louikon

    Flickr in Education Week 3 Reading reflection

    “A picture is worth a thousand words!” According to Wikipedia this expression appears in a 1911 newspaper article.  Almost a century later the value of images takes different dimensions. Guy Merchant in Visual networks: Learning and photosharing, introduces to the readers the photosharing tool Flickr.  In his introduction the author discusses his interest in Graffiti as […]
  20. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique #2 Week 3

    The digital story I chose for this week’s digital critique is Maysoon Zayid’s TED talk “I got 99 problems … palsy is just one”.  Maysoon Zayid is an Arab American comedian who talks about her life’s achievements and challenges, as she views them through the lens of an actress, stand-up comic, philanthropist and advocate for […]

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