Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94972 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @Markham_McFly


    Last week, I chose the topic of uncovering the mystery of who the double agent in ds106 is. For my final project, I went through posts from one of our classmates’ blogs to examine material that would raise flags. I used a software called Slidestory to create my work, and I was very excited with …

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  2. @Markham_McFly

    Week 12 summary-mashups

    Daily Creates: Saying ‘thank you’ to something in the internet in different languages, so naturally, I thanked Google Translate. @ds106dc #tdc1922 #ds106 we've all been there — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) April 13, 2017 Daily create 2 Will always take opportunities to bash the Bee Movie @ds106dc #tdc1923 the message may not be BS, but …

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  3. @Markham_McFly

    Canva tutorial

    For my tutorial, I’m presenting how to use my go-to digital design platform; Canva. Dubbed “the poor man’s Photoshop” (by me), Canva has many useful features and is easily accessible because it is done on the internet rather than an application. After you go to and login using Facebook or something, it’ll take you …

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  4. @Markham_McFly

    Movie poster mashup

    Fitting the spy theme, I did a mashup of James Bonds for an assignment from the assignment bank. I used Photoshop and it was pretty simple. If you notice, I made a slight alteration to the text at the top.  
  5. @Markham_McFly

    Week 11 summary: how is it already week 11?

    Daily Creates: “Huntsman spiders have evolved to travel through sewer lines and into homes” @ds106dc #tdc1914 nope nope nope nope nope — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) April 6, 2017 Fear, uncertainty and doubt are all culminated in grades, especially  this time of year. @ds106dc #tdc1915 the "what if score" function on Canvas drives more fear, …

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  6. @Markham_McFly

    Week 10 summary

    Daily Creates: “You Had One Job” @ds106dc That's a big waste of money #tdc1905 — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) March 28, 2017 Chuck Berry tribute: @ds106dc #tdc1904 as a track runner, I can appreciate how difficult it probably is to do this — Chris Markham (@Markham_McFly) March 27, 2017 Assignment Bank: 3 stars: Personal …

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  7. @Markham_McFly

    Stepworks story: Pulp Fiction

    So I spent HOURS trying to figure out stepworks because it look much more interesting to me, but I don’t think I succeeded in my quest. I definitely made what I wanted and followed the instructions I was given, but the link doesn’t change and it goes back to the original work. SO, if …

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