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  1. melharris

    Finding Myself..

    These Past Couple Weeks Have Been Rough, Period. Nothing Around It All, Really Has Been Difficult To Properly Assess And Redirect Myself Accordingly To Be Successful In The Multiple Spectrums Of Light I May Dabble Or Involve Myself Into. Finding A Bala...
  2. melharris


    Queen Of My Dreams, You Are. For those who have that one, that they like to call that 5 letter word, don’t be absurd. If she deserving, than by all means let it be heard. We should show appreciation when its appealing for us and not appealing for “them”. Showcase her in her lime light … Continue reading "“QUEEN”"
  3. melharris

    “Hood Checks”

    For as long I’ve known you, you made a lot of my friends celebrities, neighborhood superstars, a successful living and a creative way to provide financially for our families. A piece of matter, let alone some simple materials to compose collectively a bouncy instrument that is shaped similar to our world, and yet it could … Continue reading "“Hood Checks”"

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