Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. meredith

    Chipmunk Style

    So for the assignment Chipmunk Style (2 1/2 Stars), I decided to use the Paper Bag speech from season 3 episode 2 of the Wire. I decided to use this scene because it was a serious part of the season and I thought this would be an interesting take on this part! I saw Brittany’s […]
  2. meredith

    Sleepy Shot

    So for today’s daily create we were tasked with taking a best sleepy shot. I first thought of my cat, Bo. He sleeps in the cutest ways sometimes. I took this picture a while back when I caught him sleeping with his paw over his face. Isn’t he cute!
  3. meredith

    Inspiration: Stringer and Avon Fight Chipmunk Style

    My second inspiration is Brittany’s post Stringer and Avon Fight Chipmunk Style. And I have to say this is hilarious! I love the Chipmunk assignment! I love how she used this scene because it is a major one, and the chipmunk effect makes it a little lighter. It almost makes if ironic. The video is […]
  4. meredith

    Inspiration: Backwards Shootout

    I am really enjoying the inspires! For my first inspire this week, I decided to choose Amy’s Backwards Shootout. I really like this! I like how she decided to use this particular scene because it was such a pivotal scene. Its an interesting spin as well because it is played in reverse, so its like […]
  5. meredith

    Food Art!

    Hi there! Today for the daily create we had to make food art! I decided to take some of the leftover halloween candy I had and I decided to make a pyramid with it! I had a lot of bottle caps so thats why I used them! Here it is!   ...
  6. meredith

    The Book of Life Silent Film!

    Hi there! I thought this assignment Return to the Silent Era (4 1/2 Stars) would be a good one to tackle! Last week in the DKC (Digital Knowledge Center) We focused on video editing. So as part of our training we get to work with different assignments in the ds106 assignment bank. Because of this, I was definitely ready for this week! […]
  7. meredith

    TV Trailer

    Hi! So my first assignment, Trailer It (3 stars) was a lot of fun to make! I was deciding what I would make throughout the week and this one jumped out at me immediately. I am currently rewatching all of The Office on Netflix, when I get a free moment, and I thought this show would […]
  8. meredith

    Inspiration Week!

    Hiya! Another week down! This week was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed looking through the class feed and see all of the awesome things we are all making! I was really excited to find out that this week was inspiration week because I enjoy looking at other people’s work. Here are my inspirations! Inspiration: […]
  9. meredith

    Inspiration: All Me In Narnia

    For my third inspiration I found Amy Wallace’s post called All Me in Narnia where she read a segment out of the Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Amy did a great job with this. She did a wonderful job reading the passage from the book and it brought back a lot of […]
  10. meredith

    Inspiration: DS106 Radio: Science Edition

    For my second inspiration, I picked DS106 Radio: Science Edition. I chose Ien’s post as the basis for the inspiration but I the whole show was really my inspiration. I chose this radio show because it was really well put together. I definitely learned a lot! It was really cool to see how the different technologies intermingle […]
  11. meredith

    Inspiration: Crazy Boats

    For my first inspiration, I saw Nicky Memita’s post: Crazy Boats. This was back during the design week, where she animated a classic painting. I thought this was really cool! She animated The Scream by Edvard Munch. She took a small detail of the painting and she made into her own! She took the boat in […]
  12. meredith

    What Inspiration Means to Me

    Hi there! This week, after a tedious week of editing audio for our Radio News Show DTSW 76.5, the final product is premiering on ds106 radio! While we are preparing for our group discussion on our process for creating the radio show, our task is to get inspired! And I think this is a great topic […]
  13. meredith

    Radio Show Premiere!

    Hey guys! So I just wanted to write this up quickly, but the radio shows are premiering! Tonight was the first night of three nights where our final radio shows will be shown on ds106radio! Tonight was The Science Behind the Wire! Carmela, Ien, Jeremy, and John created this show, where they discussed different technologies that […]
  14. meredith

    Radio Show Week!

    Hi guys! So this week was the radio show week! So as a group, Demi, David, Amy and I decided we would create a news reel for different events that happened throughout the Wire. We met twice during the process of creating the radio show, once to brainstorm what we were going to do and the
  15. meredith

    Week 3 Summary

    Hi! This is a week summary that was from a while back, during week 3. I didn’t have a weekly summary but here it is now! During week 3 we were given the task to complete 3 different assignments from the different assignment banks, whether they be from, design, audio, visual etc. I remember making
  16. meredith

    Another Week With Audio

    Hey guys! Here is my weekly summary! I am definitely enjoying this time off that and I hope you guys are too! This week was another week filled with audio. At first I thought this was a daunting week but I really enjoyed it! These assignments were a great distraction from my actual work since
  17. meredith

    It’s All About The Eyes

    H! This week, along with the theme of audio, we were supposed to watch a commentary on the last episode of season 2 of the Wire. The episode is called “Port in a Storm.” When I went to watch the commentary, I had already seen the episode without the commentary so I was interested to
  18. meredith

    Song Mashup

    Hi there! This assignment was the Music Mashup (3 1/2 stars), where I took two completely separate songs and put them together. I decided to take Adele’s Rolling in the Deep and Imagine Dragons’ It’s time and put them together. I took the vocals to Rolling in the Deep and the instrumental to It’s Time.
  19. meredith

    Aladdin Soundtrack Mashup

    Hiya! This assignment, Movie as Radio (3 1/2 stars), was a lot of fun! We were supposed to take a soundtrack to a movie and combine all of the tracks to create a 10 minute or less. I thought this assignment would be so fun if I did a Disney movie. I grew up as a
  20. meredith

    Breakfast Time!

    Hey guys! This assignment, Sound Effects Story (3 1/2 stars), was actually really fun! I was able to play around with audacity more than I did the last audio week. We had to tell a story without using any vocals. At first I thought this was a challenge as I was brainstorming ideas I could do
  21. meredith

    An Interesting Week with Design

    I really enjoyed this week topic of design. Although I had a hard time with the aspect of design I really got the hang of it by the end of the week! Most of the assignments I completed with Photoshop and I have to say I really like using it to create the different images.
  22. meredith


    So this week was our design week, and just like last week where we had the photoblitz, this week we had a designblitz. There are many  different elements to design and we were supposed to find different ads around campus that showed different elements to design. My first instinct was to go to one of
  23. meredith

    Bad Guy Business Card

    Do you have anything that you want to smuggle across the ocean? Do you want to do it cheaply and efficiently? Well then call Frank! Frank is great at bringing things over secretly so no one knows where you got it! I saw this assignment that Paul created about Bad Guy business cards. I thought
  24. meredith

    Three Things I Would Take on a Deserted Island

    This assignment was fun! We had to pick three different things I would take on a deserted island. I used photoshop to add all of the images together to make one image. I decided to take a practical approach on this one. I would take a Kindle because I would have access to multiple books that
  25. meredith

    Website Banner

    For this assignment, I decided to make another one! I saw the one called the Website Logo but I thought the Website Banner would be fun too! I decided to create the assignment because I was looking to create a banner for my website and I thought I could get credit for it too! I had a
  26. meredith

    Redone Epigraph

    Hi there! This assignment was a lot of fun! At the beginning of each episode in the wire, there is a quote that one of the character’s says during the episode. I took a quote from season 2 episode 9, from Rawls to create the new epigraph. The assignment was supposed to relate it to
  27. meredith

    Minimalist TV Poster

    This assignment was interesting! I decided to use Photoshop for this one. I found this one kind of difficult as I was trying to figure out what I was doing while in Photoshop itself. But I definitely got the hang of it though! I really like the thought of this assignment, trying to capture the
  28. meredith

    Tremendous Amount of Daily Creates!

    Here’s today’s daily create! It was definitely a milestone since it is the 1000th day. We were supposed to pick 3 different photos from different daily creates and either collage them or merge them together. There were a few options to pick from in the description, one from the 1st, 10th, or the 100th daily
  29. meredith

    Swirling Water!

    Hiya! Here is my daily create #1! I thought this was so cool when I saw that it was the daily create for the day! I did a little brainstorming before I went to film the final product. I wanted to be original in the way I figured it out. But with all of the
  30. meredith

    Keeping Up With The Cast of The Wire

    Hi there! Since this week is Design, I thought I would go ahead and make my own assignment. I was looking through other assignments and saw one called Where are They Now? This assignment takes the cast of the Wire and looks to see what other works they did before/after their time on the Wire.

ds106 in[SPIRE]