Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94975 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. meredith

    A Cool Week with Visuals

    So this week was awesome! I really liked how it was a visual week. I really enjoy things like taking pictures and I was looking forward to the different assignments we could do! By far my favorite assignment was Favorite Lyrics! I really liked how I could use my own pictures to show the emotion
  2. meredith

    What’s The Difference?

    For this assignment we had to take a picture of something then take another one where we change something around in the picture itself. I decided my cork board on my desk would be the perfect place for this! I Have a lot of pictures and memories on this board so I figured it would
  3. meredith

    Favorite Lyrics

    3 1/2 star finished! This assignment was a lot of fun! I was supposed to find my favorite lyric and add it to a photo. While scrolling through the assignment page, this caught my eye just like my story map did. As I started brainstorming what I wanted to do for this assignment, I realized that
  4. meredith


    Another assignment down! This one was actually a lot of fun! I decided to do this at 12:40 am this morning (or last night since I hadn’t fallen asleep yet). This was the list I got when I logged on the the photoblitzer site. This site makes a random list of things to take a
  5. meredith

    Journey to a Great City

    So 4 stars down! As part of our visual week, I was going through the Visual Assignment Bank and the Story Map really caught my eye. I I was quickly running through different trips that I took that would fit perfectly into this, and I couldn’t stop thinking about my trip to London back in January of
  6. meredith

    What is playing on my Radio?

    Today, the Daily Create was to tune your radio to whatever 106 station there was on the radio. I totally didn’t realize that we were supposed to do that! But I was running errands today and I just decided to record whatever came on as soon as I turned on my car. So this is what
  7. meredith

    Soundless Live Tweeting

    This week we are focusing on the visual aspect to storytelling. So the three episodes we are watching this week are all being shown with out the sound. Tonight was season 2 episode 6 or “All Prologue.” I really like how there was no sound. It really made you focus on the different visual cues
  8. meredith

    A Crazy Week with Sound

    This week we were dealing with audio projects. Continuing on with the storytelling aspects, we went to audio. I was really hesitant at first because I wasn’t comfortable with the audio aspect. I thought it was mainly going to be about recording yourself talking as the different assignments. I quickly learned that I was wrong.
  9. meredith

    Soundtracks Aren’t Always Playing

    I just listened to the Jennifer Ralston interview, and I have to say that was pretty cool. Its interesting to see the audio side to the episodes. I’ve only looked at it from a visual perspective. I’m such a visual person that I normally don’t think about the thought that goes into audio editing for
  10. meredith

    Reversing a Song

    Another awesome assignment this week is to reverse a song and see who can guess it first! I thought this would be a fun little game so I decided to try it out. I first found the song, with the help of my room mate, I then tried to reverse the song in iMovie but
  11. meredith

    Mashup to Imagine Dragons

    One audio assignment that really stood out to me was the So and So’s Greatests Hits. I immediately thought of different bands that I could possibly do for this one and my mind jumped to Imagine Dragons. Imagine Dragons is one of my favorite bands and I thought this would be pretty easy to do.
  12. meredith

    Early Morning Meal with My Cats

    Today’s daily create was to take a picture of something that you used to do with a pet. Well, since I’m living in a dorm this year I can’t actually have a pet so I used an old photo that I took before I came back to school. I used to get up for the opening
  13. meredith

    First Live Tweeting Session

    Well I feel like I can now officially be welcomed to the twitter sphere. Although I’ve had my account since 2009, I haven’t actually participated in a live tweet session. As one of our things to participate in this week, we were required to sit down and live tweet an episode of the Wire, either
  14. meredith

    Beatrice Russell as a Pinner

    Its hard to imagine what different characters might do in their free time outside of the show. But as another part of the weekly assignments, there was an option to make a Pinterest board based on a character from season 2. Pinterest is addicting. So while thinking of a character to use for this assignment,
  15. meredith

    A New Spin on a Storyline

    For one of my assignments, I decided to make an infograph narrating one of the episodes. I’ve seen a lot of inforgrahs before and they just look so cool! I’ve always wanted to make one. So I said why not! I put Season 2 Episode 1 “Ebb Tide” into an info graphic. It brings a
  16. meredith

    Not So Good Week 2 Summary

    So this week wasn’t too great, as far as Wire106 is concerned. I really fell behind on my work. I have no excuse for why I fell behind but all I can say is that I am definitely learning from this mistake and I will try my hardest to get my stuff together throughout the
  17. meredith

    Getting GIFfy With It

    So this week, we were assigned to make 6 gifs to summarize an episode from The Wire. I decided to make gifs from Episode 9 “Gameday.” The episode starts off where Stringer and Barksdale are talking about Omar. They know he’s been starting his own little drug ring in their territory. But they also know

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