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  1. mhawksey

    Hello SEO: Where worlds collide

    Something I’m increasingly become aware of is SEO is not just about having the right metadata on your webpage, in fact arguably this is the least important aspect. The area I’m particularly interested in is the tools/techniques the SEO community use to gain ‘actionable insight’. In this post I highlight how some of my tools have made it into the SEO community and why this area should be on your radar.
  2. mhawksey

    Linkage: Funding, licensing, managing research data, LTI, Google Analytics cohort analysis and more


    Some stuff from last night that caught my eye (reflections follow each tweet):

    "Jisc ITT: Feasibility Study on digital repository infrastructure solutions for ‘unsupported’ digital assets"

    — Martin Hawksey (@mhawksey) July 16, 2013

    There’s also been an interesting series of posts from Brian Kelly around this area (here

  3. mhawksey

    LASI-UK: Afternoon Session – Data Visualisation [Liveblog]

    This is my first ever attempt at ‘live blogging’ and haven’t done any tidying other than cropping images. You might want to explore the LASI-UK a twitter summary by @sheilmcn  (complete #lasiuk twitter archive here) Giles Carden (University of Warwick) Good data visualisations solve real business problems Covering key components for effective data visualisation. Informed ...
  4. mhawksey

    LASI-UK: Morning Session – Working with Dialogue Data [Liveblog]

    This is my first ever attempt at ‘live blogging’ and haven’t done any tidying other than cropping images. You might want to explore the LASI-UK a twitter summary by @sheilmcn  (complete #lasiuk twitter archive here) Sheila MacNeill (JISC CETIS) Setting the scene: learning scenarios [Slides are here] Overview of learning scenarios, broad-brush, what data ...
  5. mhawksey

    [Presentation] Dabbling with Data Visualisation

    In this presentation I will demonstrate simple techniques for generating data visualisations: using tools (including MS Excel and Google Spreadsheets), drawing packages (including Illustrator and Inkscape) and software libraries (including d3.js and timeline.js). As part of this participants will be introduced to basic visual theories and the concepts of exploratory and explanatory analytics. The presentation will also highlight some of the skills required for discovering and reshaping data sources.
  6. mhawksey

    What I’ve starred this month: May 28, 2013

    Here’s some posts which have caught my attention this month: Learning analytics for open and distance education | Learning together online – May 24, 2013 Notes on Narrative Science and Automated Insights | OUseful.Info, the blog… – May 22, 2013 The last ever MOOCshow #openandonline » FOLLOWERS OF THE APOCALYPSE – May 20, 2013 ...
  7. mhawksey

    Creating a ‘full fat’ RSS feed for Google Gmail labels (enabling some dark social judo)

    In this post I want to cover three things. First I want to introduce a little app I’ve developed which allows you to create a RSS feed for any of your Gmail labels (with the option to remove certain links – useful if you don’t want others unsubscribing you from mailing lists). Secondly I explain how it was made and how you can use it yourself. Finally I want to discuss how this could be used in an open course environment, utilising the vast processing power from services like Twitter and reusing there target marketing emails to your benefit with a bit of ‘dark social judo’
  8. mhawksey

    Playing with Google Docs sidebar using Google Apps Script

    The Google Apps Script team have recently announced a host of new features. The three that caught my eye were: Script editor added to Google Docs and Forms Addition of the Forms Service which lets you programmatically manipulate forms Extending Google Docs functionality using Custom menus and user interfaces including creating custom sidebars The last ...
  9. mhawksey

    #ocTEL- an open online course recipe using WordPress

    Having recently posted the ingredients card for ocTEL I thought I flesh out some of the details and give ‘mama’s secret recipe’. Like most recipes it’s not perfect and I encourage you to try it yourself and refine where necessary. Also it’s worth remembering that even though the course is in progress the recipe is being continually ...
  10. mhawksey

    Learning Resource Metadata/Schema in action: Maths Apps Index

    One of the nice things working for CETIS is when organisations like the Association of Learning Technologists (ALT) approach you to contribute to their projects it’s often an opportunity to field test cutting edge innovation. This was the case when ALT recruited me for their Maths Apps Index project. As part of this we implemented LRMI/ resource descriptions into community generated reviews
  11. mhawksey

    What I’ve starred this month: April 28, 2013

    Here's some posts which have caught my attention this month: SFC Further and Higher Education ICT Strategy – summary and reflections – April 23, 2013 6 Free Realtime Google Analytics Dashboards | Notes – Dan Barker – April 22, 2013 Behavio Team Joins Google, Shuts Down Behavior Tracker Project – April 14, 2013 Half an ...

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