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  1. norihide miyazaki

    What visual effects can give to my works

    Honestly speaking, I have been more interseted in photo assingments than video assingments in this course. As a final project, I choose a story telling about my pictures on which I added digital effects. A story teller is from Extranormal, which offers animation characters who can speak and move according to the texts that you type. Photos ...
  2. norihide miyazaki

    You are fighting for me

    This work is for  Animated Music Video in Video Assignments. Honestly speaking, I hardly see animations. First, I decided a music. I chose I will always love you because I just wanted show my respect for the great singer. Then, I picked out scenes from Macrosss, an old animation produced in Japan, becsuse the story is basically a romance as ...
  3. norihide miyazaki

    5 kings around the world

    This work is for One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds of VideoAssignment. The hardest part of this assingnment was downloading footages. I used a download soft that  is named “free video downloader.”  I used Moviemaker for editing, but it could not recognize some file formats. People should be careful about file format because they have to do one extra process ...
  4. norihide miyazaki

    Jurassic Park in the silent era

    This work is for “Return to the Silent Era” in the videoassignment. I chose Jurassic Park because I used to be fascinated by old science fiction movies such as  The Seventh Voyage of Sindbad. Peers’ tutorial blogs were very helpful for me. Thanks to the weeklyupdate, I downloaded Videopad, an editing soft and thanks to cryptovalence, I used Incompetec ...
  5. norihide miyazaki

    One of my favorites is Deer Hunter

    These scenes are from Deer Hunter. In this scene, Michael (Robert De Niro) and Nick (Christopher Walken) are forced to play Russian roulette by Vietnamese soldiers. Michael is firm, but Nick is timid and depressed. Nick’s face is almost always shot against the light and some shades are on it. The contrast on his face is ...
  6. norihide miyazaki

    rain drops are falling on my desk

    This work is for Audio Assignments, “Imitate Some Weather.” I tried to make sound of rain drops. I just hit a ceramic cup made in China with a pen. The law buzzling noise was made by a heater also worked effectively.   1 I recorded it by an IC recorder and uploaded the MP3 file to SoundCloud. 2 Clicking “share” ...
  7. norihide miyazaki

    A fat Cat also wants a makeup

    This work is for “Fat Cats Make Art Better” in VisualAssignments. The “Posterizing” function in “Color” section in GIMP makes the fat cat like Monroe. Putting some makeup on his (or her) face by painting tool makes it funnier. First, I cut the cat’s face out of another photo and put it on a different layer from the background(=Andy’sMonroe). ...
  8. norihide miyazaki

    The War Is Over

    This work is for “Culture Clash” in DesignAssignments.     I replaced the Statue of Kim Il- song in North Korea with the Statue of Liberty. The United States is always considered as en enamy in North Korea. I wish I could see such a scene in the future. Kim Il-song is fatter than the Statue of ...
  9. norihide miyazaki

    Master Yoda has lead us over years

    This work is for “Wait, Where’d That Guy Come From?” in DesignAssignment. To create this picture, I basically used 4 layers in GIMP. The background(=painting), Yoda,a robe which a woman in front of Yoda wears and Yoda’s shadow. First, open the painting for the background. Second, cut out Yoda from a picture of Star Wars by using a tool that can selects area and put him on a new layer Third, ...
  10. norihide miyazaki

    A ordinary girl becomes a movie star

    This is for the visualassignments.It is Nomal to Extraordinary.   I tried to make her an actress in an exoric world. I used some effects on the person and the background separaetly. The contrast is empasized and the color is darkend on the background. The whole background is blurred to emphasize the person. The color in her eyes and lips are changed ...
  11. norihide miyazaki

    A girl in a park

    This photo is for the assignment for the commic book effect in the visual signments.   I think the keys were color, brightness and sharpness. Using GIMP, I played with the balance of color and brightness. The yellower it is, the more it looks like a picture in a commic book. Then, I put some filter ...
  12. norihide miyazaki

    A Blue Ocean — Switch up the Mood

    This photo is for the Visual Assignments, “Swith Up the Mood.” I used GIMP to create this photo. I took the original picture on the  beautiful beach in a tropical island. I changed the brightness, contrast and color balance by using GIMP’s filter functions. But I do not remenber how I changed them actually. Although the colors of the original photo were beautiful enough, they ...
  13. norihide miyazaki

    I found Superman in Manhattan

    I guess Superman lives there!   This photo is for the assignment of Splash the Color I used GIMP to create this photo. First, I downloaded GIMP for free and then I googled how to use GIMP. Some say using “layer function” is helpful. Layer is one function to pile many pictures as an animation movie ...
  14. norihide miyazaki

    What is Web2.0 ?

    The essential philosophy of Web 2.0 seems to be user generated contents. The position of user has changed from consumer to participant. The flow of information has gone in one direction for a long time. It has been controlled by the mainstream media organizations in the era when we have grown up. But essential change ...
  15. norihide miyazaki

    An Analog Guy Got His Own Domain

    Purchasing my own domain was not difficult. I purchased it from Hover. But after that, I thought pointing my domain to web hosting account meant transferring it. When I tried to transfer my domain to Bluehost, the following instruction popped up.   The domain was registered within the past five days with another registrar ...

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