Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 94986 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Maura Monahan

    Bonjour Blog!

    Dear Blog,Are you feeling neglected?  Perhaps you feel a little bit stuck in March?  Maybe this first post in April will put some spring in your step - even if it is hump day...Who doesn't like starting their day by actually having to wait fo...
  2. Maura Monahan

    Bonjour Blog!

    Dear Blog, Are you feeling neglected?  Perhaps you feel a little bit stuck in March?  Maybe this first post in April will put some spring in your step – even if it is hump day… Who doesn’t like starting their … Continue reading
  3. Maura Monahan

    All Aboard!

    Cue moment of nostalgia:One year ago today, I was packing for the trip of a lifetime - a one month, whirlwind tour to see the globe.  Ok, I saw multiple European countries.  Conquering the entire globe is still on my to-do list, right under "...
  4. Maura Monahan

    All Aboard!

    Cue moment of nostalgia:One year ago today, I was packing for the trip of a lifetime - a one month, whirlwind tour to see the globe.  Ok, I saw multiple European countries.  Conquering the entire globe is still on my to-do list, right under "...
  5. Maura Monahan

    All Aboard!

    Cue moment of nostalgia: One year ago today, I was packing for the trip of a lifetime – a one month, whirlwind tour to see the globe.  Ok, I saw multiple European countries.  Conquering the entire globe is still on … Continue reading
  6. Maura Monahan

    Wanna go halfsies? I do.

    So here's a fun little story:As you can imagine, college students don't exactly rush to the gym on Friday afternoons (well, except for this lean-mean-academic-machine!).  They have...other things to do...  Anyways, last Friday I went to the g...
  7. Maura Monahan

    Wanna go halfsies? I do.

    So here's a fun little story:As you can imagine, college students don't exactly rush to the gym on Friday afternoons (well, except for this lean-mean-academic-machine!).  They have...other things to do...  Anyways, last Friday I went to the g...
  8. Maura Monahan

    Wanna go halfsies? I do.

    So here’s a fun little story: As you can imagine, college students don’t exactly rush to the gym on Friday afternoons (well, except for this lean-mean-academic-machine!).  They have…other things to do…  Anyways, last Friday I went to the gym after … Continue reading
  9. Maura Monahan

    Sweet Dreams

    Most of my posts are the result of thoughts that swirl in my head for a few days, all with a common theme, that I eventually organize into one (somewhat) cohesive entry.  This one has been working its way through my brain waves for months now thou...
  10. Maura Monahan

    Sweet Dreams

    Most of my posts are the result of thoughts that swirl in my head for a few days, all with a common theme, that I eventually organize into one (somewhat) cohesive entry.  This one has been working its way through my brain waves for months now thou...
  11. Maura Monahan

    Sweet Dreams

    Most of my posts are the result of thoughts that swirl in my head for a few days, all with a common theme, that I eventually organize into one (somewhat) cohesive entry.  This one has been working its way through … Continue reading
  12. Maura Monahan


    "meow" goes the scaredy-cat.Guess what world, I have a comedy-buddy. His name is Chris and together we are working our way through a book called The Comedy Bible. One of the first activities in the book was about dealing with fear. We were instructe...
  13. Maura Monahan


    “meow” goes the scaredy-cat. Guess what world, I have a comedy-buddy. His name is Chris and together we are working our way through a book called The Comedy Bible. One of the first activities in the book was about dealing … Continue reading
  14. Maura Monahan

    Groundhog Day

    Meet Abbey: - ain't she cute!If you couldn't tell from that picture, Abbey is a morning person.Meet Maura:- ain't she...If you couldn't tell from that picture, Maura is not a morning person.(Maura is also done writing in third person.)Oh you morning pe...
  15. Maura Monahan

    Groundhog Day

      Meet Abbey: - ain’t she cute! If you couldn’t tell from that picture, Abbey is a morning person. Meet Maura: - ain’t she… If you couldn’t tell from that picture, Maura is not a morning person. (Maura is also … Continue reading
  16. Maura Monahan

    Happy B-Day!

    The “B” stands for Bridget. Happy Birthday Bridget! I am really excited to celebrate your birthday and all, but don’t you think it’s a bit more important this year that we celebrate our 15th year of friendship? The 15th year … Continue reading
  17. Maura Monahan

    Math Love

    I love math. I really do. What I can never understand is why so many people hear the word “mathematics” and make a face of absolute disgust. Math is the controlled art of problem-solving. Yes. I said art. But I … Continue reading
  18. Maura Monahan


    It seems like every toddler’s favorite question is “Why?” When I babysit small children I often feel like I am being interrogated. Why are you here? Because Mommy and Daddy are going out for a little bit. Why are they … Continue reading
  19. Maura Monahan

    C’est progrès!

    This semester, French has become a class I actually do not dread going to in the afternoon. Why? Most likely it is because my French teacher is awesome. She is a retired high school language teacher with a southern accent … Continue reading
  20. Maura Monahan

    Class Act

    Today was the first day of classes for spring semester.Just about three and a half months until final exams!A new semester is like a fresh start.My roommate overheard two people in the library today and their conversation sounded something like … Continue reading
  21. Maura Monahan

    Bloggy Blog Blog

    I’ve gone back and forth about starting another blog.Last year I kept my first blog ever to receive “Experiential Learning” credit for school as I studied abroad.It was a good way to keep friends and family updated on what I … Continue reading

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