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  1. mrbyrnside

    DS106 Assignment C: What’s The Meme?

    For my third DS 106 assignment I decided to create a meme under the assignment “What’s The Meme?” Using Pixlr I cropped a picture from my personal library of two of my friends (with their permission of course) and added the text. The meme is in reference to Halo 4, a video game that we... Read more.
  2. mrbyrnside

    The Way It Should’ve Been

    So for our DS106 assignment 2, I went with a FanFic assignment entitled, “The Way It Should Have Been,” where we were supposed to take a scene from a movie or book that we like and change it. I actually chose a scene from a recent episode of Sons of Anarchy. I know that’s a... Read more.
  3. mrbyrnside


    Thurs. 9/6: Today I started my “This I Believe” essay. I felt like it was imperative to start the essay first to try and get my ideas down on “paper.” I found, as I started writing, that ideas would start popping into my head on what to do for possible video ideas. Ie- pictures and... Read more.

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